Request 491 - Personnel/Testing & Recruitment r-- 1. AGENCY Cit of Miami Be 4. ADDRESS (8....t. CIty, ancI 2. DIVISION Personnel If! STATE OF FlORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE D1v1elon of Utnry and Information Servlcn Form LS5Et07R7-88 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST 1700 Convention Center Drive, (I') . UJI-'~ :..~,-: ~~ .:;:1 (-,.- i,IJOC I..') ......,"'...d'O ." - 0: wu..d UOU \OU::;)w- a: <c.0:: W,O TO: ) Department of Stete "). Bureau of Records and i:h Information Management Mall Station SA ~ The Capitol ~ Tallaha...., FL 32399-D250 .. NOTICE OF INTEtrnON: The .cheduIed rMCIIds lI.ted In lIem 8 a,. to be dllpOHd of In the manner cheoUd below: . Ui L DMtructIon [1 b. Microfilming ancI Destruction o c. Oilier _. ~ 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby C*tItythat tllerecanl. to be cllpOHd o' .,.corNCtly ~ below. UIet any Iudlt,............... for the recanIs haw been 'ully J- _Yip[if._.10II I. noe.-.quIrM'or any lI.tJptIOII pending orl~ / J, L: . .. '/ 4./ 2. l J 93 &:ligna.... / '. us-. . T.C. Adderlv. P~rsonnel . Type N..... Met TlUe co L UST OF RECORD SERIES do R......1on (DIII.1on .... only) g. DMtIuctlon . ActIon end Date I Completed Afte, , AppIanA L ~ Schedule No. b. Item No. c. Title r-- BC-1R2 3~ Correspondence (Routine) - to unsolicited resumes and inquires. ~ VI-ffBt 7' ~ 1989 2 resumes of those not hired. ~VI~ The ending date has been changed ;., l l - ~ order to meet retention requlreme ~Jre~ Item lined out because l'8tenllon quhmenIa... -....mIL _ /Jlld)qs ~d)JL fe~~~ ,?V\ 0-~6 . ;: ;t1~ · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E108. 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above lI.ted record. h_ ..... DI.posal '0' above listed records Is authorlzttd.. Any deletions or dlspoaed of In the men..., and on the d... shown In column Go modifications e,. Indicated. ,,--. Aj.[).lJv ~MAY 2 5 1993 BIg......,. Da" Adam J. Gross. Senior Examination OffirPT Type Name .nd Title Dlrwctor. Dlvlalon of library and Infonna1lon SatYlcea Dete Witness r ~ r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: Adam Gross Senior Examination Officer DATE: June 9, 1993 FROM: Natalie L. Tooks 'f~ Assistant City Clerk SUBJECT: RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Enclosed is your Records Destruction Request Form Number 491 which has been authorized for disposal by the State. (Please observe the comments marked on the form by the State.) After the records have been disposed of, please indicate the date and manner in which they were disposed of in column "g" and sign the disposal certificate (box 10) and forward the original back to this department. Thanks for your cooperation. REB:NLT:nt