Request 492 - City ManagerSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library ~n~ Information Sewlce- Form LSSE107R7~6 1. AQENCY 4. ADDRESS(Stmct, Clly, sndZI l?O0 Convent±on 3. BUR-~E_A~ ~~CORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST / /I DIVISlO. I ] / I City Manager's Offic~I ) ~ ' 5. CONTACT (Nmtte & Telephone NumbM) _~nter Dr±ye ~y ~i~e~ (305)673-~010 TO: Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The s~heduled IIcMde listed in Item 8 ire to 'be dlllx)aed of In the alimet checked W: [~ a. Deltn~tlon ~] b. Mlcrctilmingend Deatnlction i-I c. om~ 7. SUBMITrED BY: I h~by certify that the regord$ lo be disposed o; ~ c~;¥ repe~enled I~ow, that anjpm~it requbemacta for the records h~; ~..,,,..nX'/~~ t.,,,r.~io, p .ct ,.~ui,.d ~o, .n~ II, g.tlon ~on~t.g o,t..,n.~.~//// / /... U ~ 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Schedule No. BC-1R~ BC-1R~ BC-1R~ BC-1R~ BC-1R~ BC-1R~ BC-1R2 bo Item No. ]15 ~ 40~ 121 ~ 3b 4~ 31~ 36 6L Title Resolution/Ordinance Backup Files (RWP backup) Desk Calendars & Appointment Books Telephone Messages Administrative Convenience Records Admihistrative Support Records Complaints Correspondence )/~', Tlttending date has been chang or~M to meM retention requiremi · NOTE': FOR CONTINUATION USE Form/~;F106 · 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION DlIp~ael for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications sm indicated. Dete ~ in ~qtS. e. Destruction Inctullw In Action ii1(I Date Dates Cubic FNt Ceml~ct~l Aher~ 12 10/87-8/9, .5 6/91-9/92 2 3/89-10/91 2 10/87-10/9( 1 1/85-9/90 .5 2 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE T~ above Ilstjl~ records/~ilv~ Slgontum/% Date /~fitnees