Request 493 - Police/Evidence & Property Unit \1"'1 ..--. 1. AGENCY City Of Miami Bea 4. ADDRESS (St....t. City. Ind 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl. 33139 2. DIVISION Police NO. #3 PAGE -L OF -1- PAGES STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library and Information Services Forit; LS5E107R7-86 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Unit t"t) ,t:) d;: TO: Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399.0250 5. CONTACT (Nlme" Telephone Number) Natalie Tooks (305) 673-7411 Edwin Youn 305 672-7960 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled rllCords listed in Item 8 are to be disposed of In the mlnner checked below: ~ I. Destruction 0 b. Microfilming Ind Destruction o c. OttMr v> . l..IJ}~ ~~.~ (:H;..,).t~ .,.J,{.:C(l) ::",~~.;(,',f,,::1. ~:40g ,~~;~ ::::;)UJ ",".!l"" ~"".l,.. c:\.~ 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify thlt the records to be disposed 01 Ire correctly represented below. thlt Iny ludlt requirements for the records hive been fully justified. Ind hit rther re tlon Is not required for Iny IItlgltlon pending or Immlne d. Retention (Division use only) In Cubic Feet g. Deetructlon Action Ind Date Completed After Approvel m a\JTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES W;.1 .t-..... ..... i~t'2: ....... ::> ",..." 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES I. ~ Schedule No. b. Item No. U>7J/4 1/1/88 to 12/31/89 18.0 CU. T. Rec'f.LE lol2al~ r- BC-2R 68 EVIDENCE PROCESSING RECORDS to (j) Ak9lE '. --- J--~l4- /..-t~f;./) ~U\ SItu. f; "DuI-.e- 'EX I ~ -r; :t:"-('~ (),v ~~~ llS> S&tt'Du J-C:. I) ,~ €:.s... f4. ~U f(r--"'C€t>&:~,o ~~t7. ,-- e NOTE': FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LS5E108 e 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The lbove listed records hive been DlspoSlllor lbove listed records is luthorize~.:r,:' .I~ ''l.7~.:f;' j dispose olin the manner Ind on the dlte shown In column g. modlflcltlons Ire Indlclted. I ~A;! f/.~)....~. "., i, ! ; If"" ..<::~ ) ~~ u...~~~ - g~f?jZ:';4[j1_'J Director, Division 01 Library D.ate'J_ and Information Services ,~ ; .: l,;, OR ,r-- '( r ., CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: Edwin Young Records Management Liaison Natalie L. Tooks ~ Assistant City Clerk October 19, 1993 FROM: SUBJECT: RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Enclosed is your Records Destruction Request Form Number 493 which has been authorized for disposal by the State. (Please observe the comments marked on the form by the State.) After the records have been disposed of, please indicate the date and manner in which they were disposed of in column "g" and sign the disposal certificate (box 10) and forward the original back to this department. Thanks for your cooperation. REB:NLT:nt