Request 497 - Code Compliance/Building Department STATE OF FLORIDA D£PARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library and .EC RDS DISPOSITION REQUEST NO. Information Services ~ ~1~'~ , ! } I ] Form LSi~E107R4-93 -- PAGE I OF / PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREA CITY OF HIAMI ~ CODE COMPLIANCE SECTION BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) 17OO CONVENTION CENTER DR. JOSE DAHIEN 305-673-7555 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 NATALIE TOOKS 305-673-7411 6. SUBMITTED BY: I herebyA=ertify that the records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are correctly r~p~w, that any audit requirements for the records have~n fully j~j~ified, and that further retention is not Florida Department of State required fo~n~t~ga~t~Ypending or imminent. / / MaiiBureaUstation°f ArchiveSgA and Records Management~~/~/~~/~/;TJ'"//'~/~ ~- The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 J S DAMIEN~ ~A_C__T_I_NG.._C_0.D_E_COMPLIANCE 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW OTICE OF INTENTION (FOR DIVISION USE ON/. Y) The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the  manner checked below (specify only one}: TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW [ ~ /( X a. Destruction ~ b. Microfilming and Destruction ARCHIVIST REVIEW c. Other 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. Retention ~- Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title {Division Inclusive in Action and Date No. No. use Only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization BC-1R~- 30( ) CODE VIOLATION CASE FILES 10/O1/89 thru 304 lJ~ LOT CLEARANCE ~'~F..[~J; 10/O1/89 thru / ~/~/~ ~ , ~/~ 09/30/90 1 . 5 BC-5 55 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORTS 10/O1/89 thru ~-~ 09/30/90 3.0 370 2.~ CERTIFICATE OF USE 10/O1/89 1.5 ~JPL!CATE gILLS ~/~ 09/30/90 ' NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONLY) 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposF'l~'~f, in the manner and on the date shown in column g.  S gnature ~_, Name and T~fle / Director, Division of Library Date -~W~ ~ ~~ and Information Services ' NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.