Request 505 - Revenue/Utility BillingSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library ~ncl Inform&tlon Services Form LSSE107RT-86 e. ' b. Schedule Item No. No. BC1 78 BC1 126 mo~fl~#ono ore Indicated. 1. AGENCY J 2. DIVISION CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I REVENUE 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, end Zip Code) 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MTAMT BF, AC}I FL 33139 TO: RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST 3. SURF. AU UTILITY S. CONTACT (Nlmo & Telephone Number) NO. y PAGE i OF 1 PAGES BILLING 67374 673-74 RICHARD BROWN, CITY CLERK (305) BOB KING, UTB SUPERVISOR 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item S are to be dllposod of In the manner checked below: ~[~ a. Destruction ~-~ b. Mk:fofllming and DoatflJCtJOfl [] c. Oth~ ., - -.-~/ 7. SUBMI1TED BY: I hereby corflly that the reco/rda t~oo disposed of are co~Tec~y Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mai~ Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES represented below, that any eudlt requirements for tho records hove boon tully justified, end that further retention is not required for any litigation p~ndlng 011194 _ S~&ture ' Date Rt")R T~TM~_ TT~'R qTTI:)lq'I~T?T~,mT~ TYpo Nam® end'Tltl®- LIST OF RECORD SERIES /1~~ <~"~j ~.~1~ ~.~ d. f. g. Title WATER METER SERVICE ORDERS (WORK ORDERS: MAINTENANCE UTILITY CUSTOMER RECORDS · NOTE:: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LOSE108 · Retm11 (Dlvioi use or Inclusive Dotes 1011/89- 9~30/90 10/1/89- 9/30/90 Volume In Cubic Foot 4.5 99.5 Destruction Action and Date Completed After 9. DISPOSA AUTHORIZATION OlspousI for above Betod records is authorized. Any deletions or _OCT ! 7 1094 Date 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE Tho above listed records have boon disposed of in tho ~qla~Dnor end on the dote shown in column g. , ,!,oh Sl~lnature / Date BOB KING UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR Type ~Nlme end Tithe,/ ~ Witness"' ~" F