Request 511 - Police/Evidence & Property Unit RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST ~.I f ' -u--w ':&. {.J _ (h '-( I u Dc) d 2. DMSION '3., BUREAU Pol ice Evidence & Proper.ty Unit 5. CONTACT (Nam. II. TeI.phone Number) Edwin Young (305) 673-7960 ~~,,~O 'Bi4vJN Cl ~ b"'3-1~1 6. SUBMITTED BY: I her.by . thlat the recorda to be d.p08ed of' .... correc1ly r.pr...nted below. th8t any audit requir.m.nta for the recorda have been f1JJy justified. and thlat fwther ret.ntion is not r~uired for any litiga . p.nding or imminent. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1)Nielol'l01 Ubrary 8nd .. tr;tormetioft s.rv_ 'Form L66E1 07M-13 :.:. AGENCY . , City of Miami Beach \ 'i"""""')DRESS (Str..t, City, and Zip Coda) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl. 33139 SUBMIT TO: Rorida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399=:0250 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES II. RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW (FOR DNISION USE ONL VI TECHNICIAN REVIEW A~AL YST ~EV!EW ARCHIVIST REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW NO.~" PAGE 1 OF ..L. GES 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION . ,The acheduled recorda listed in It.m 9 are to be disp08ed of in the menner checked below laDecifv only one): .l,;. e. ~estruction _ b. Microfilming end Destruction c. Other d. Retention IDivision use Only) g. Dispoaition Action end Date Completed After Authorization 9. UST OF RECORD SERIES .... :." a. Schedule No. b. Item No. c. TItI. :.0 68 EVIDENCE PROCESSING RECORDS 68 EVIDENCE PROCESSING RECORDS R=.~'... t;';'" . - ...... . .j)' ........',' , .' "IIi41L.;...,., .-' CITY CLE,,\j~'~- ~f-b~, i : JAN 0 9 1995 ~y. . .. ,jlime_ f. Volume in Cubic Feet .. Inclusive Det.. C;fJ (j)AY.r + IJUO(( 1/1/90 to 12.0 CU. T. 12/31/90 1/1/91 to 12.0 CU. FT. 12/31/91 ~~~ ~1.y'9S ... . NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LS6E108. 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION IFOR DNISION USE ONL VI Disposel for the ebove listed recorda is authorized. Any deletiorw or modificetiorw ere indicated. r- ') ~.oJJv ~ MAR 0 2 1995 Dr~.DNiaionofU~e~ end Informetion Servic.. Data 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The ebove listed records have been disposed of il) th..-nen af)16 on~ date shown in column g. NOTE: Upon disp08ttion retain this form for yaw recorda. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE . Divi8ion 01 U......y IInd ~1onftation llervicee '.,:rm L86E107R4-83 'Ii NO. .s1D PAGE 1 OF 1 RECORDS DISPOf;ITION REQUEST t'T1 L.<f ~ (\1 L( 7 tJ clcJ d 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU Police Evidence & Property Unit , " "I.. AGENCY . City of Miami Beach \ --- JDRESS (S...t. City, and Zip Coda) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl. 33139 SUBMIT TO: Florida Departmant of State Buraau of Archivas and Racords Managemant Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassae. FL 32399,.0250 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES &; RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW (FOR DIVISION USE ONL VI TECHNICIAN REVIEW A!'.!.~L YST REV!EW ARCHIVIST REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW a. b. Schedule Item No. No., ."--- ; 68 68 GES 5. CONTACT (Name &; Telephone Number) Edwin Young (305) 673-7960 ~c.","~O 1SRovJN t,l C1J,v((.. t,1-3-t41 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby that the records to be diSposed of are correc1ly repr..ented below. that any audit requirements for the records have been Nly j..tified. and that further retention is not r'!<<luired for any Iltiga. pend~ or imminent. 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION The scheduled records listed in hem 9 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (sDecifv only one): J.. e, ~eI!~ucticm _ b, Microfiming end O...uction c. Other d. Retention (Division ..e Only) 9. UST OF RECORD SERIES ,." :." c. TItle Rt~!"'" - .." ~L .,.J CITY CLEr\~'..;. u;ili~l, i . JAN 0 9 1995 iJy~ ,rnnie_ e. IncI..ive Datea f. g. Volume Disposition in Action and Date Cubic F..t Completed After Authorization C"lJ (LJAY.r + Au.o(( 1/1/90 to 12.0 CU. T. 12/31/90 1/1/91 to 12.0 CU. FT. 12/31/91 EVIDENCE PROCESSING RECORDS ,.,~~~,""P?~~ ,,~\.f' ~_--'-rj ';.\ ",lO'.j v-'-~ EVIDENCE PROCESSING W~~A'~ \,.-1. elf' (:,.' ... fJ o \) ~ \<j<?) st\ 'o1~ l' ((\e""---- · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LS5E108 · 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y) I Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or l m~tions.e indicated. ) ~~MAR021995 I Dir~.DivisionofU~a~ and Information Services Date 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of it) th....anner aOl!lo~ date shown in column g. stnT~- " Date Name and Tide WltlW8s . . NOTE: Upon disposition reteln this farm for yow records. ....B.I...lI...I...I.:.~,)N,...,....,..,..",...,',:,'.,..,n,....,..,.,::...,:,.,.:,.,...,I~M..:::.Ftbtidin~piB~fitbfSti1t~ . -....................'.....';.....;.:.:<:::::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::;:;::::.:::.::::::::;::::-::,...::;::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::>.::::::::;::::::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;::;::;:.:::;::::::::::::: ,-.- FROM: Records Mana~e ent Liaison Officers Jim Berberic hief Bureau of Arc ives and Records Management TO: DATE: October 25, 1993 SUBJECT: SCHEDULING AND DISPOSITION PROCEDURAL CHANGES The records management program of the Bureau of Archives and Records Management has implemented a new computer system, which will result in more efficient records management services for the Bureau and for the public agencies we serve. Preparing for the implementation of this new system has prompted a review and revision of our scheduling and disposition procedures and,we wanted to make you aware of some of these changes. The following is a list of procedures that have been implemented. 1. We will place a new emphasis on the use of the current 105 and 107 forms. The current forms are LSSE 10SR4-93 and LSSE 107R4-93. Any older forms should be discarded or used for scratch paper. One of each of the current forms is enclosed. You may photocopy these or contact our records management office for additional forms. r' 2. When reviewing lOSs, we will be standardizing record series titles and eliminating\sub-series titles in an effort to make the titles more meaningful and useful. In the future, a record series item will consist of only the "a) record (master) copy" and the "b) duplicate" with no additional sub-items. 3. One-time disposals on the 105 form will be discontinued. For one-time disposals, you must submit a 105 form to schedule the records and a 107 form to dispose of the records, just as with other disposals. 4. Duplicate records with a retention of "obsolete, superseded or administrative value is lost" are no longer required to be submitted on a Records Disposition Request prior to disposal. Knowledge of disposal eligibility of these duplicate records is the responsibility of the Agency. 5. When completing the 107 form: a. Block 8 (Notice of Intention) must have only one intention marked. Submit a separate 107 for each type of intention. b. Block 9A (Schedule No.) must reference a current schedule. The use of superseded schedules will no longer be accepted. c. Block 9b (Item No.) must reference the complete item number including, when applicable, the letter of the item (usually -a- for -record (master) copy- or -b- for.-duplicate-). r- d. Block ge (Inclusive Dates) must include a beginning and an ending date. "Day one" or a given date "and prior" will no longer be accepted. (Over) .. 6. When lOSs and 107s are returne~ to you with corrections or amendments, a ~ computer generated report indicating the changes and actions taken will be attached. This is to inform you of the changes so that you may incorporate them into future requests. 7. When revising general schedules, items will no longer be renumbered and schedule numbers will not contain an -R- to indicate the revision. Instead, new items will be added starting with the next available number and a date will be included on the front of the schedule to indicate the date of the revision. An alphabetic list of items will be included for easy reference. This is being done in response to requests from several agencies. This is an extensive list of changes which should make the records scheduling and disposition process easier and more efficient for all of us. To fully implement the changes and make this work, we need your help. Please review these procedures carefully and follow them when submitting lOSs and 107~. If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please contact our records management staff at (904) 487-2180 or Suncom 277-2180. Thank you in advance for your assistance. ~, -.." ST ATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST NO. r , Division of Library and Information Services PAGE 1 OF PAGES Form lS6El07R4-93 - 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Codel 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are correctly represented below. that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified, and that further retention is not Florida Department of State required for any litigation pending or imminent. Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Signature Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Name and Title 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL YI The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one): TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW - a. Destruction - b. Microfilming and Destruction ARCHIVIST REVIEW c. Other SUPERVISOR REVIEW - 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title (Division Inclusive in Action and Date .r-- No. No. use Only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed After I Authorization * NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LS5E108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL YI 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. modifications are indicated.' r Signature Date Name and Title Director. Division of Library Date and Information Services Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records. r , STATE OF FLORIDA . DEPARTMENT OF STATE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST . . Division of Library and NO. Information Services Form LS6El07R4-93 PAGE 1 OF - PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU 4. ADDRESS (Street. City. and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are correctly represented below. that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified. and that further retention is not Florida Department of State required for any litigation pending or imminent. Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Signatu"e Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Name and Title 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y) The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify onlv one): TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW - a. Destruction - b. Microfilming and Destruction ARCHIVIST REVIEW c. Other SUPERVISOR REVIEW - 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title (Division Inclusive in Action and Date r-- No. No. use Only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization * NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LS5E108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZA nON (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y) 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. modifications are indicated.' Signature Date Name and Title Director. Division of Library Date and Information Services Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records. STATE OF FLORIDA , " DEPARTMENT OF STATE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST Divilion of library and NO. Information Servic. (CONTINUED) Form LS6E10BR4-93 PAGE - OF - PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU , 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title (Division Inclusive in Action and DlIIte No. No. use Only I DlIItes Cubic Feet Completed After Authorizllltion "- - . . STATE OF FLORIDA . ( '. DEPARTMENT OF STATE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST NO. Division of Ubrary and Information Servicee (CONTINUED) PAGE OF PAGES Form LS6El0BR4.93 - - 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU , 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title IDivision Inclusive in Action and Date No. No. use Only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization .... -