Request 517 - Mayor & CommissionSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Omvm~on of L~brarv ~ FMm LSSE107R4-93 1. AGENCY RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST · NO. ~ I-7 · I 2. DIVISION I :3. BUREAU Mayor ~ Commission 0{lice 4. ADDRESS (Street. City, and Zip Code) ,~ ,~ ..~. I S. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Numbor) I ~ B~.~ch, FL 3~139 ~&~,.~:.,.. - Ch~,~ z~/~ 305 -7030 C~-~' C'~ ~-' ~ ,~,(',C~ [ 6. SUBMIT'~ BY.'. I hereby cenify~ha~ the records to be disposec SUBMIT'FO: 5~C'? ~ ~ '~" I arec-- reprelentedbelow, ti~ yeuditreqtlil' ntsforth Florida Department of State --~- I r~jqu~r' ~ll~l~_ litigltion pending o[/mm~l~r Bureau of Archives and Records ~J~a:[lage~ent I V ~r I ~ Mail Station 9A '. _~---~ I/~ ~ '/~ ~ The Capitol -~\r~,e~ I' s · Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ' I/' e~,Z~,/. ~,m~ _ 9-~-9~ ~-~ 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAG~AE]~rl', R.~/IE~%' ~:E OF INTENT1;N ' /~ ~'~-~' ~ (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y} I Yhe scheduled records li~ted em 9 sm to be disposed of in the TEc..,C,A..EV,EW. £/2 ~'~//~_~ ..n.. ch.~ed b.ow (.pee.y o.y onel: ANALYST REVIEW ~_. a. Des~'uction -- b. Microfilming end Destruction ARCHIVIST REVIEW o. Other SUPERVISOR REVIEW 9. UST OF RECORD SERIES Schedule No. BCl bo Item No. 108 A 40 121 4A 40 121 R~ding ({0~J.e~ M~0r Alex TRlephone Logs (former M~yor Alex Dao~d's de Retention (Divicion u~e Onlyl /¢ Admini~CLv~ $~ppor~ Fil~s (~o~uner Commissioner Abe R~'S f~) I c~~ - // T~ephone Logs I (~o~ Com~n~ Abe R~ck's [~) · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 * Indulive Dates 1989-1991 1986-1990 1988-1990 1991-9/9£ ~ 9/9~ Velume Cubic Feet '6.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 Diipositic Action and,,.[ Completed; Authorizati 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y) Disposal for the above listed records i~ authorized. Any deletions or modifications ere indicated. - 8EP2 ! 1995 Director, Division of Library and Information Services 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have bern diiposed of in the manner end on the date shown in column g. Signature Date ^ Name and Tide NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.