Request 518 - Mayor & CommissionSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Fo.n LSSE107R4-O3 1. AGENCY 4. ADDRESS (Street. City. and Zip Code) RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST INO. ~'~' PAGE I OF' I 2. DIVISION- I 3. BUREAU Mayor ~ ¢o~mi~sion 0ffice S. CONTACT (Name & Tdephone Number) ~ S~, FL 33139 '~ :~ ~,~-~, ~, ~ ~.~..~'~ SUBMIT TO: ~ Rorida Deponent of Stye ~¢ '~ ~ ~*~ Bureau of Archives ~d Records Manage~t~ Mail Sta~on 9A ~- .... The Capitol ~'~ ~' ~ Tallahassae, ~ 3~99-0250 ~~ 7. =~URE/tU OF ,".~CHI%~S ~ RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW (FOR O/V/SmN USE ONL Y} TECHNICIAN REVIEW . ~/ ~'~//~/'/¢'J* ANALYST REVIEW ARCHIVIST REVIEW Ch~.Ju~l M~z~JL 305-673-7030 6. SUBMITTED Jecmre~lyr SUPERVISOR REVIEW PAG hereby certify tlmt the record, to be dbpose. any audit requirements for th is not Date Nlnte 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION The scheduled records mann~ c~m~:kod bdow. 9 are to be diepoeed of in the .~ e. De. lnmtton b. Microfiming -,nd Desm~ion 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIEB Schedule No. Be I Item No. 4A 36 A 81 A · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSEE108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONLY} Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. Director, Division of Library and Information Services Date Retemi.n (Divbion me Only) Indtmive Dete~ ~99I-9/92 fe Vdume in Cub~ F~Bt .9.0 Dbpositio,' Action and Completed Authorizat~c 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: TI~ above Ibtod records imve been dbpoand of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Signature Date Name end T~de NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.