Request 519 - Revenue/Utility Billing-~ oE~s'*~;[Ec~7~[,&.~%( I RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST No. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH J ~]~]ZI~,f'E~ 'i~ J UTILITY BILLING . /3, · DRESS (S,,eet City end Zip Code) % ~ ". '~ ~' ~"'g' CONTACT (Name & Telephene Number) JJ 4 AD ' ' __ ~-~i~7-: / 'JACK LUBIN, CITY CLERK (305) 673-741]~¥.,'~'~.-~ 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE C.~ GL:- ,~..~- , ZTA~I SEAC~ FL 33139 ~ ~ ~.%~3SOB KING, UT~ SUPERVISOR (305) 673-7~J~-I~/1~ ~ r' ~ ; '-' ' s~ susa,,, ~o s¥: ~ hereby ce,tify that the reco,ds to be ali, posed ~,f MU ~'lJT TO: "' ?_~r,.l~correcd¥ represented below, that en)fl~au~t requirements for the _ S ,. ,~,,_~ records here bee. fully i,,stined., e-~ t~tWrther fete.tic, is .ct · e ~ r ' ed for any lit'g tion pen ~' nt -Ca-itol Signature ROBE~ J.N~CH~lqGER, DI! Tho ~ 0 ' ' Tallahassee, FL 32399-025 BOB KING. UTB. ~UP~RVI.qOE Name and Tide f ~" ¢" " N 7. BUREAU OF CHIVES & RECORDS NIANAgEIVlENT REVIEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTIO J AR The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the j manner checked below {specify only one): (FO/? DIVISION USE ONL Y) ~iC,AN ~V,E,Vq O . ~ IJJ~_lJ(~'- .~ .. DesUuction b. Mic,of~ming and Oes~uction ANALYST REVIEW ARCHIVIST REVIEW -- c. O~her S UPSRVISOR R~IEW Schedule No. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Item No. BC1 BCI 78 126 Co Tide WATER METER SERVICE SERVICE ORDERS (WORK ORDERS: MAINTENANCE~ UTILITY CUSTOMER RECORDS NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 ° 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONLY) Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. NOV ? 1 lgg5 Director, Division of Library and Information Services do Retention (Division use Only) Date eo Inclusive Dates 10101/90- 09/30/92 10/01/90- 09/30/92 Volume in Cubic Feet 9.0 199.0 Disposition Action and Date Completed After Authorization 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Name ~and Title F Witness / NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records,