Request 521 - Code Compliance/Building Department J----STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division ol Ubrm'y and Infofmatmn Service~ Form L$SE107R4-93 1. A(~Ncy CITY OF MIAMI RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST .o. PAGE 1 OF BEACH 2. DIVISION CODE COMPLIANCE 3. BUREAU BUILDING DEPARTMENT PAGES 4. ADDRESS(S=eet, City, andZipCode} 1680 MICHIGAN AVENUE MIAMI BEACH FL 33139 SUITE 701 SUBMIT TO: Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee. FL 32399-0250 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y} TECH.,C,A. REV,,w ,,.,,.¥s-r ARCHIVIST REVIEW ~ tt'~,--~ SUPERVISOR REVIEW eD Schedule No. BC t BC 1 bo Item No. 152 85 Tide Code Violation Cases Inspectors Daily Reports Occupational Licenses 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) JOSE DAMIEN 305 673 7555 JACK LUBIN 305 673 7411 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correcdy repres~w~jd~ below, that any audit requirements for the records h~ve b/~-~'fully~l~Jstified, and that further retention is not required ~r a ~tig~_ ¢ pending or imminent. / / The scheduled records listed ~em D are to be disposed ~ f ' th m~ecked below (speci~o~ne}: / ~ a. Des~uction ~ b. Microfilming and Des~uction c. Other 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES * NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR D/V/SION USE ONLY} Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or DEC 1 9 1995 Date Director. Division of Library and Information Services do Retention (Division use Only) Inclusive Dates 9/30/90 9/30/92 1989 1991 1992 1990 Volume in Cubic Feet 75 0 1 5 10,5 Disposition Action end Date Completed After Authorization NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records. 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. ~ / Signature Date Name and Tide ~ Witness