Request 524 - Housing & Community DevelopmentSTATE OF FLOPJDA OEpARTMENT OF STATE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST I Bousing an~ ~ommunity I PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGEs 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3, BUREAU .m~t;Y' of Miam~ Beach n .... 1 ..... 4. ADDRESS (Street. City. and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number] 1700 Convention Center .Drive Miguell Del Campillo Jack Lubin ( 305 ) 673-7260 673-7411 ~3rd. F~oor_ z~ ~eacm, FL 33139 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be di{pos~ of SUBMIT TO: are correcdy represented below, that any audit requiremen~ for records have been fully justified, and that further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. / Florida Department of State MaiIBureau°fArchivesandRec°rdsManagementstation 9A ~T~--' ~~ ~'/ ~ The Capitol ~ate Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Shirley ~aylor-P~elt ~C~ Director INTEN~' 7. BUR~U OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT R~IEW 8. NOTICE OF (FOR DIWS/ON USE ONL~ The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in ANALYST R~IEW f~. ~ ,. Des~uction -- b. Microf,mi.~ and Des~uction . d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposi~n Schedule Item Tide (Division Inclusive in Ac~on and Date No. No, use O~y) Dates Cubic Feet Completed A~er A~or~a~n BCI 54 ProjeCt Files: Federal ~C~J 3~ 10/0~/85- 5.33 ' NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 ' 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL ~ 1 I~SpoSA[ CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disp~ed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. / -~AR 1 8 ~ Director. Division of Library Date /~ ~/ ~ ~ and Information So,ices · NOTE: Upon disposition re~ain this form for your records.