Request 526 - Finance Payroll/Records ManagementSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library and Information Service~l Form LSSE107R4-93 Schedule No. BC-. RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST .o. PAGE I OF 1 PAGES 1. AGENCY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 4. ADDRESS {Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Z. DIVISION 3. BUREAU FINANCE/PAYROLL RECORDS ~lkNAGEMENT C'.~, t .... t 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number} EMMA COVINGTON (305) 673-7431 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby cer~y'.l[hat the rec_ords to be disposed of < ~ 7 ' '] are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the SUBMIT TO: ~'-';~ *'~" ' ':1 records have b~j~fulJ~/justified,-~'nd that further retention is not Florida Department of State ' ' / refluired/~ny~litJgJf[i°n pending or imminent. Bureau of Archives and Records Management ~-I~ I//" ~ Mail Station 9A ~ ~ ~--~ I ~ ~/~ 'X,. · 3 - 13 - 9 6 The Capitol .~t~- Signature Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW rFOR DIVISION USE ONI. TEC..,C,A. REV,EW ANALYST REVIEW "'~.-'~ ARCHIVIST REVIEW PERv,so, . ,EW ROBERT J. NACHLINGER, FINANCE DIRECT(~9~A / 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION manner checked below {specify only one): _.[ e. Destruction -- b. Microfilming and Destruction c. Other 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Item No. -t-7-3a Tide Payroll Records: Payroll Registers, Payroll reports, Leave Settlement~ Labor Distributions Payroll Records: Deduction Author/z; tions (Unions, Credit Union, Savings Bonds) W-4's W-2's do Retention {Division use Only} Attendance Records (Time Cards, eo Inclusive Dates 10-1-77 to 9-30-90 10-1-77 to 9-30-92 10-1-71 tc 10-1-73 to 9-30-90 10-1-87 to fo Volume Cubic Feet 106 10 go Disposition Action and Date Completed After Authorization ~Ll /~q~- Time Input Sheets) ~ ~ 9-30-92 32 °C-I 1oc~ Unemployment Compensation Records _ 10-1-87 to 2 .... (State Quarterly Report) . ~ 9-30-92 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION {FOR DIVISION USE ONL~ 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The ab~~ccrds have been Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposed of in the manner and on the date~wn in column modifications are indicated. Director, Division of Library and Information Services DaTe Signature Date Name and Title Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.