Notice of Proposed Tax Increase CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The City of Miami Beach has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially prop. os.e.d tax.levy....::..: ..... ;..:: .... :;:-._.._.: ...... $ 77,.158,731 B. Less tax reclucfions oue To vmue Aojus[men[ Board and other assessment changes ................ ~ 7~,293,O57 C. Actual property tax levy ........................................ $ ,,865,674 This year's proposed tax levy ............................................ $ 88,360,O10 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on Thursday, September 18, 2003, 5:01 P.M. at 1700 Convention Center Drive City Hall Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 /~ FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and.the budget will be made at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH - FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH ARE 6.1% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES INTERNAL GENERAL RD~ ENTERPRISE SERVICE FUND FUNDS. FUNDS FUND~ CASH BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,913,106 $ 3,602,000 ESTIMATED REVENUES: Taxes: Millage Per $1,000 Ad Valorem 7.299 (Operating) Ad Valorem 1,123 (Norm. Sho~) Ad Valorem 0.974 (Voted Debt) Franchise Convention Development Licenses and Permits intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Fines and Fodeitures Interest Rents and Leases Miscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND BALANCES EXPENDITURE/EXPENSES General Government Public Safst~ Physical Environment Transportation Economic Environment Human Services Culture & Recreation Normandy Shores District Debt Services Other Financing Uses TOTAl- EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES Reserves TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES TOTAL $ 8,515,106 $ 68,168,976 $ 17,016,674 $ 0 $ 0$ 95,185,650 81,758 81,758 10,200,337 10,200,337 6,531,750 6,531,750 12,911,300 12,911,300 1,840,000 2,660,000 4,500,000 11,003,905 11,003,905 9,624,000 9,624,000 5,925,965 87,781,717 33,954,147 127,661,829 1,758,977 1,758,677 2,800,000 605,850 339,321 3,74,5,171 2,477,385 2,4T/,355 6,080,374 1,724,532 0 7~04,~06 ~3.158.346 23.158.346 $162,562 773 $ 17,016,674 $ 92,772,099. $ 34,293,468 $ 306r645~014. $ 17t016~674, $ 97r685,205 $ 37~898r468, $ 315r160,120 $102r562r7'/3 $ 25,198,536 $ 0$ 0 $ 37,165,749 $ 02,354,255 97,354,348 97,354,348 2,792,745 51,230,479 54,023,224 3,031,063 18,529,395 21,560,458 836,400 17,016,674 17,853,074 498,801 498,801 20,906,925 14,160,053 35,066,978 125,800 125,800 10,900,337 13,765,278 729,719 25,395,334 O' $161,644,955 $ 17,016,974 $ 97,685,205 $ 37,898,468 $ 314,242,302 917~818. 0 0 0 917~818... $162f562,'/73 ~$ 17fO16t974. $ 97~685~205 $ 37~896~468 $ 315~160,120