Request 529 - Fleet Management SPECIAL MASTER CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 11, 1996 Andrew Terpak Fleet Management Director Lisa R. Martinez ~ Clerk of the Special Master RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST #529 Your request for destruction of records has been disapproved by the Florida Department of State. Do not destroy these records. If you have any questions regarding this form, you must contact the Florida Department of State. F:~C LER~$ALL~LISA~VlEMOS\09-11-96.AT L~ FLC~RIDA STATE ARCHIVES (904) 487-2073 FAX: 488-4894 /,'~"J RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES (904) 487-2180 FAX: 488-1388 August 29, 1996 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Sandra B. Mortham Secretary of State DIVISION OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES R.A. Gray Building Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-0250 L_~ STATE LIBRARY OF FLORIDA (904) 487-2651 SAN: 303-2051 TDD: (904) 922-4085 FAX: (904) 488-2746 Ms. Suzanne Eagen 140 MacArthur Causeway Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Ms. Eagen: As per our phone conversation, I am returning records disposition request number 529 to you disapproved. Please resubmit the form citing the correct item numbers and titles from the GS1. For example, on the first page of your form the correct item number for correspondence is 17a in the GS1. You can also shorten the form by combining line items that are the same into one all inclusive date range. For example, GS1 / 17a / Correspondence / 01-01-75 - 09-30-88 would be all that is necessary to describe the eleven line items on page one of form 529 that refer to correspondence. It is important that the correct title from GSl be used to describe the records you intend to destroy. As you will note in GS1, there are many different types of payroll and personnel records, each with different retentions. Similar problems exist with other titles you have given me. For example, your EMS printout could be an Operational and Statistical Report Record, item 124, Maintenance Records: Equipment, item 21, or Maintenance Records: Vehicle, item 53. Please read the record series description carefully to determine which item number corresponds to the records you wish to destroy. Don't forget to send the reworked form through your agency Records Management Liaison Officer, or call him to obtain the next available number (top right hand corner), to avoid any other delays. Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to receiving your reworked form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at .. (904) 488-1486. Sincerely, Michael A. Gomez Management Analyst II cc: Mr. Richard Brown, RMLO · _- I ~ Fo,,. LS6EIOTR4-g3 I /'ri '-//O~ ~'"" '" I ]~ J J I I - -IVISION I 3. BUREAU 1. AGENCY ,  '~;~City, end'Zip Code) 5. CONTACT {N~me &Telephone Number) ..... 140 MacArthur CauseWay ' J Suzanne Eagen ,(305) 67377642 Miami Beach, FL 33139__~ SUBMIT lU: It--~,,..# ~' L~ ,,~rds have been fully justif~d, and that lUrther retenuon '~ not CITY CLE=~i''~ ' '-~*-' ........ ':*:--';on -endin= or imminent. Florida Department of S.t_ate 'Mana emen' re~u~a Bureau of Archives and Hecoras C ~g Mail Station 9A Signature Dele The Capitol .," Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 _ 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW {FOR DIVISION USE ONL ~ ~ ARCH,V,ST REV,EW , SUPERVISOR R~IEW Name and Tide ~ ' manner checked below {~): ~_. a. Deat~ucticn ~ b. Microfilming and Des~'uction c, Other GS1 GS1 GSl A4 GSl A5 GSl A6 GS1 A7 GSl A8 GS1 A9 GS1 A10 GSl Ail GSl Al2 GSl Al3 GS1 Al4 GS1 A,15 GSl GS1 ~A2 :~ AA3 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Co Tide d. Retention (Division use Only) Correspondence~ Correspondence Correspondence ~spondence )ndence / Corres ce .: Corresponden~ Correspondence / Payroll / Personnel Rep~...~ Correspondence '"'~ ~ ...? , Correspondence .,, Correspondence Alternative Holidays Daily Absentee Terminated Employees Print-Outs Equipment Maintenance Repo~ Print-Out EMS Reports Print-Outs EMS Reports · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 s (EMS) 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR D/V/S/ON USE ONLY} Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. Disapproved Directs;, i.~lvts~on Ol LiDrary and Information Services Date eo Inclusive Date~ 1/76 - 8/80 3/77 - 8/80 5/90 - 7/90 L0/81- 9/82 /0/81- 9/82 .0/81 - 9/82 .982~ 1983 10/84 - 9/8[ 10/85-9/86 10/87-9/88 11/77-9/79 81 & 82 6/83 -9/85 6~85 f. Volume in Cubic Feet CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS ' CS Disposi~on ~,cticn and Date Completed After Authorization 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Date Signature Name and Tide Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records. · Form I_~_~1~! 08R4-93 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g- Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition No. No. (Division Dates in /~,ction and Date use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization S~S1 AA4 Print-Outs EMS Reports 12/85 CS AA5 Print-Outs EMS Reports 8/85 CS GS AA6 Print-Outs EMS Reports 4/86 CS Print-Outs EMS Reports 5/86 CS GS1 "A~8 Print-Outs EMS Reports 2/85 CS GS1~ Print-Outs EMS Reports 3~85 CS GS1 Print-Outs EMS Reports 4/85 CS GS1 AAll ~rint-Outs EMS Reports 1/83 CS GS1 AA12 Print-Outs EMS Reports 2/84 CS GS1 AA13 Prii~t~O_ uts EMS Reports 10/83 CS GS1 AA14 Print-~xuts EMS Reports 12/83 CS GSI AA15 Print-Oi~t~ EMS Reports 3/84 CS GS1 AA16 Print-OutsXF~MS Reports 10/83 CS GS1 AA17 Print-Outs EMxS Reports 8/83 CS ~..S1 AA18 Print-Outs EM~eports 6/85 CS ' 1 AA19 Print-Outs EMS l~ports 11/90 CS GSI AA20 Print-Outs EMS Re~)0xrts 7/92 CS GS1 AA21 Print-Outs EMS Repol~, 1/91 CS GS1 AA22 Print-Outs EMS Reports~ 4/82 CS GS1 AA23 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 2/80 CS GS1 AA24 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 9/79 CS GS1 BB1 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 7/78 CS GS1 BB2 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 11/86 CS GS1 BB3 Print-Outs EMs Reports ~ ~ 1/87 CS GS1 BB4 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 12/78 CS GS1 BB5 Print-Outs EMS Reports 9/87 CS GS1 BB6 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 1/80 CS GS1 BB7 Print-Outs EMS Reports~ 5/79 CS GS1 BB8 Print-Outs EMS Reports 9/79 CS GS1 BB9 Print-Outs EMS Reports 6/79 CS GS1 BB10 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~,~9 CS GS1 CC1 Print-Outs EMS Reports7/8~ CS GS1 CC2 Print-Outs EMS Reports 12/88~ CS GS1 CC3 Print-Outs EMS Reports 9/86 ~ CS GS1 CC4 Print-Outs EMS Reports 5~87 ~S GS1 CC5 Print-Outs EMS Reports 3/86 1. AGENCY 2. DMSION 3. BUREAU City Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization SGS1 CC6 Print. Outs EMS Reports 12/86 CS CC7 Print-Outs EMS Reports 1/86 CS CC8 Print-Outs EMS Reports 6/87 CS GS1 x Print-Outs EMS Reports 2/87 CS G$1 xI~D1 Print-Outs EMs Reports 11/85 CS G$1DDD3~ Print-Outs EMS Reports 10/86 CS G$1 Print-Outs EMS Reports 5/85 CS G$1 DD4 ~rint-Outs EMS Reports 1/84 CS G$1 DD5 P~nt-Outs EMS Reports 9~84 CS GS1 DD6 Prii~_Outs EMS Reports 8/87 CS GS1 DD7 Print-~Oxuts EMS Reports 7/84 CS GS1 DD8 Print-Oi~ EMS Reports 8/84 CS GS1 DD9 Print-Outs~MS Reports 2/84 CS GS1 EEl Print-Outs EI~S Reports 6/84 CS GS1 EE2 Print-Outs EMS~Reports 3/87 CS ~"" 1 EE3 Print-Outs EMS R~orts 6/86 CS ~S1 EE4 Print-Outs EMS Re~o~,rt~ 2/86 CS GS1 EE5 Print-Outs EMS Repoi~s 4/87 CS GS1 EE6 Print-Outs EMS ReportsN,N 7/86 CS GS1 EE7 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 10/85 CS GS1 EE8 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 8/86 CS GS1 EE9 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 5/84 CS GS1 FF1 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 12/84 CS GS1 FF2 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 6/90 CS GS1 FF3 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 4/89 CS GS1 FF4 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 2/85 CS GS1 FF5 Print-Outs EMS Reports~ 11/83 CS GS1 FF6 Print-Outs EMS Reports 3/89 CS GS1 FF7 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~3/85 CS GS1 FF8 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~/84 CS GS1 FF9 Print-Outs EMS Reports1Y~5 CS GS1 FF10 Print-Outs EMS Reports 4/8~,, CS GS1 GG1 Print-Outs EMS Reports 1/90 ~ CS GS1 GG2 Print-Outs EMS Reports 6/89 ~ CS GS1 GG3 Print-Outs EMS Reports 7/89 ~ GS1 GG4 Print-Outs EMS Reports 4/88 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g' Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition (Division Dates in Action and Date No. No. use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization GS1 GG5 Print-Outs EMS Reports 7~90 CS GGsll~ GG6 Print-Outs EMS Reports 2/90 CS GG7 Print-Outs EMS Reports 8/90 CS GG8 Print-Outs EMS Reports 11/84 CS GS1 GNgG9 Print-Outs EMS Reports 5/90 CS GS1I~ Print-Outs EMS Reports 8/89 CS GS1 Print-Outs EMS Reports 10/88 CS GS1 Print-Outs EMS Reports 1/88 CS GS1 HH4 xYNrint-Outs EMS Reports 2/88 CS GS1 HH5 PPi~t-Outs EMS Reports 12/83 CS GS1 HH6 Prin~uts EMS Reports 10/84 CS GS1 HH7 Priut-O~ts EMS Reports 3/90 CS GS1 HH8 Print-OulvkEMS Reports 10/83 CS GS1 HH9 Print-Outs E~MS Reports 4/90 CS GS1 II1 Print-Outs EI~ Reports 10/89 CS '~' 1 II2 Print-Outs EMSXt~eports 11/89 CS GS1 II3 Pr'mt-Outs EMS R,N~orts 12/89 CS GSI II4 Print-Outs EMS RepOts 11/88 CS GS1 H$ Print-Outs EMS Repor~ 1/89 CS GS1 II6 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 9/88 CS GS1 II7 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 2/89 CS GS1 I18 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~, 5/89 CS GS1 II9 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 9/89 CS GS1 J J1 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 11/87 CS GS1 J J2 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 7/88 CS GS1 J J3 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 12/87 CS GS1 J J4 Print-Outs EMS Reports ~ 3/88 CS GS1 J J5 Print-Outs EMS Reports~ 5/88 CS GSI J J6 Print-Outs EMS Reports 6/88 CS GS1 J J7 Print-Outs EMS Reports 4/88 CS GS1 JJ8 Print-Outs EMS Reports N~887 CS GS1 J J9 Print-Outs EMS Reports--x- CS GS1 Q1 Print-Outs EMS Reports 3130//9~3 CS GS1 Q2 Print-Outs EMS Reports---- x CS GSI Q3 Print-Outs EMS Reports 1/94 ~ CS GS1 Q4 Print-Outs EMS Reports 5/94 ~S m.~=,,oo s~, (CONTINUED) PAGE _5_ OF fO.__PAGES · Form 1. AGEN~CY 2. D~ION S. BU~AU CiW Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF ~CO~ SE~S a. b. c. d. e. ~ g. ~h~ule Item , Title Retention Incisive Volumne Dis~sifion No. No. ~ivision Dates in Action and Date use Only) Cubic Feet Completed ~ter Author~fion GS1 Q7 Prat-Outs EMS Repo~s 1/95 CS Q6 Print-Outs EMS Repo~s 9/94 CS Q8 Print-Outs EMS Repo~s 9/95 CS Q9 Print-Outs EMS Repo~s 8/93 CS GS1 1010 Prat-Outs EMS Repo~s 7/92 CS GS1~~ Personnel Memos 8%/89 CS GS1 B2 Reader Files 87-89 CS GS1 Leave Slips A-J 88 CS GS1 B4 ~ave Slips J-Z 88 CS GS1 B5 Fu~Tickets 81/82 CS GS1 B6 Rea~ Files 89/90 CS GSt B7 PO'S ~?~ 89/92 CS GS1 B8 Personne~emos 86/87 CS GS1 B9 Personal ~os 89/90 CS GS1 B10 Leave Files ~ 89/90 CS ~ 1 Bll Leave Files ~ 90/91 CS Correspondence GS1 B12 Re~er File 83/84 CS GS1 B13 PO'S Duplicates 78/79 CS GS1 B14 PO'S Duplicates 80/81 CS GS1 B15 PO'S Duplicates 81/82 CS GS1 C1 PO'S Duplicates 82/83 CS GS1 C2 PO'S Duplicates 83/84 CS GS1 C3 PO'S Duplicates 84/85 CS GS1 C4 PO'S Duplicates 85/86 CS GS1 C5 PO'S Duplicates 87/88 CS GS1 C6 SO'S Duplicates A-G 89/91 CS GS1 C7 SO'S Duplicates H-Y ~ 89/91 CS GS1 C8 Equipment Specifications~ 80/81 CS GS1 C9 Equipment Proposals 80/81 CS GS1 C10 Duplicate Invoices 93/94 CS GS1 Cll Collectible Bill~gs ~/80 CS GS1 C12 Uncollectible Bilfings 778~0/8~ CS GS1 C13 Collectible Billings CS GS1 C14 Vandalism 80/83 ~ CS 84/85 GS1 D1 Collectible Billings GS1 D2 Collectible Billings 83/86 ~I D3 Collectible Billings 86/89 -~g,:~;,;,~'~;~' (CLINI'INUI~D) PAGE 6 OF IOPAGES Form L~EI0SR4-93 1. AGEI~CY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g- Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization  D4 Repair Work Order Logs 76/81 CS D5 Repair Work Order Logs 81/85 CS G~SS1~ D6 Maint & Repair Cost 82/83 CS D7 Equipment Scvs Reports 88 CS GS1 ~ Tire Slips 87/89 CS GS1 D8 Tire Slips & Vehicle Down Logs 89/91 CS GS1i1110~D10 Repair Work Orders 85/88 CS GS1 \Parts Req. Logs 87/92 CS GS1 D12 l~air Work Orders 88 CS GS1 D13 ReDq~r Work Orders 1-3/89 CS GS1 D14 Repah~Work Orders 6-9/89 CS GS1 D15 Repair W~rk Orders 89/90 CS GS1 E1 Repair Wo~ Orders 90/91 CS GS1 E2 Repair Work~rders 4-9/90 CS GS1 E3 Repair Work Or,,ers 90/91 CS ~-"1 E4 Repair Work Ord~s 9-10/92 CS ~S1 E5 Repair Work Order~N 4-6/91 CS GS1 E6 Repair Work Orders ~ 7-9/91 CS GS1 E7 Repair Work Orders ~ 10-12/91 CS GS1 E8 Repair Work Orders ~ 1-2/92 CS GS1 E9 Repair Work Orders ~ 3-4/92 CS GS1 El0 Repair Work Orders ~ 6-8/92 CS GS1 Ell Daily Vehicle Down Log ~ 91/93 CS GS1 El2 Auctioned Vehicles ~ 81/88 CS GS1 El3 Auctioned Vehicles ~ 81/88 CS GS1 El4 Auctioned Vehicles'x 81/88 CS GS1 El5 Auctioned Vehicles ~ 81/88 CS GS1 El6 Auctioned Vehicles~ 81/88 CS GS1 F1 Auctioned Vehicles 9/89 CS GS1 F2 Auctioned VehiclesXn,o,,9/8~ CS GS1 F3 Auctioned Vehicles ~ CS GS1 F4 Auctioned Vehicles9/89X CS GS1 F5 Auctioned Vehicles 11/92~ CS GS1 F6 Auctioned Vehicles 11/92 ~ CS GS1 F7 Auctioned Vehicles 1/94 GS1 F8 Work Orders 2/94 "~I F9 Auctioned Vehicles 1/94 L AGE~ 2. D~SION 3. BU~AU CiW Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF ~CO~ SE~S a. b. c. d. e. f. g- ~hedule Item Titie Retention Inclusive Volumne Dis~ifion No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use Only) Cubic Feet Complet~ ~er Author~fion G;~ Fl0 Requisition Boo~ 83 CS GSI~ Fll Requisition Boo~ 84 CS GS1 1~12 Requisition Boo~ 85 CS GS1~ Requisition Boo~ 86 CS GSI F1 Requisition Boo~ 87 CS GS1 Requisition Boo~ 88 CS GS1 Fl6 ~4 CS ~equ~ition Boo~ GS1 Fl7 ~qu~ifion Boo~ ~4 CS GS1 Fl8 Rendition Boo~ 92 CS GS1 Fl9 Req~ition Boo~ ~3 CS GS1 F20 Requis~on Boo~ 89 CS GS1 G1 Stock Iss~d Repo~s 87/89 CS GS1 G2 Requ~ition~oo~ 89/90 CS GS1 G3 R~ion ~ 90/91 CS GS1 G4 St~quisiti~ Boo~ 91/92 CS ~ 1 G5 PO'S ~ 91/92 CS GS1 G6 Fuel Tickets ~ 90/92 CS GS1 G7 W~se Stock Ch~ntouts 84/85 CS GS1 G8 Warehouse Stock Chgs ~intouts 85/86 CS GS1 G9 W~~ ~ock Chgs P~touts 89/90 CS GS1 Gl0 W~~e Stock Chgs Prin~uts 3~/92 CS GS1 Gll Equipment Spec. 71/84 CS GS1 Gl2 Vendor Files 80/83 CS GS1 Gl3 Fuel Tickets 79/80 CS GS1 Gl4 Fuel Tickets 80/81 CS GS1 Gl5 Fuel Tickets 82/83 CS GS1 H1 Fuel Tickets 7/84 CS GS1 ~ Fuel Tickets ~ 8/84 CS GS1 H3 Fuel Tickets~ 9/84 CS GS1 H4 Fuel Tickets 10/84 CS GS1 H5 Fuel Tickets 6/84 CS GS1 H6 Fuel Tickets 11/84 CS GS1 H7 Pump Readings ~84 CS GS1 H8 Fuel Tickets CS ~i~'~'°~/~'~For= ~ssE,osn~-93 (CONTIN U~,D) I ~.~GE~_8_ OF/~..~PAGES i. Aar~CY 2. DrVlS~OS ~. StaU;Ae City Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition No. No. (Division Dates in ~ use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization  H9 Gas Boy Delivery Cards 85 CS G I H10 Fuel Ticket Books 86 CS GS1 Hll Pump Invoices 3/84 CS Fuel Ticket Books 87/89 CS GS1 ~k13 Fuel Ticket Books 89/90 CS GS1--HHI~t, Fuel Ticket Books 90/91 CS GS1H15NN Vehicles Auctioned 2/93 CS GS1 I1 ~ehicles Auctioned 9/89 CS GS1 12 V~icles Auctioned 9/89 CS GS1 I3 Veh~les Auctioned 9/89 CS GS1 I4 Vehicl~ Auctioned 5/90 CS GS1 15 VehiclesX~uctioned 5/90 CS GS1 I6 Vehicles Ah~tioned 5/90 CS GS1 I7 Vehicles Auctioned 4/91 CS GS1 IS Vehicles Auct!o'l~d. 4/91 CS /~'1 I9 Vehicles Auction~, 8/91 CS GS1 I10 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 8/91 CS GS1 Ill Vehicles Auctioned ~ 5/92 CS GS1 I12 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 4/91 CS GS1 I13 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 5/92 CS GS1 I14 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 5/92 CS GS1 I15 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 5/92 CS GS1 J1 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 80/83 CS GS1 J2 Employee Reading Files ~ 95 CS GS1 J3 Desk Papers Cox ~ 3/94 CS GS1 J4 Desk Papers Cox~ 3/94 CS GS1 J5 Desk Papers Cox ~ 3/94 CS GS1 J6 Desk Papers Cox~ 3/94 CS GS1 J7 Desk Papers Guzman 3/94 CS GS1 J8 Desk Papers Guzman 3/94 CS GS1 J9 Desk Papers Guzman ~/94 CS GS1 J10 Desk Papers Guzman3~x4_ CS GS1 J ll Miscellaneous 8~11/89~ CS GS1 J12 Miscellaneous CS GS1 J13 Miscellaneous 81/89 N~ CS 1. AGKI~CY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization  SI~ K1 Personnel Memos Attendance 87/88 CS K2 Vehicles Cost Sheets 80/81 CS GS1 ~K3 PO'S & SO'S 91/92 CS GS1 ~--~ Equipment Specs 91/92 CS GS1~i~ Print Outs Payroll 93 CS GS1 K6 Equipment Specs 90/91 CS GS1 91/93 CS \Fuel Invoices GS1 K8 Wxork Orders 8-10/93 CS GS1 K9 Wbrxk Orders 11-12/92 CS GS1 K10 PO'S~ SO'S 88/89 CS GS1 Kll Miscell~eous 71/91 CS GS1 K12 Work Or/l~rs 11-12/93 CS GS1 L3 Voided Woi~Orders 89/94 CS GS1 L4 Work Orders ~ 7/94 CS GS1 L5 Nonc .ol!e_ctible Bl~ngs 83/93 CS t"~ 1 L6 Requisitions ~ 91/92 CS GS1 L7 Work Orders ~ 2-4/93 CS GS1 L8 Work Orders ~ 5-7/93 CS GS1 L9 Noncollectible Billings ~ 5-6/94 CS GSI L10 Warehouse Stock Chgs ~ 92/93 CS GS1 Lll PO'S & SO'S ~ 86/87 CS GS1 L12 Payroll Printouts ~ 91/92 CS GS1 MI Napa Invoices ~ CS GS1 M2 Equipment Specs ~ 89/90 CS GS1 M3 Equipment Specs ~ 90/91 CS GS1 M4 Bid Spec Awards Copies 91/92 CS GS1 M5 Vehcile Emission Test ~ 89/93 CS , GS1 M6 PO'S & Specs~ 83/94 CS GS1 M7 Memos PO Request 90/93 CS GS1 N1 Correspondence 76/82 CS GS1 N2 Correspondence ', X~/92 CS GS1 N3 Correspondence 66/~3 CS GS1 N4 Correspondence 86/92x CS GS1 N5 PO'S & Bids Duplicates 88/90~ CS GS1 N6 Vendors 93 earlie~ CS ~r~°]~ I (~)-~1 |l~ V I~U) I PAGE 1~ OF ~PAGES ~ Form T-~E~0~R~:93 ~. Aa~CY ~. ~S~O~ ~. B~A~ , ' Ci~ Of Miami Beach Fleet Management 9. LIST OF ~CO~ SE~S a. b. c. d. e. f. g. ~hedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volumne Disposition (Division Dates in Action and Date No. No. use Only) Cubic Feet Completed After Au~o~flon N7 Correspondence 88/92 CS N8 Vendors 91/92 CS N9 Repair Orders 87/93 CS GS1~10, 10 Correspondence 86/87 CS GS1 ~ Vendors 93 earlie CS GS1O1~ Vehicles Auctioned 9/94 CS GS1 O2 )/94 CS ~ehicles Auctioned GS1 O3 ~icles Auctioned ~/94 CS GS1 O4 Pri~uts EMS Repo~s 90/91 CS GS1 O5 P~nto~ EMS Repo~s 88/89 CS GS1 O6 Printout~MS Repo~s 71/91 CS GS1 O7 P~ntouts E~ Repo~s 11-12/93 CS GS1 O8 P~m~uts EM~epo~s 89/94 CS GS1 O9 Pr~touts EMS ~o~s 7/94 CS GS1 O10 Prin~uts EMS Rep. s 83/93 CS ~ ~ P1 Vehi~es A~tioned ~ 9/9/95 CS GS1 P2 V~es A~tioned ~ 9/9/95 CS GS1 P3 Pay~nt outs ~ 95 CS GS1 P4 Mail Work Orders ~ ~0/93 CS GS1 P5 Work Order Log ~ 92/93 CS GS1 P6 ~eh~les A~ctioned ~ 9/89 CS GS1 P7 Correspondence 72/92 CS ~ 91/92 CS GS1 P8 PO'S & SO'S GS1 P9 Vehicles Auctioned ~ 3/16/96 CS GS1 P10 Vehicles Auctioned~ 3/16/96 CS GS1 Pll Vehicles Auctioned 3/16/96 CS GS1 P12 Vehicles Auctioned . 3/16/96 CS GS1 P13 Work Orders ~ CS GS1 P14 Work Orders~1~85 CS GS1 P15 Vehicles Auctioned CS