Request 530 - Internal Auditi t*~a'----~" STATE OF IrLORj[~A [ sT*,, RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST No. ; Fo~m LS6E107R4'g3 1.AGENCY ~ 2. DIVISION ~ 3. BU~U " 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) 4. ADDRESS (S=eet,,City, and Zip Code} ~700 Co~e~lo~ C~~ 6. SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby certify that ~e records to be diSpos~ of SUB~IT TO: are correcdy represented below, that any audit requ~ements f~ Mail Station 9A bY~*~- Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Time~~ Name and Tide 7. BUR~U OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT R~IEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL~ The sche~ed records listed in Item manner checked below (~l: ANALYST REVIEW ~ ~ ~ ~ Des~uction ~ b. Microfamlng and Des~uc~on ARCHIVIST R~IEW ~/~ V ? ~ -- c. Other SUPERVISOR R~IEW ~  9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Retendon ~. Voluma Disposi~n ,. b. ~T~ (D~ision Inclus~e in Ac~on and Date Sched~e Item ~ ~ ~e O~y) Datee Cub~ Feet Completed A~er No. No. Author~a~n ' NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 11. D~SAL CERT llste~ re;or4s have been 'IFICATE: The above 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION (FOR DIVISION USE ON[D dis of i ~e m the dar ~w~n colum~g. modifications are indicated.  O~ector, Division of Library Date and Information Semices ~tn~s ' NOTE: Upon d;sposltion retain this form for yo~ records.