Request 531 - Legal STATE OF FLORIDA ' OE.A.TME~TOFS~ATE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST 1. AGENCY I . VISION 3. BUREAU CITY 0F ~IA~I B~CH LEaL 4. ADDRESS (S~eet, City, an~ Zip Code) 5. CONTACT {Name & Telephone Numbs) ~700 CONVENTION CENTEE DRIVE THE~SA POPE (305) 673-7470 ~IA~I B~CH, FL 33139 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are correc~y represented below, that any audit requirements for the Florida Department of State ~~ records have been fully justified, and that further retention is not ~~~ r eq ' ''' ' in g or,ruminant. Bureau of Archives and Records Mail Station 9A ~ c~.E~' ?,n~; 8/5/96 The Capitol c ~ignature' ~ Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ~3, D~ALD N. PAP~, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY A~EY S~ ~ ~ ~ Name and T,~ ~~ 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEM ~ne sched~ed records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the (FOR DIVISION USE ONL ~ TECHNICIAN R~IEW ~e~ manner checked below {specify only one): ANALYST REVIEW ~ a. Des=uction b. Microf~ming and Des~ucfion ARCHIVIST R~IEW / ~ ~ c. Oth~ 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Ti~e {Division Inclus~e in Act~n and Date No. No. use Only} Dates Cubic Feet Completed A~er Au~orizafion ~ 5 / q3~ CHECK STUBS g FJ 1985 to Note: ~e end~g ~ h~ b~n ch~g~ ~ order to m~t retention ~ui~ments. NOTE; FpR THOSg R[CORDS DATED /0///~ ~ -- ~/~/~3 THIS IS A P~I~R blSPOSA['AUTHORI~TION. ; .. DESTRUCTION APPROVED PROVIDED RETENTION PERIOD IS '." - MET.( ~ [~/1[~ ) ' :" ' " -: * NO~E: "FOR CONTINUATION USEF~rm LSSEI08 * " . .-. . ,.....~ '. .--. '~. . . 11. DISPOSAL-CERTIFI~A~E¥ The a~Ee ,~'~d.'r~ds :have been D)sposai 'for the a~'6ve mi~ted recosds is authorized. Any deletions or dis in ~he ma~ ~n .... Na 'pn' T' e .-* '* ~_: .... . andDire~mr'lhf6rmation'ServDivisi°n of LibrarYces Date ~~~ . .... - .* ~ ', * ." ' . · . - . . · · .' NOTE: Up~:disposition ret~n ~i~;f~m f~'yo~ recbrds.'; .