Request 535 - Mayor & CommissionsTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE D,vigion of L~brary amd Information Servlceg Form LSSE107R4-93 RECORDS DISPOSITION m qTFoe, REQUEST .o. 535 PAGE I OF' 2 PAGE 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION J 3. BUREAU I City of Miami Beach Mayor and Commission Office 4. ADDRESS (Sweet, City. and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 SUBMIT TO: C,TY Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Rec~, ~ ,,,a~age~ent Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-02~ 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW {FOR DIVi$iOiV USE OtVL Y)/~ TECHNICIAN REVIEW ~'~__. lo_,t~d~'~. ANALYST REVIEW ~A~' bJ~/~ ARCHIVIST R~IEW ~[~ ~ 6 SUPERVISOR REVIEW ~ 5~ CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7030 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby c~rtify that the records to be disposed are co~ljrectly represented beld~, that any audit requirements for the recorcl~ have been fully justifi~l, and that fu~her retention is not r~u~ any litigation pend~ o~t. Sey~ur ~elber, Mayor The sche~ule~ records lista~ in Itam 9 are to ba ~ispose~ of in the~ manner checked below (specify only onel: ~ a. Des~'uction c. Other b. Microfilming and Desa'uction ,\ 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Schedule GS1 GS1 GS1 GS1 bo Item No. 89 146 t6 a Tide Calendars (all elected officials) Transitory Messages (all elected officials and staff) Non routine correspondence - Invitat: (Seymour Gelber, Mayor) Attendance & Payrc!~ ~cccr~c ~ NOTE: FOR ~OSE ~CO~S DASD b[SVOS A O ON. DES~UC~ON ~PRO~D PRO~ED ~ON PE~OD IS Retention (Division use Only) .ons ;As/o. Inclusive Dates Iqoo - ~.hru 1994 Iqoo - :hru 1994 :hru 1992 Volume in Cubic Feet 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.0 Disposition Action and Da Completed Aft Authoriz~tior 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR D/V/SIOlv USE OIVL Y) Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. Director, Division of Library and Information Services Daze 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been d~m~and on the date shown in column g. - Signature Date Nam~ and Title Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records. RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST "0. (CONTINUED) PAGE_~_ OF ~, PAGES 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach Mayor & Commission I9. UST OF RECORD SERIES f. d. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item TiUe (Division Inclusive in Action end Date No. No, use Only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed After Authorization 2 Administrative Convenience Records t~lLr~192/pp 31 Memos ~ ~ t'L 2 23 Information Request Records 43 Reading Files )/} tl 16 a Non-rountine Correspondence - Invita-ions tllru 9~/93 (*all records are boxed together and are for the following elected officials: Seymour Gelber, Mayor Sy Eisenberg, Commissioner Susan Gottlieb, Commissioner Neisen Kasdin, Commissioner ~ David Pearlson, Commissioner)