Request 536 - Economic & Community Development STATEOFFLORIOA D£PARTMENT OF STATE o ...... ~o,L~b,,,,,nd RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST NO. Fo,m LSeE,O?n4.S3 Yvl, ~ ? ~ ~ O O PAGE 1 OF Z PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU Ci~ of ~ ~ach ~~c & ~,'~ity ~v. 4. ADDRESS {S~eet, City, and Zip Code} 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number} 1700 ~n~tion ~ ~. ~icia S~ ~o ~ P~c~ 3~ Flor (305) 673-7260 (305) 673-7411 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are correcUy represented below, that any a~it requ~ements for the records have been f~ly justified, and ~at further retention is not Florida Department of State or Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol ~ ~lgna~ure Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 J~ ~~lt, ~ Name and T i6e /~~~ ~ 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT R~IEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION ~ (FOR D/V/SION USE ONL~ The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in ~e ,~ /,11~/o~/.1, manner checked below (specify only one): TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW ~ ,~/'?/~ X~ .. Des~uctio. -- b. Mi~ofil~ng and Des~uction ARCHIVIST R~IEW ~ /~/~?~ c, Other SUPERVISOR "~'EW ~3' (~ ( ~ ~ --r~ _ -- g. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Ti~e (D~ision Inclusive in Action a~ Date No. No. use O~y) Dates Cubic Feet Completed A~er AuthorEation ~ ~ ~oj~t Files: F~al ~F~ 10/01/87- 21.0 ~ ~3~ (Yr13-15 ~, ~, ~rs) 9/30/91 ~ ~ ~e~nd~: ~ut~ 3~ 10/01/89- 1.5 ~ ~ 9/30/90 'i z ._ < ' NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE.Form LSSEI08 ' 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ON~ ~ 11, DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: Th~ above li~tea recoras have Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any dele~ons or disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g, modifications are indicated, Signat~e Date ~J~ ~~ DEC 2 ~ 1996 Name and DEecto~, Division of Library Date and Information Services Witness ..... ~ ......... ~ NOTE: Upon"disposition retain this form for ~our records,