Request 538 - City Manager/Records ManagementAPPENDIX A State of Florida .. l~epartment of State NO. --~__-~ ~ Division of Library and i ~F~DS DESTRUCTON REQUEST ,nformationServices RI!GE ~ PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES Form ~5EI07R746 ~ ~ 7 ~ 3ENCY . I ; ~ ~ 3. BUREAU CiW of Miami Beach ~ I~ V ~ t T ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ F I ~ Manager's O~ce Reeor~ Management 4. ADDRE~ (Street, Ci~ and Zip Code) 5. CO~A~ ~ame & Telephone Numar).. 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FI 33139 Paui~e Phillips or Ru~ Rubi (305~73-7010 { ~ 6. NOTICE OF i~ENTION: I ~e Scheduled ~s listed in item 8 ~ to ~ dished of in ~e m~ner checked below: TO: ~a. ~s~ction u b. Microfilming ~d ~efion n c. ~er Florida Depa~ment of State Bureau of Archives and 7. SUBM~ED BY: I hc~by.~ni~ ~at ~ ~r~ to Records Management ~tly ~p~scntcd ~low,~y audit ~qui~mcn~ for ~c rc~r~ Mail Station 9A have bccn ~lly justiflc~ ~d ~at ~cr ~tcntion is not ~qui~d for ~y /(/q The Capitol litiga~on ~n~ or immi~nt.~ ~~S' nam~ 8. LIST OF RECO~ SERI~ a. b. c. .~ d. c. f. g. Schedule Item Title R~cntion lncl~ivc Volu~ ~s~cfion No. No. ~ivision D~s In Action ~d Date ~ only) Cubic F~t Comple~d A~cr ~ ~ ?;~ ~oject Files 1 1979'- 1991 1.5 ~ ~ ~oject Files 2 1985 - 1993 1.5 ~ ~ RD~roject Files 3 1988 - 1991 1.5 ~ ~ ~oject Files 4 1983 1.5 ~ ~ ~roject Files 5 1991 1.5 ~ ~ ~oj~t Fil~ 6 1984 - 199~ 1.5 ~ ~ ~ject Fi~ 7 1984 - 1991 1.5 ~ ~ ~roj~ Files 9 1991 1.5 ~ ~ ~roj~ Files 10 1985 - 1~1 1.$ ~ ~ ~oj~t Files 12 1984 -1¢92 1.5 ~ 1~ ~oj~t Fil~ 13 1983 - 1988 !;5 Dis~s~ for a~ve listed m~rds is au~orized. Any deletions or in ~e m~r ~d on ~ date sho~ in ~1~ g. .f ~ ~ . ~... Signam~ ~e ...... ~ . Ty~ N~e and Title Di~c~r, Division of Libr~ Date ....... and lnfo~ation Semi~s Witness ~ STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. ~ ~'~ ' DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAOE2 OF :~ PAGES information Services ~ Form LSSE 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DMSION 3. BUREAU City of Minmi Bench City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES n. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Desm~ction No. No. (Division Dntes in Action and Date use only) Cubic Completed Alter Feet Approvnl /3C=M-P~,, 8Yo/("~ Subject Files (M - P) 15 1990-1991 1.5 ~ ~' 3-5~(~: Subject Files 17 1990- 1992 1.5 ~ 3~t I~ Subject Files (I - Z) 22 1993 - 1994 1.5 Permanent ~ 2,~ 17 Subject Files (A - H) 24 1993 - 1994 1.5 Permanent ~ ~ 17 Subject Files (B - F) 25 1993 - 1994 1.5 Permanent ~ 2~ ~,}. Subject Files (Po - Pu) 28 1990 - 1991 1.5 ~ ~ 16]~ Subject Files (A - Z) 29 1990 - 1993 1.5 Permanent ~ 3~ I~ Subject Files (B - H) 30 1990 - 1991 1.5 ~B~'R~ .5~ ]~ Subject Files(Po - R) 32 1993 - 1994 1.5 Permanent BC-M.R2_ ~ 17 Subject Files(G - P) 35 1993 - 1994 1.5 Permanent BC-iRg ,.%qb~,,laCorrespondence (Labor Contracts) 31 1.5 Permanent ~ ~t51~1: Correspondence (Pension Files) 26 1.5 Permanent ~ ~o I(,1, Correspondence (Domey/Gomy) 16 1992 1.5 Permanent Beq4~ ~ l~ Correspondence (SWAT #1) 20 1993 - 1995 1.5 Permanent .. ~ 2~-I? Correspondence (SWAT #2) 18 1995 - 1995 1.5 Permanent ~ 2~ lb[: Correspondence (Consent Decree 1) 33 1.5 Permanent B*~'tl~- ~ I/,,~ Correspondence (Consent Decree 2) 27 1.5 Permanent ~ ~'o~[~[: Correspondence (Consent Decree 3) 19 1.5 Permanent ~ 3~1(,[ Correspondence (EEOC) 21 1.5 Permanent ~ 3/?6//,i: Correspondence (Code Compliance) 23 1993 1.5 Permanent ~ ,,Tff~l~ Correspondence (Pensions) 34 1990 - 1991 1.5 Permanent