Request 540 - City Manager/Records ManagementAPPENDIX A State of Florida Department of State Division of Library and Information Services Form LS5E107R7-86 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS (Street, City and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Fl 33139 TO: Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES Schedule Title No. ~-lR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-1R2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 q o PAGE. I OF 11 PAGES 3. BUREAU City Manager's Office Records Management 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) Pauline Phillips or Ruth Rubi (305)673-7010 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: Thc Scheduled records listed in item 8 are to be disposed of in the manncr checked below: Wa. Destruction t2 b. Microfilming and Destruction o c. Other 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that thc records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records hav,~t~een full~ j~tified, an~that further retention is not required for any li,~ation pe~j~ or imm~t./~ Si u ~ 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES J BC-IR2 BC-IR2 BC-IR2 Corrcspon dcnce/Administrativc Support CorrcspondcncedAdministrativc Support Correspondence/Administrative Support Corrcspondcnce~36 " Correspondence-g36 Correspondence4~36 Correspondence4~36 Correspondence/Administrative Support Correspondence-#36 Correspondence-g36 CorrespondenceS36 Correspondence/Mayor's Administrative Action Forms... Complaints Correspondence-#36 Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda Correspondence/Rob W. Parkins' Miscellaneous Files .9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or nodifications are indicated. l-- Director, Division of Library Date and Information Services d. c. f. g. Rctcntion Inclusive Volume Destruction (Division Dates In Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed AP, er Approvnl 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 10/!/90-9/30/91 1.5 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 1984-1991 1.5 1984-1991 1.5 1987-1991 1.5 1988-1991 !.5 10/90-9/9 ! 1.5 1987-1991 1.5 1988-1991 1.5 1984-1991 1.5 1/92- ! 2/92 1.5 1982-1990 1.5 1/9191-3/6/9 ! 1.5 1982-1991 1.5 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Signature Date Type Name and Title Witness APPENDIX A STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. ~5{-t (.3 DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) .~ Division of Library and PAGE 2_~_OF 11 PAGES information Services Form LS5E I08R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-IR2 35a Correspondence4/36 1989-1991 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Administrative Support 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 BC-IR2 55 Correspondence/Telephone Call Sheets 4/89-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1987-1991 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Administrative Support 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Administrative Support 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondcnce/Adminislrative Support 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Administrative Support 10/1/90-9/30/91 1.5 ""Z-I R2 35a Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda 1/9/91-6/19/91 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1988-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Carla Bemabei Talarico Miscellaneous files 1984-1991 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence-g36 ,... 1980-1991 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1985-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Ed. Cox A.C.M. Miscellaneous Files 1989-1992 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Eddie Cox Pension Files 1987-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1987-1992 1.5 BC-1 R2 35a Correspondence/Mayor and Commission Agenda Review 11/89-11/91 1.5 Folders BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Eddie Cox Miscellaneous Files 1986-1992 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Carla Bemabei Talarico's Files 1984-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Eddie Cox A.C.M. Miscellaneous files 1988-1992 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence: For Rob Parkins 1/89-3/92 1.5 BC-IR2 62b Correspondence/Police Cellular Phone Invoices 10/1 i/91- 1.5 12/31/92 BC-1R2 36 Correspondence 1987-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Several Board Meeting Folders 1991-1992 1.5 IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda 613/92-7/8192 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Mayors Memoranda 111193-6130/93 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1988-1993 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 198%1992 1.5 APPENDIX A STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. % ~t O DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE..,3_.OF I 1 PAGES ~- information Services , Form LS5E 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1982-1992 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 9/2/92-12/2/92 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda 3/4/92-5/20/92 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1986-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda 10/8/92- 1.5 11/18/92 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1990-5/6/92 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1985-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1987-1991 1.5 "~C-1R2 3lb Correspondence/Administrative Hearing Files 1992 1.5 r~C-IR2 35a Correspondence/City Manager General 1985-1992 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1986-1992 1.5 BC-IR.2 35a Correspondence/Convention Center Files 1998-1987 1.5 BC-1R2 83c Correspondence/Board Meetings (Library & Performing Arts) 1987-1991 1.5 BC-IR.2 35a Correspondence 1984-1987 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1978-1982 i.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1979-1982 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 2/25/91- 1.5 3/22/91 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1983-1989 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1/93-12/93 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence 1979-4/82 1.5 BC-IR2 23b Correspondence/Book Keeping Records 1984-1/89 1.5 BC-1R2 100a Correspondence/South Pointe Park Project Files 5/85 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Miscellaneous Files 1983-1986 1.5 ,';u'~-- 1 R2 35a Correspondence 1993 1.5 ~,d-IR2 35a Correspondence 1983 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1987-1989 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1993 1.5 APPENDIX A L STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. ~ (~ (-~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE._4._OF I 1 PAGES information Services Form LSSE 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION ~;. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Managers Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed At~r Approval BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Bernard Lazarus' Files 1981 ! .5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Neighbors 1984 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1993 1.5 BC-I R2 8¢ Correspondence/Mayrn Diaz-Buttacavoli-Appraisal Reports 1993 1.5 BC-IR2 830 Correspondence/Finance Committee 1/4/88-12/20/88 1.5 BC-IR2 100c CorrespondencedOjus File 2 1982-1986 1.5 BC-IR2 100c CorrespondencedOjus File 1990-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondenced40st-41 st Parking Garage Project 1984-1988 !.5 "*"C-! R2 100c Correspondence/13st. Parking Garage 1988-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Marina Environmental Study !/14/87-6/13/93 1.5 BC-I R2 35a Correspondence/Smart Regal Correspondence 1991 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1994-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 6b Correspondence/Affirmative Action Program Manuals no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 83¢ Correspondence/Commissioners Memorandums 1/93-7/95 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Topa/Correspondence 1993-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1993-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1/92-12/93 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1992-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1993-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1992-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/Task Force and Hotel Flexibility study 1989-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1992-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1992-1993 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1993-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/South Pointe Development 1984-1993 1.5 C-IR2 35a Correspondence 1991-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 5/4/92-1/10/94 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 8/90-1/92 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1986-1993 ! .5 APPENDIX A ST^ OF FLO DA RECORDS DESTRUCnON REOUEST NO. %q O DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE_S._OF I I[ PAGES · ,-- information Services Form LSSE 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1993 1 .$ BC-IR2 35a Correspondence i/92-12/92 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1986-1989 ! .:5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/Budget Forms for MDB's Department Report 1993-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Conespondence 1984-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1990-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 83c CorrespondenceYCOSW (Commission on Statues of Woman) 1982-1988 1.5 BC-I1L2 83c Con-espondence/Young Professionals committee. 1986-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 36a "Joe Pinon"/Correspondence 1986-1995 1.5 · aiiC-IR2 100c Police and Court Facility Relocation and General Correspondence 1983-1987 1.5 oC-IR2 35a Con'espondence/Letters to Commission 1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a CorrespondenceYTania Alameda and Clifton Cloud Personal 1994 1.5 Effects BC-I R2 35a Correspondence/City of Miami Beach Retirees News Letters 1990-1993 ! .5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/City Managers 13st. Parking garage Misc. 1988-1990 ! .5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1986-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Public Information Office 1987-1989 1.5 BC-IR.2 35a Correspondence/City Managers Memorandums 1994 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Mayors Blue Ribbon Panel/Blue Ribbon Panel Documentation 1993-1994 ! .5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1991-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1993-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau 1986-1992 1.5 BC-I R2 6b CorrespondenceffAffmative Action Program: 1991-1992 !.5 BC-IR2 I00c CorrespondenceY21st. Recreation Center Project files 1984-1985 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/US vs. City of Miami Beach Dept. of Justice 1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Carla Talarico Files 1990 1.5 ,~BC-I R2 35a Correspondence 1992 1.5 _~C-IR.2 100c Correspondence/Hotel Development 1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Eddie Cox, Misc. Files 1/90-12/93 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Finance Committee 1990-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence/Eddie Cox Dept. Files 1993-1994 1.5 &PPENDIX A STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE_(LOF [ 1[ PAGES ,,-- information Services Form LSSE 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2, DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Ofl]ce 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. c. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-IR2 1Sa Greater Miami Cony. and Visitors Bureau Files 1988-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Dade County Correspondence 1988 1.5 BC-IR2 123b Correspondcncx/N.Y.C. Trip 1994-1995 !.5 BC-IR2 100c ~orth Shore Barricades 1991-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Light Rail TransitJ Cormspondcnce 1988 1.5 BC-IR2 34c Cortcspondcnce/House Lease 1978-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Miscellaneous Files 1979-1993 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Eddie Cox Miscellaneous Files 1989-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Greater Miami Cony. and Visitors Bureau 1990-1993 1.5 ;-IR2 36a South Beach Valet and Garbage 1993-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 105c Correspondence/Pow-Wow 1992-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Carla Bemabei Talarico's Files 1984-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 23b Correspondence/Petty Cash-COSW 1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1992-1994 1.5 ! 1/I 5/92- 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commissions Mtgs. Agenda 12/16/92 BC-IR2 35a Con~spondence/Empioyees Newsletter 1/91-1/92 i.5 BC-1R2 35a Carla Bemabei Talarico's Files 1983-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Records for Police Officers 1988-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Records for Firefighters Misc. 1989 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Eddie Cox miscellaneous Files 1/92-12/93 1.5 BC-IR2 23ha Redevelopment Accounts/Payable and Receivables 10/90-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 53b Reports and Studies/Correspondence ~. 1986-1989 !.5 BC-IR2 100c 21st. Recreation Project Files 1986-1990 1.5 BC-I R2 35a Bill Harrison Memos/Correspondence 1990-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Letters to Commission/Correspondence 1995 1.5 ~'C-IR2 35a Eddie Cox Miscellaneous Files 1989-1993 !.5 BC-IR2 100c 13st. Parking Garage 1985-1987 !.5 BC-IR2 100c Old City Hall Police and Court Facility/Correspondence 1987-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Carla Talarico Miscellaneous Files 1986-1991 1.5 APPENDIX A L STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUF-~-~T NO. ~ O_.) DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE/OF II l PAGES information Services Form LSSE 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Managsr's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. c. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed At~cr Approval BC-IR2 35a Old City Hall Copies 1983-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Smart L. Rogel Miscellaneous Files 1991-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1993-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Rules and Special Events Committee 14988-1990 I .5 BC- IP,2 72 Legislative Priorities 1990-1994 ! .5 3/22/89- 1.5 BC-IR2 100c CMB Closings 4/13/89 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence 1993-1994 1.5 ,.~C-IR2 36a Correspondence 1994 1.5 £-IR2 36a Correspondence 1990-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Commission on the Status of Women Minutes no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/Bass Museum of Art 1990-1995 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Developers Kits no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Convention Center no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a City Mnnnger to P.A. Copies/Correspondence no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Convention Center no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 53b Correspondence/Capital Investment Program no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 53b Correspondence/Rating Agency 1985-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda 1/6/93-2/24/93 1.5 BC-1R2 83c Correspondence/Conunission Meetings Agenda 2/3/93-3/17/93 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda 4/8/93-5/5/93 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Mtg. Agenda 5/19/93- 1.5 9/14/93 BC-I R2 83c CorrespondenceIAgendn Packages 6/30/93- 1,5 11/14/93 ~' """C-! R2 83c Correspondence/Commission Agenda Packages 9/8/93-10/6/93 ! .5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Agenda Packages 10/20/93- 1.5 11/24/93 BC-I R2 36n Correspondence/Commission Meetings Agenda Packages 12/1/93- ! .5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Agenda Packages I/5/94-2/2/94 1.5 AppENDIX A STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. -~-~'-[ DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) PAGE 8 OF I I PAGES ~ Division of Library and information Services Form LS5E 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. c. f. g. Schedule Rem Tire Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC- IR2 83c Correspondence/Agenda Packages 2/2/94-2/24/94 1.5 BC- I R2 83c Correspondence/Agenda Packages 3/30/94-4/6/94 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Agenda Packages 6/1/94-6/8/94 1.5 BC-1R2 83c Correspondence/Agenda Packages 5/4/94-5/18/94 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/City Manager no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 83c Correspondence/COSW(Committee on Status of Women) 1984-1988 1.5 BC-IR2 59b Correspondence/Grievances/Marquarot Files 1980-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Riley Dunlevy Files 1990-1991 1.5 ~C-IR2 83c Correspondence/Finance Committee Agenda Packages 3/17/86- 1.5 11/6/86 BC-IR2 75b Correspondence/Robbins Lawsuit 1993 1.5 BC- IR2 75b Correspondence/Robbins Lawsuit 1993 1.5 BC-IR2 75b Steve Robbins: Documents Purged from Police Departme~..t Files 9/93 1.5 BC-1R2 75b Correspondence/Ward Lawsuit no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 75b Correspondence/Marquardt Files no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 75b Correspondence/Marquardt Files no dates 1.5 BC-I R2 75b Correspondence/Marquardt Files no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Finance Committee Meetings 1989-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Commission on the Status of Women Committee Meeting 1991 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/COSW (Committee in Status of Women) 1977-1984 1.5 BC-IR2 99b Correspondence/Proclamations-Permanent Record Series 1986-1989 1.5 BC-IR2 99b Correspondence/Proclamations-Permanent Record Series 1986-1987 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Rules and Special Events Committee and Plaques 1982-1987 1.5 and Memorial Committee BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Finance Committee Meetings 2/3/87 to 1.5 10/19/87 "~C-IR2 99b Correspondence/Proclamation Permanent Records Series thru 1987 1.5 tIC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Land Use 10/6/87- 1.5 8/23/89 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Kelley Swofford ALC Slogans no dates 1.5 .APPENDIX A L STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. ~('~( ~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE_9 OF I ! PAGES information Services Form LSSE 108R7-86 i. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Dcstmction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date use only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Kelley Swofford ALC Slogans no dates 1.5 BC-I R2 53b Correspondence/Light Rail Studies 1988 1.5 BC-I R2 83c Correspondence/City Commission Committees 5/5/86-8/26/87 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Agenda Packages 6/15/94- 1.5 7/13/94 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/City Commission Agenda Packages 7/27/94- 1.5 7/28/94 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meeting Agenda Packages 4/19/95- 1.5 6/22/95 ,~.C-I R2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meeting Agenda Packages 2/1/95-3/1/95 !.5 2-1R2 83c Correspondence/City Commission Meeting Agenda Packages 10/5/94- ! .5 11/9/94 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/City Commission Meeting Agenda Packages I l/I 6/94- 1.5 12/21/94 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/City Commission Meeting Agenda Packages 9/8/94-9/13~4 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/City Commission Meeting Agenda Packages 9/19/94- 1.5 }/26/94 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/Cobb Project 1990-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Letter to Commission 1991-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 21c Correspondence/Budget 1992-1993 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1991-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1992-1993 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1990-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Parking Task Force 1991-1992 1.5 BC-1R2 83c Correspondence/Land Use and D~velopment Committee 1988-1991 1.5 BC-I R.2 100c Correspondance/Lincoln Road Association 1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence 1991-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 100c CorrespondencedConvention Center Northern Telecom 1992-1993 1.5 .-IR2 100c Correspondence/M acArthur Causeway. 1992 !.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Parking 1992-1993 1.5 BC-I R2 89 Correspondence/Organizational Files 1993-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondance/Topic Files 1994-1995 1.5 APPENDIX A L STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. ~-~ (,~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) Division of Library and PAGE 10 OF 11 PAGES information Services Form LS5E 108R7-86 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date usc only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-I R2 35a Correspondence/Topic Files no dates 1.5 BC-I R2 100c Co~rcspondenceJSurvcys no dates !.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Finance Committ~ Meetings 1/6/92- 1.5 12/15/92 BC-IR2 83¢ Correpondence/Finance Committee Meetings 1/19/93- 1.5 12/9/93 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Finance Committee Meetings I/31/94- 1.5 11/10/94 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meeting Agenda 3/15/95-4/5/95 1.5 ,~.C- ! R2 83c Correspondence/Commission Meeting Agenda 1/4/95-1/18/95 1.5 ..-IR2 83c Corrcspondcnee/Commission Meeting Agenda 5/17/95- 1.5 6/21/95 BC-1R2 35a Correpondence/Subject Files 5/25/91-4/6/92 1.5 1/30/84- ! .5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/South Point Towers 5/11/90 4/16/86- 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/M.B. Marina i 0/3/88 7/29/92- i .5 BC-IR2 53b Correspondence/Hotel Study 3/12/93 BC-1 R2 100c Correspondence/Block 9 1/90-5/10/90 i .5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Cassettes no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 83c Correspondence/Loan Review Committee 1984-1988 !.5 BC-IR2 35a correspondence/Old City Hall 1987-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 36a Correspondence/News Paper Clippings 1990-1994 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Marina 1990-1991 ! .5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Beach Patrol Anti- Scmitism 1985-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Corrcspondcncc/Ivlarina Village 1990-1993 i.5 BC-IR2 121 Correspondence/Telephone Log Harrison 1990-1993 1.5 '"'~-lR2 100c Correspondence/Convention Center Expansion 1986-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 34c Correspondence/Lease Agreement 1990-1991 1.5 BC-IR2 100b Correspondence/South Point Development Originals 1987-1989 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correpondence/Alton Road and Biscayne Street Roadway 1985-1986 1.5 Improvements APPENDIX A STATE OF FLORIDA RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. ~[-~ ~_~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE (CONTINUED) PAGE 11 OF '11' PAGES ~ Division of Library and information Services Form LS5E 108R7-86 I. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Manager's Office $. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Destruction No. No. (Division Dates in Action and Date us~ only) Cubic Feet Completed After Approval BC-IR2 100c Architect/Engineering Convention Center Expansion 1984 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/City Manager T.O.P.A Copies 1987-1988 1.5 BC-1 R2 100c Correspondence/Design of Parking Garage 1993 !.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Engineering and Architectural Services 1986 !.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/l 3th Street Parking Garage 1988-1990 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/ArchitectJEngineer-TOPA 1985-1988 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Various Documents and Records 1985-1988 1.5 BC-1R2 100c Correspondence/TOPA Reconstruction 1987-1989 1.5 "~C-I R2 100¢ Correspondence/Convention Center Expansion 1986-1989 1.5 r~C-1R2 100¢ Correspondence/Files of Miami Beach Redevelopment no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 100c Correspondence/Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion 1985-1986 1.5 BC-1R2 35a Correspondence/Old City Hall 1985-1992 1.5 BC-IR2 100¢ Correspondence/Tourist and Convention Center Expansio~ 1984 1.5 BC-IR2 100c Correspondence/South Point District Sewerage System 1984-t986 1.5 Improvement ,,, BC-1 R2 100b CorrespondenceFF.O.P.A Originals 1987-1988 1.5 BC-1R2 100c Correspondence/Convention Center Copies 1984-1985 1.5 BC-1R2 100c Correspondence/1901 Convention Center Drive Originals no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 35a Correspondence/Convention Center Wraparound 1987-1989 1.5 BC-I R2 100c Correspondence/Florida Maritane Museum Proposals no dates 1.5 BC-IR2 100b Correspondence/Convention Center Originals 1989 1.5 BC-1R2 100c Correspondence/Convention Center Expansion no dates 1.5 BC-1R2 100b Correspondence/13st. Parking Garage Originals 1985-1987 1.5 BC-IR2 100b Correspondence/I 3st. Parking Garage Misc. Originals 1985-1987 1.5 BC-IR2 100b Correspondence/Convention Center Originals 1986 1.5 ,, -a~C-IR2 100¢ Correspondencefi'.O.P.A Reconstruction 1987-1989 1.5 ssC-IR2 100c Correspondence/Alton Rd./Biscayne St. Roadway Improvements 1984-1987 1.5 BC-1R2 100c Correspondence/Old City Hall Copies 1986 1.5