Request 543 - Finance STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Diws~on of Library and Information SorvlCe~ Form LS6E107R4-93 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS (SWeet, CiW, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FI. 33139 RECORDS DISPOSITION i,. D, e.,EWt:.U F lnanc e CiTY CLER ' REQUEST NO. ~L~ PAGE 1 OF J3. BUREAU I~:~O~TACTlNeme&TelephoneNumber) 0F~n Duenas, Financial Analyst III 305-673-7405 SUBMIT TO: Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES a RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW {FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y)//~ TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW ARCmWST R~EW ~ ~/Z¢/~ SUPERWSOR R~ PAGES 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correcdy represer~qd below, that any audit requirements for the records have !~n~ly~j~tified, and that further retention is not required,f]~gjt~ pending or i~mirmnt. -- ' Signature Date Robert 3, Rachlinger :Finance Direc_c_c_~or J 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION The scheauleO records iisted in item ~ ere to be disposed of in -,he manner checked below (specify only one): ~ a. Destruction -- b. Microfilming end Destruction c. Other 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. bo Sched~e Item No. No. GS1 163a ~S1 12la GS1 40a GS1 159a Gsl l14a Co Title Vouchers Account Payable Records: latch Postings Direct Payments A/P Reports Purchasing Records: Purchase Orders (copies) 1099 Forms Journal Entries * NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION {FOR ID/V/SION USE ONLY) Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. Director, Digision of Library and Information Services Date 11. DI~ disposel / Retention (Division use Only) Inclusive Dates 10/1/92- 9/30/93 10/1/922 9/30/93 10/1/92- 9/30/93 110/1/92- 9/30/93 10/1/92- 9/30/93 12/30/87- 12/30/89 fo Volume in Cubic Feet 28.5 13. 3 1.5 Disposition Action and Date Completed After Authorization ~SF~' 10/1/92- /~ ~_~30/93 3 ~/8~ERTIFICA~: The ~bow~ I~t~d r~.ord~ ~w~ ~esn ~e~and on the date shown in colum~ g..  ture ~ Date ~Name and Tide NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.