Request 548 - Mayor & Commission ,,~P*RTM~NT O~ STAT~ RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST NO. Division of Library and ,r~, ...... ~ions ....... ~'~ ?~'0 PAGE 1 OF ~ PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUREAU 4. ADDRESS (S~eet, City, aod Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Carol Nagengast 305-673-7030 6. SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby certify ~ ~t ~e records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are corre ~y represented below, tha ~ny audit requ~ents for the records I ~ been fully justified, and ~t ~th~ r~tion is not ' '. Bureau of Archives and Records Management '~~ ~ail Station ~ The Capit°l ] u ~ ~ Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 moj;e[be~, Ha7o~ N~ The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed o in t e TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW ~. I~/~ 2/~? ~ a. Des,uc~o, -- b. Uicrofilming and ~,~.~ws~ ,~w~w '~ ~/~ ~ ~ .. O~e, d. f. g- a. b, c, Retention e, Vo~e~ ~ ~ Disposition Schedule Item TiUe (Division Inclus~e ~ , _~ct~n and Date No. No. use Only) Dates Cub~ee~)~ted After ~ ~ A~rization ~ -- ~ c~ OS1 146 Transitory Messages I/zZ /~ ~ Hayo: [~vttatio~s ~/95/~6 .0 m 0f~Ice ~ho~e Hessa~es ~ ~~ ~.0~ GS1 121 Accounts Payable/Receivable ~'/93/~ ~.5c) V n o= n(o 5F¢ Travel Invoices GSl 89 Office Calendars I ~ ~~ 1.5 GS1 63 Reading F~les - Hayor Gelber I~ ~ 1.5 GS1 2, ~ u ..... ~ ~ ........ s~e ~~ 12.0 17, ~ m~m~c, ~o~, .... 5-1 I * NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL~ 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. modifications are indicated. Signature Date ' ~~-- _ 0CT24 1997 Name and Title Director, Division of Library Date and Information Services Witness NOTE: Upon disposit~n retain this form for your records. ~,v,.,OnOlL'b'"V"~ I I~rbL/rtl_:._~ IJt~.~l'Ubl I IUI~I riruuEb I J NO. I . ~o,,~ Ls~o~.~ ICONTINUED) PAGE ~...OF ~. PA~ES 1. AGENCY Z. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach Hayor & Commission 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. t. g. e. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Tide (Division inclusive in Action and Date No. No. use Only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed Afler Authorization GS1 3 Administrative Support Records ~ F~ 1/1/93 - 9/30/94 Gel 17 Correspondence: Routine 3 F ~/ 1/1/93 - / 9/30/94 1/1/93 - GS1 31 Memoranda 3 Ff 9/30/94  NOTE: FOR THOSE RECORDS DATED t/I/~ -- '~'/~ THIS IS A PRIOR DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION. DESTRUCTION APPROVED PROVIDED RETENTION PERIOD IS MET.(~ ~/ ' / ~l J~' ) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST .-~'ORM STEP 1. NUMERIC SEQUENCE OF THE DISPOSITION REQUEST Indicate the schedule or request number in the box in the upper right-hand corner. This is your tracking and audit trail number, and the maintenance of the numeric sequencing of the disposition requests and the assignment of this number is the responsibility of the RMLO. It is important for filing and tracking purposes that the disposition requests be maintained in numerical order. STEP 2. IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION AND AGENCY CERTIFICATION In the numbered spaces 1-6, identify the agency and the person submitting the disposition request. Space 6 must contain an authorizing signature, date, name, and title for the request to be processed. STEP 3. LISTING OF RECORDS SERIES TO BE DESTROYED Space 9 refers to the entire lower half of the form. It is here that you should identify each of the records series that you are seeking approval to destroy. t[i~(G~ i ~ Tor exta~l~I'l~lt~rt ~umb~r(# 18 a),~and:~he~xaet~l~f~he !records .~t:~~~ ~s sch~ule ~d i~em.~n~b~C~e'~p6fi~nce:Rou~e~. ~e:~e~tle indic~t~~e~] ~ehed~e you ~re fi-~fi'~ This prevents confusion d~ing the process of approval. You then~ .~2te'r~ge of ~e r~~t~9~d3~:~esgg~9!./Q~/~!~7!2/3 ~/92)~ Finally, you should identi~ the number of cubic feet occupied by the records. If you need help in dete~ining this number, there is a conversion chart available in Appendix C of the Basics of Records M~agement Handbook. At this point, the Records Disposition Request form is complete. The form should be mailed to the address that appears on the front of the form. HELPFUL HINT 1' A disposition request need not be submitted to the Bureau of Archives and Records Management if the records being destroyed have a retention value that requires them to be retained only until they are obsolete, superseded, or administratively useless. HELPFUL HINT 2: If you are submitting several line items, you can significantly increase the turnaround time if you will group records series together in chronological order. In other words, place all the Routine Correspondence you have together, identifying relevant dates from earliest to latest. You can then proceed to identify the next record series and the relevant date range for the records in the series. This will substantially improve our ability to process your request correctly and efficiently.