Fire #555 Farm LSSElOTR443 1. AGENCY 4. ADDRESS (S'~eet. City. and Zip Code) 1700 Co~'~.n'~o~ ~_n~ Dr. Miat'~ ~ach, Fi. 33139 'RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST · .r./-/7~ ~ ~o.~ · I 2,. DIVISION " I 3. BUREAU SUBMIT TO: ~' Florida DePartmem of State Bureau of Archives end Records Management Mail Station 9A ~Th~e Capitol lahassee, Pl. 32399-0250 7..BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RE.CORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW ~ DIV~S;ON USE O~i. ~ ~ TECHNICIAN REVIEM/ ~r~,~ L//OC,/~ ~ . ANALYST REVIEW t~,/~ 9//.,~/,e)' sup.~v,soa .EV,~ S~heduh No. be 35 36 Rescue ~:~c~: Field Rescue l~:,~ao~bs: _HontYLTy · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSGE108 ° 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION '(FOR DIVISION USE ONLY) Dbpo~d for the above Ibted reQorda b authorized. Any ddetior~ or Date Director, Divbion of Library Ind Information Selvicee $. coNTACT (Nam & Tdephone NUmborl (~.~ef ~d ~1 Fa~o (305) 673-7130 S. SUBMITTED By: I I~feby =nify dmt the recorcb to be dbpond a ore c:orreody represehted below, tlmt iny audit requirwnen~ btr alii records Imve been fully jU~lfled..nd dmt ~rthor retention b not ~ f~any t~btg or immbtont. . , - ~ - 8. NOTICE OF INTBITION . The adli4~ub:~ ;G.~td; ,'bt~ bt Itom 9 'ore ~ be dbpo~ed of bt d~ nmnn~ cd.eked below (sPecifY mdv oriel: __~ ii. DMim=don ,. b. Mkrofiming and D~tcdon I. UST OF RECORD 8ERIE8 d. (Dh~bbn wii Only) 1/20;,,91 9/91 12/94 f. Volumii in Cubic F~lt 1,5 72 4.5 e- ObpMltion Aclion and Da~; Compbtted Aha Aulhmizalion 11. DISPOSAL CERTIIqCATE: The above Ibted rec~a have been : dbpoepd o.f in the manner and on the date shown in column g. ~iO ~e I , . pate NOTE: Upon dbposMon retein thM form for ¥ou~ records.