Internal Procedure for Energov Fee Adjustments Deletionsn n I n! �. DATE ISSUED: 08/15/2019 DATE UPDATED: Page: 1 Of: 5 SEQUENCE NUMBER: Version 1 _, - INTERNAL PROCEDURE FOR ENERGOV FEE ADJUSTMENTS/DELETIONS — CITY CLERK SUBJECT: Changing of Fees in EnerGov RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: City Clerk PURPOSE The purpose of this SOP is to establish the protocol and staff responsibilities for: 1. Adding and changing fees in the EnerGov system at the fee table level. 2. Making fee adjustments (includes deleting fees) to individual transactions level. SCOPE EnerGov is primarily a permitting system used by several departments to calculate the costs of permit fees and the associated fines established by city ordinance, county ordinance or state mandate. EnerGov is also used to generate the billing of assessed fees and fines. DEFINITION 1. Fee setup in EnerGov: Fee setup is the hardcoding of a fee in the EnerGov system Fee Table whether it is a new fee or a change to an existing fee. User having rights to make these changes have "system administrators" rights and work in the Information Technology Department. 2. Fee adjustment in EnerGov: Fees previously calculated and billed can be adjusted or deleted for multiple reasons at the individual transaction level. This action is referred to as a fee adjustment and is performed by department staff. Users having rights to make these changes are given "allow adjust fee" rights. PROCEDURES for 1. Fee Setup in EnerGov • Authority: Authority to change the fee table must be accompanied by a City Ordinance, County Ordinance or State mandate. • Who is responsible: The Information Technology (IT) department is responsible for making fees changes in EnerGov after: 1. The requesting department obtains a Munis/EnerGov charge code from the Finance Department. 2. The requesting department obtains the EnerGov Fee Request Form located in the IT Forms folder in the Fishtank. 3. The EnerGov Fee Request Form is completed and signed by the requesting department's Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director. 4. The requesting department attaches the signed EnerGov Fee Request Form and supporting documentation to a ticket in the MBAssist ticketing system and submits it to IT. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. trAn /I I A ,n n. ( B EACH DATE ISSUED: 08/15/2019 DATE UPDATED: Page: 2 Of: 5 SEQUENCE NUMBER: Version 1 INTERNAL PROCEDURE FOR ENERGOV FEE ADJUSTMENTS/DELETIONS — CITY CLERK SUBJECT: Changing of Fees in EnerGov RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: City Clerk • How changes are made: After verifying the EnerGov Fee Request Form contains the signature of the Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director of the department making the request the EnerGov System Administrator (ESA): ✓ Creates or changes the fee(s) requested in a testing environment. ✓ Provides the requesting department the ability to test the new or changed fee in a testing environment. ✓ Prepares a Change Control event for the new or changed fee that requires the approval of the Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director of the requesting department, before moving the change to the live environment. ✓ After the requesting department's Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director has approved the Change Control, the ESA will complete the change in the live environment and an email notification is sent to the requesting department's Director, Assistant Director and/or Deputy Director. ✓ Once the change is completed in the live environment, the requesting department will test the change to validate it is accurate and functioning properly. • Review: ✓ The requesting department's Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director is responsible for reviewing and either approving or disapproving the change control. ✓ The requesting department's Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director is responsible for reviewing the change in the live environment. • Maintaining supporting documentation for changes and review: I. Information Technology department: a) The IT department retains records of all fee changes requested in the Change Control application and ensure the records are available for internal and external audits. b) The records will include the approved EnerGov Fee Request Form and the supporting documentation. c) The Change Control application will retain evidence the fee change was approved by the requesting department's Director, Assistant Director or Deputy Director. II. Requesting department: The department requesting the change to the fee table must retain supporting documentation to validate the fee change was tested in the live environment and the documentation must be available for internal and external audits. • Other: Notifications of any fee changes are sent automatically to requesting department's Director, Assistant Director and/or Deputy Director. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. trA " I A, " 1 BEACH DATE 08/15/2019 ED: DATE UPDATED: Ofg5' 3 NUMB NUMBER: SEQUENCE Version 1 INTERNAL PROCEDURE FOR ENERGOV FEE ADJUSTMENTS/DELETIONS — CITY CLERK SUBJECT: Changing of Fees in EnerGov RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: City Clerk PROCEDURES for 2. Fee Adjustments in EnerGov • Authority Adjustments/deletions to previously calculated and billed fees are performed at the individual transaction level due to one of the following reasons: 1. Authorizations by: ➢ City Commission ➢ City Code ➢ State Statue ➢ City Manager 2. Change — ScopeNalue 3. Record Void 4. User Error 5. Unauthorized Change • Types of fees adjusted in the department: 1. Code compliance 2. Building 3. Fire 4. Parking 5. Short-term rentals 6. Administrative court cost ➢ Special Master ➢ City Attorney ➢ Chief Financial Officer • What events requires an adiustment/deletion to be made in the department: 1. Customers and departments within the City may request the Special Master for fee adjustments/deletions because the fees were levied in error. 2. Customers request and receive waiver or adjustment of fees from: • Special Master office or • Settlement with the City Attorney's office, with the final approval from the Special Master. • Who is responsible for making adjustments/deletions in the department: The Code Violation Clerks are primarily responsible for entering fee adjustments/deletions in EnerGov. The Office Associate IV will serve as a secondary resource as needed. • Who reviews fee adjustments/deletions in the department: The Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report generated from EnerGov is reviewed and approved by the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk on a weekly basis. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safely to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Al l �C H DATE ISSUED: 08/15/2019 DATE UPDATED: Page: 4 Of: 5 SEQUENCE NUMBER: Version 1 INTERNAL PROCEDURE FOR ENERGOV FEE ADJUSTMENTS/DELETIONS — CITY CLERK SUBJECT: Changing of Fees in EnerGov RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: City Clerk • Maintaining supporting documentation for changes and review in the department: 1. Transaction: - N/A 2. Report: The approved Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report are retained for two years. REVISION HISTORY: Created on 08/15/2019 APPROVAL SIGNATURES: Prepared by: Approved by: A 2n ZA Department Director* Date * Signature indicates that rights/roles in EnerGov for department staff are consistent with the procedures identified in this SOP. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. in \ A ! A t\ A !BEACH DATE ISS 08/15/2019 ED: DATE UPDATED: Pa Ofg5. 5 NUMBER:SEQUENCE Version 1 INTERNAL PROCEDURE FOR ENERGOV FEE ADJUSTMENTS/DELETIONS — CITY CLERK SUBJECT: Changing of Fees in EnerGov RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: City Clerk APPENDIX: EnerGov Fee Request Form - https://miamibeach.sharepoint.com/dept/it/Shared%20Documents/Energov%20Fee%20Request %20Form.pdf IT Forms — https://miamibeach.sharepoint.com/dept/it/Shared%20Documents/Forms/All Items.aspx MBAssist — https://miamibeach.sharepoint.com/Pages/MB-Assist.aspx Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report - https://energovapp.miamibeach.gov/EnerGovProd/EnerGov/ Instructions for generating the Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report: 1. Log into EnerGov E2. Click the icon in the upper left corner 3. Click on the Cashier Folder 4. Click on the Cashier Reports 5. Click on Transaction Reports Viewer 6. Click the Audit — Adjusted and Deleted Fees Transaction Report 7. In the bottom left corner, click the Create Report folder 8. Enter the Start Date and the Ending Date for the report period desired 9. Click the desired module (s) and press the arrow to select 10. Click the desired department (s) and press the arrow to select 11. Press OK to generate the report 12. The Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report is now available to be printed and saved as an Excel spreadsheet or as a PDF document. We are committed b providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.