Request 570 - Finance/Revenue ~rATE OF FI.ORIOA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Otvleien of IJb~aty and Inf~ 6e, v~c~ Farm L$SE107R4~3 1. AGENCY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 4. ADDRESS {Slreet, City, and Zip Code) 1700 CONVENTION CTR. DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 SUBMIT TO: RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST I2. DIVISION FINANCE Rorida Deparlment of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW (FOR DIVISION USE ON£ Y} TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW ARCHIVIST REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW 3. BUREAU NO. _5-70 PAGE I OF PAGES 6. CONTA~ (Nsme & Telep~ne Numbm*) JAIME CASTRO (305) 673-7000 X 6395 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of I reqare co~ec~y~weeen~d below, ~at any audit requ~emen~ for ~e ~c~dI ham ~R My jua~fied, and ~at ~ reMn~on b not / , , Signature ' Date PATEICIA D. WALKER, FTNANCE DIRECTOR 7.,. 8. NOTICE OP INTENTION The achedded records listod in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the mannor checked below (specify only oriel: a. Des~n b. M~o~m~ and De*~n 9. UST OF RECORD SERIES Schedde No. GS1 GS1 GS1 GS1 GS1 Item No. 9O 12 221 170 141 Co T'~Je CASH COLLECTION RECORDS CASH RECEIPTS RECORDS LICENSES UTILITY (OCCUPATIONAL) BILLING RECRODS WORK ORDERS · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 ® Reunion uae Ody) In~ua~e Dates lo/1/95 9/30/96 10/1/95 9/30/96 10/1/95 9/3o/96 10/1/95 9/3O/96 lo/1/95 9/30/96 fo V~ume k, Cubic Feet 4.5 63 15 31.5 18 132 Disposition Action and Date ~-~ete~ A~e~ A~afion 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ONL Y) Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modif~,ations are indicated. Director, Division of Ubrary and Informa~on Serv~es Date 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Signature Date Name and Title Witness NOTE: Uoon disoosition retain this fnrm fnr vnHr