Request 572 - Fire· STATE OF FLORIOA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Fimn LS~E107A4-e3 1. AGF..hlCY CIT~ OF M_T.]~T 4. ADDRESS (Slreet. City, and Zip Code) RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST FIRE, D~~? ~![ [~ 1700 COtIvl~fION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEAC}I, FL. 33139 SUBMIT TO: "Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management =-~==:~Maii Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 .o. PAGE 1 OF ~ PAGE i3. BUREAU ~:c~r (Nam, & T.~be.. Numbor~ (305) 673-7130 6. SUBMITTED BY: I h~teby nsni~y dmt the records to be disposed o ore cmrrmnly r~~ ~w, ~t a~ a~ r~ f~ ~ ~ f~ any t~a~ ~ ~ ~m~m. ~ D~,FA~O, ~ 'D~SION ~ 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW ' 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION TECHNICIAN REVIEW ANALYST REVIEW ARCHIVIST REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW Schedule Item Ne. No. GS8 3~ J. f/~ aheeked ~ ¢speaifv only oneh ~--.. :;D--ln~t°n __ b Mk:rO.min~.nd D.Izucdon ~. UST OF RECORD 8ERIES Rescue Repoz~cs: Field Rescue Reports: Monthly z~ Rescue Reports: Field 2. ~'~ · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSGE108 ® de (Divbien ..p O.ly! 12/9/92 12/ 795 9/91 12/1/95 7/13/80 8/2/80 e. · Dbpnsidon Ildnsiv~ J in AL-lion end DaM Dam I C~zbi= Feet Completed Ah.~ I Amhorizption 5~ 3 1.5 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DII/I~ION USE ONLY) Dbpo~d for 1he Ibov~Jlsted reGorda i. authorized. Any deletions or Director, Divbion of Ubr~ry ·nd Informmtim Sm Date 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above IbM ~ have been diepo~ed of in the minn~ end on the date shown in column g. Signanzp Date Name and Title NOTE: Upon dl-n~it~n rmtlin thM