Request 578 - City Clerk/Special Master Revised 04/2001 I1. AGENCY ~C~TY OF MIAM! BEACH RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT 2. D~'ZS!ON CI'rY CLERK -,. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 CONVENT!ON CENTER DRZVE M!AM! BEACH, FLORI~DA 33139 6. SUBMITrED BY: ! hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified, and that further r. et:ention ia not required for~ny litigation pending qr Si~atUre (--) Date L!SA R. PlARTZNEZ, CLERK OF THE SPEC!AL PLASTER ~ ,_J~ , c. Other Name a Title a. c/ ,,. L!ST RECORD SER!ESd. Schedule Title Retention !rem GS1-L CODE ENFORCEPLENT BOARD CASE F!LES 5 YEARS (ADt4!N!STRATZVE HEAR!NGS, CODE AND F!RE AFTER F!NAL CASES) D!SP. NO. 578 PAGE 1OF. 1 3. BUREAU SPEC!AL PLASTER 5. CONTACT (Name and Tele Ihone Number) LTSA R. MART!NEZ (305) 673-7181 PAGES 7. NOT!CE OF !NTENTZON The scheduled records listed in !tern 8 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one): X a. Destruction __ b. Microfilming and Destruction Inclusive Dates 5/1/97to 7131/97 Volume in Cubic Feet Disposition Action and Date Completed After Authorization 9. DZSPOSAL AUTHOR/ZATION Disposal for the above listed 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are disposed o.f~n the manner a. nd on/the date shown in column g., indicated. I Sig~tu're u Date ,,~ y'% J / I LZSA R..MART!NEZ,/'CII. E~ OF THE SPECZAL MASTER I NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.