Request 583 - Internal Audit.evised 04/2001 AGENCY City of Miami Beach RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beacht FL 33139 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the rec~p~ds have been fully justified, and that further retention is rPa~qUiJ~for any litigation p,en~ling or imminent ..... ~ ~'/J/--~'-~'" ~ / / 3ames/Sutter Internal Audit , Namd and Title PAGE 1 OF __1 PAGES 3. BUREAU Schedule Item GS1 DTVTSTON Internal Audit ~ ~. CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) 3ames 3. Sutter (305) 673-7020 7. NOT[CE OF TNTENTTON The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one): X_ a. Destruction _ b. Microfilming and Destruction c. Other 8. I.[ST OF RECORD Title ;ERIES Retention -~ear$ Inclusive Dates FY 9~30~98 Volume in Cubic Feet 12.0 Audits: Supporting Documentations/Resort Tax. Disposition Completed After Authorization ....... , n nT~m~~TE The above listed records h. ave been 9. DISPOSAL AUTHOR/ZAT/ON Disposal for_t_he .a. oove~ ~iu~;~d~ in r al d on the date shown in column g. records is authorized. Any deletions or moalrlcat~ons are I u~l~u=~u ~/~ ~ indicated. ~ ~_. ~ /0 Records Custodian or Designee Date Witness ;ition retain this form for you~r records.