Deleted and Adjusted Fee ReportMiami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report From: 8/19/2019 to 8/23/2019 Record Fee Name User JB08000076 Special Masters - Lien Cynthia Neves Release Fee JB08000076 JBMASTER:ENGINEER-SP Cynthia Neves ECIAL MASTER FEES J1308000076 Total Fine with interest - Cynthia Neves BuElding JB08000076 Total Fine with Interest - Cynthia Neves Building JB08000076 Total Fine with Interest - Cynthia Neves Building Reviewer Name Signature and Date PM - Permit, PL - Plan, CC - Code Case, BL - Bussiness Licensing, VIO - Violation ADJ - Fee Adjustment; DEL - Fee Deletion Original Amt. Current Amt- Comment $.19.00 $22.000 TWO LIENS, TWO RELEASES $922.00 $0-00 SM ORDER AGREED ORDER 8-8-19 $350_2 $0.00 AGREED ORDER 6-8-18-CLN $500.16 $0.00 AGREED ORDER 8-8-18—CLN 1,6 $0.00 AGREED ORDER 8-8418-CLN Totals: $2,283.44 $22.00 �` [ fok Cis Lewes Oglaglig Date/ilme Module Type 8/19/2019 10.06:4tAM CC ADJ. 8/19/2019 10:08:31AM CC DEL 8/19/2019 1022:06AM VIO DEL 8/19/2019 10:22:42AM VIO DEL 8/1912010" 10:23:07AM V O DEL