E66-9 Boov,2764 PAGE340 KNOW ALL liEU BY '::'HESE PRESE1\lTS, That we, the owners of the following described Droperty: Lot 6, Block 10, Corrected Plat, Altos Del 'Har 1'10. 1, as Der Plat Recorded in Plat Book 31, Pa3e 40, of t~e Public Records of Dade County, Florida, in con- sideration of the benefits accruing to us by reason of convenient access Bn0. a lesser cost of the construction of seevers and ''later mains, an(', the desirability of having the things hereinafter specified placed in the locations noted below, and in consideration of $1.00, receipt of '.,,'hich is hereby ackn01^rledged, do here-oy Give an(1 grant unto the City of Biaoi Beech, Florida., its successors and assigns and its grantees operating public utilities, the oer- petual right aDd easeoent to lay and oaintain sewers and cTater mains underground in A tlar1.tic, \vay. As saia. 'Ivay is sh0\-TJ1 on Plats recorded in Plat Book Thirty-one (31), pase F0rty (,Aj) .snd in Pl/'1,t Book Four (4), Page One hundred sixty-two (162) of t~e Public Records of Dade County, Florid[,-, o.nd as said Uay is named 8.nd de8~'e;nated in the C1 ty of Miami Beach Ordinance ITo. 232. I:1 "ITlTESS "'P?,REOF, we h8.ve hereunto set our 11an(1s 9.nd seals at Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, this ~ day of ~ ~ A.D. 1946. ^ m "",aT' f{:~pj)~ ~ Af-<)"aA~j, . ~/ 111 k~~J 'e -,' -1'\0- ~ I ~-~-.tQ . , BOOK2764 PAGE341 Rhode Island STATE OF ~) Provide)lce 58 COUNTY OF wmE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally Etppe""red 'oefore me, an officer duly authorized to adminis ter 08 ths end tel:e acknoH- ledgements Alfred De Maris and Ines De Maris to me vmll knovm and known to me to be the individuals described in the fore- going instrument, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily ane'_ for the -"urposes therein expressed. Aim I FURTHER CERTIFY thp,t the said Ines De Maris me to be the wife of the said Alfred De Maris kno'\'11 to on a separate and p1'i va te exar<1ina tion taken end made by me anet before me, seDa- re. te ly and apart from her husband, did acknovJledge tho.. t she made herself a party to the said instrument for tl~ purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her !'ight, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the same freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Providence State of Rhode Island this sixth day of September " i ~ I " '-'; .....;.\.,..,.. ( ,;""'-II~ ....' ,\'---"' .. ~ I .; ~~ :> '-,~ .....~...J6..':' ~........... ::..:~ ! .-~.., "-'.........( ~...~..~~;...--;-~.. "e":~ .''0 ;: -2 \ c: ~ 1 -' C' . i - .~ . ..... \~:;;~~~~j A. D., 1946. .,,/.' My commission expires: June 30, 1951 '.~. , ~ THIS EASE1:!ENT ACCEPTED BY T!{Ii: CITY COTJt!CIL OF Th"E CITY OF HIAHI BEACH, FLORIDA, THIS 2nd DAY OF October A. D,. 1946. -fd .' fil >~~.-. ,_.' '>-- ~-..- . " '. :'\ .,~- -," -.... ---,.,~, ../ f , " .1 ,'" '.' .,. F, : .,...-" '''-',_'. '\.. . -' '. . . .... )..'j '. ." ,--,:..-5 ".. 'N.: }.1a:yor ~ ,... I; ATTEST: " , . :i<::~';'~"'~~":::'-' ~:', ~ e-J~~fj!4~. "'~;-:- p~ ~ ~~~:;::"o. ~'>':,:~ ~::' ....~,l'~~.,'.,J.' ~<~'ti 't~ (".~ .-' ., >:".~,;.~...~- ,"'; ...:<;'~' \ ,.. aoo~276~' ?Atl3ti.2 l "t d >. t . __'Sri1,&:,~F ,FJlODE lSL1\.~DE}lCE PL1\.}l'f 1\. 'flO}lS, 1. k ~ ," '/ , OI'Fl eE of TilE CLERK OF TilE ',;, \ . \ \ .. ~ER10R eoVRT .// , "'~ " 1 ""Tf"F~';"~~~~~:f~;~~:~l= .:..' " ;1 "id s"U 1M ,h, e,""" 'f p,,'"'''' "d B",tol. ,ho "..' . . CoO" R""d "d h,~.g b, I.w , ",,- nO ]!ERE" CF,Rll>', ",t " ....~~~~'~i~""~~;~~~~~te a NOTARY w' .." "m' I' ",' ,atb" to ". , .. " "." fi"" ." " m.. -...,..........' rUBUC I. ",d I" ,.' St,,,, ",;dl., I. ~oJ c~ndty. o! t .;~. .~;;;" ;:;,",;..; ;;;; ;;.;," 'M """wi d d rfied and author~zed to a nt~n1S er oa h. h duly appointe an qua ~ ' d' , ",It"""'" I~" I, ,oJ St~. ,"" w " j j, "", ,~,."",,, I'" "'" " ,,_on ,'" ' ' , ", tm"" '" ,..., " . " St~" "" I ,m ..ft ",qwU'''' ,,;" ,M ,.""""u" · I '" ,,,," " , ,,,s ". " b' "~ OJ. ""- ~ .., ..... . .. .... ..' ...... ..' , .. . ~~;""'"t" ,..,,,,"" to b, ,",;' t'''''''' ",' ". ''''' ,I on' ,,,It, b''"'" ,'~ ". ",...." ; " ,I ' ",",," ". ;, "' ," " "q,w.' '" ,,;.I Sto" ,. ." "q""' ". ." .1 · ". " ' ",,,,,, "," be on file in this ojjice, .. -.:.\. '.. bscribe ntY nante, arid lid year above writtell. Clerk, . 'l. ~" ~ ~'" ,~; .. '" /~);. oiI/l1f" \0 "--------------------------- ------