Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report Miami=Beach=Deleted-and Adjusted-Fee Report-- - --PM--P-ermit,_P_L-P_lan,-CC---_Code-Case,BL=Bussinesslicensing,_VIO—Violation __ From: 10/21/2019 to 10/25/2019 ADJ-Fee Adjustment, DEL-Fee Deletion Record Fee Name User Original Amt.Current Amt. Comment Date/Time Module Type Je• l-2060893 JCMASTER:LIC-RTAX-CO Fernanda Silva $14,027.58 $0.00 THE AMOUNT OF THIS FINES DOES NOT MATCH 10/23/2019'11:21:12AM CC DEL A' DE SM Fines ' " WITH THE fACTUAL AMOUNTTODAY iJ12000894' JCMASTER:LIC/CU-CODE Fernanda Silva $10,150.00 $0.00 THIS AMOUNT DOES NOT MATCH TO THE ACTUAL 10/23/2019 11:05:02AM CC DEL - SM Fines FINES AS OF TODAY. Je1.6050278 +t - - S ecial Masters-Court Fernanda Silva - ;'":$100.00 0.00 AGREED ORDER HAS BEEN PROVIDED-.SEE 10/23 2019 2:11 59PM CC p _.� $ ADJ j _ ATTACHED.. . JC18;�600027Special Masters-Lien Fernanda Silva $11.00 $0.00 AGREED ORDER HAS BEEN PROVIDED-SEE 10/23/2019 2:12:35PM CC ADJ _ Recording Fee ATTACHED 160002 9 S ecial Masters-Court. Fernanda Silva , - .$100:00 $0.00 AGREED ORDER PRESENTED-SEE-ATTACHED2 1 25- 8 M - p 10/23/2019 2 25.38PM CC ADJ _ tIG1X0002 9? Special Masters-Lien �Fernanda Silva $11.00 $0.00 AGREED ORDER PRESENTED-SEE ATTACHED 10/23/2019 2:25:59PM� CC ADJ Recording Fee JC-16000280 _ Special Masters'-,Court- Fernanda Silva ,,$100.00 $0.00".AGREED ORDER PRESENTED-SEE ATTACHED -.. 10/23/2019 2:29:.1 CC ADJ ��: , _ . Costs . -46000280 ;1 Special Masters-Lien Fernanda Silva $11.00 $0.00 AGREED ORDER PRESENTED-SEE ATTACHED 10/23/2019 2:29:28PM CC ADJ Recording Fee MA201 S9=02215' Special Masters-Court Fernanda Silva $103.00 IN ERROR ANOTHER CASE HAS $0 00 CREATE-D S BEEN 10/24/2019 2:55 26PIVI CC DEL Costs — - .._ te `w , 7CREATE15/S14C20 SMAC2019-00014 Special Masters Appeal Fee Cynthia Neves $100.00 $103.00 INCREASE IAPPEAL-FEE-BY COMMISSIONERS 10/21/2019 2:21:47PM CC ADJ SMAC2019-00015 Special Masters Appeal FeeCynthia Neves $100.00 $103.00 INCREASE IN APPEAL FEE BY COMMISSIONERS. 10/21/2019 2:25:47PM CC ADJ SMAC2019-00016 Special Masters Appeal Fee Cynthia Neves $100.00 $103.00 INCREASE IN APPEAL FEE BY THE COMMISSIONERS. 10/21/2019 2:29:57PM CC ADJ T. als: $24,913.58 $309.00 met- Cit 064v*Alb / Revie er .-me • i I Signa ure and Da e 1 ` o1._t.i/3. in `er 1 it IN AND BEFORE THE SPECIAL MASTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CODE VIOLATION CASE NO.: MIAMI WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT CE15013751, CE15013752, CE15013753 & RETAIL LLC, Petitioner, SPE, IAL ASTER CASE NO.: 1,C 6102248, �C16b00279 JCOd.0280 vs. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, Respondent. / AGREED ORDER MODIFYING MONETARY FINE Upon stipulation and agreement with Klara Fishman Sitbon, Esq., on behalf of Miami Waterfront Development & Retail LLC(hereinafter referenced as the "Petitioner"), and Assistant City Attorney, Yoe Lopez, counsel to Respondent(hereinafter referenced as the "City"), regarding the Code Enforcement matters referenced below in this Agreed Order against the real property which is located at 5777 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida (the "Property"), the respective Parties having agreed to the terms of this Order, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows: 1. The Parties hereby acknowledge that there were violations on the Property the transient(short-term) rental and/or occupancy identified as Code Violation Case Numbers CE15013751, CE15013752, and CE15013753.. 2. The Petitioner shall be assessed a fine in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), which shall be due within 60 days of the entry of this Agreed Order. If payment is not made as specified above, the fine shall return to the original amount. 3. The Petitioner shall only utilize the Property as a residential dwelling consistent with those requirements set forth with City of Miami Beach's Code of Law and Ordinances. I I 4. The failure of Petitioner to comply with paragraph 2 and 3 of the Agreed Order shall result in a fine to be imposed consistent with a violation for those Land Development Regulations based upon the Petitioner's failure to comply with the requirements of the City of Miami Beach Code and this Agreed Order. DONE AND ORDERED by the Special Master of the City of Miami Beach, this / day of 4/614/0-V- , 2019. As Special Master for the City of Miami Beach E Copies furnished to: Yoe Lopez, Assistant City Attorney at bonniestewart@miamibeachfl.gov Klara Fishman Sitbon, Esq. at kfishman@fsplegal.com • NOTES.ON ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS — [A] Indexed to CPI-Rounded up to the nearest dollar [B] Indexed to CPI-Rounded up to the nearest cent [C] Pass Through of Purchased Wholesale Water Charges. Rounded to the nearest cent [p] Pass Through of Purchased Wholesale Sanitary Sewer Charges.Rounded to the nearest cent [E] Solid Waste collection rate.Indexed to CPI-No specified rounding [F] Indexed to CPI-Rounded up to the nearest dollar,every 5 years N/A CPI not applicable CPI 2.90% Annual Adjustment Section of A I CPI Amount (References shown this Code Description pp y (Sales tax or other taxes Proposed Rate are defined at the Reviewing Department(s) (If so,enter'Yes') • may apply) end of this Appendix A) 2-482(a) Registration fee per issue Yes 350.00 350.00 N/A Office of City Clerk 2-482(f) Annual registration fee Yes 500.00 500.00 N/A Office of City Clerk Initial Fee Yes 100.00 103.00 [A] Office of City Clerk Fee for Appeal Yes 100.00 103.00 [A] Office of City Clerk 58-233 Appeals from actions or decisions of city manager's designee Yes 250.00 258.00 [A] Office of City Clerk Administrative charges for providing notice to the owner of any lot,parcel or tract of land within the city of the failure of the owner to keep such premises clean and free of vegetation 58-301(b) in accordance with city ordinances and a request to remedy Yes 75.00 78.00 [A] Office of City Clerk the condition within a certain timeframe(or else the city will remedy the situation and bill the owner for the associated rnctcl 62-162(d)(4) Registering the declaration of registered domestic partnership Yes 50.00 50.00 N/A Office of City Clerk Amending or terminating the declaration of registered domestic partnership Yes 25.00 25.00 N/A Office of City Clerk