RESOLUTION 93-20722 . I RESOLUTION NO. 93-20722 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING UNDER THE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM TO THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) , PURSUANT TO TITLE IV OF THE STEWART B. MCKINNEY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE ACT, PL 100-77 (7/22/87) AND SECTION 485 OF THE STEWART B. MCKINNEY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE AMENDMENTS ACT OF 1988, PL 100-628 (8/10/88) ; AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE SUCH FUNDS WHEN RECEIVED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; WHEREAS, on July 22 , 1987 , President Reagan signed into law the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act intended to provide urgently needed assistance to protect and improve the lives of the homeless ; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach was allocated $31, 000 for Fiscal Year 1993 to be used for either rehabilitation, operation or maintenance, the provision of essential services, the development of homeless prevention activities, or an appropriate combination of the four, at a shelter for the homeless; and WHEREAS, there is no shelter currently in operation within the City of Miami Beach and the City's allocation of $31, 000 is insufficient to undertake or implement a new project within the City; and WHEREAS, the City with FY 1992 ESGP funds contracted with the Miami Bridge Inc. , to provide homeless assistance to youth ages 10 to 17 and desires to continue supporting their efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City Manager be authorized and directed to submit the application for funding under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by February 22 , 1993 . Further, that the Administration be author zed to appropriate such funds when received. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17th DAY O February , 199 4 / r ) rj, R r ATTEST: FORM APPROVED 4.- —KAA,c.,J( c(7 t-. 1,1‘,,,,,__ _,/// LEGA bEPT. CITY CLERK e , B ', d Date ,V6 9 i3 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (1:11 CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 NO. 9 ,- 3 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and DATE: February 17 , 1993 Members of the City Commission FROM: Roger M. Ca = City Manager SUBJECT: SUBMISSION OF THE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM (ESGP) APPLICATION TO THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HUD @ $31,000 ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the City Manager be authorized and directed to submit the application for funding under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program to the U. S. Department of HUD before February 22, 1993, and that the City Manager be the authorized signator. Also, should the funds be allocated from the U. S. Department of HUD, that the City be authorized to appropriate such funds when received. BACKGROUND: On January 19, 1993 , the City received official notification from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , of our entitlement allocation @ $31, 000 for Fiscal Year 1993, under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) . This is a decrease from our FY 92 allocation @ $46, 000. The Emergency Shelter Grant is administered by the Department of Development, Design and Historic Preservation Services. When the City received its first allocation of Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) funds @ $30, 000, we combined such with Dade County's initial allocation, in order to undertake the renovation of a shelter for homeless women and children. The City of Miami Beach had a contractual agreement with the Miami Mission Association, Inc. (MMA) Women and Children's Shelter, from 1987 to 1991, during which time outstanding service was provided to the community. However, last year, MMA advised us that they would no longer seek federal support under this program. This decision stemmed from their desire and commitment to conduct religious teaching and counseling services, in the future, which is expressly prohibited under the terms of our agreement. ANALYSIS: As we have previously advised HUD, the City's annual allocation of ESGP funds have been insufficient to renovate and operate a shelter in Miami Beach; therefore, last year the City Commission approved a new service provider, the Miami Bridge, Inc. , homeless shelter for youth ages 10 to 17 years. They were selected through an RFP process wherein proposals received were objectively evaluated and AGENDA ITEM R - DATE COMMISSION MEMO FEBRUARY 17,1993 PAGE 2 ranked by a selection committee, and a contract with the Miami Bridge, Inc. , in the amount of $43 ,700 was subsequently approved by the City Commission commencing July 1, 1992. The provision of services by Miami Bridge under the terms of the agreement was excellent. Through outreach intervention services, teams of professional counselors worked on Miami Beach for more than nine hundred hours, counseling more than eight hundred youth. Further, information cards and outreach posters were disseminated to Miami Beach schools, businesses, and social service agencies. They networked closely with the principals and guidance counselors of all Miami Beach schools. Twelve clients referred by the City of Miami Beach Police Department were accepted into the shelter and provided the full range of services the agency offers. With the City's new FY 93 ESGP allocation @ $31, 000, the Miami Bridge, Inc. proposes to provide the following services for the eight month period commencing April 1, 1993 : • $29, 000 to underwrite the cost of a shelter bed fifteen days per month. The number of days of care is based on the agency's experience with referrals from Miami Beach, which averages 2-3 per month, and the average length of stay for emergency cases which is 3-5 days. They propose to serve two (2) youth per month for a total of sixteen (16) youth for the contract period. • $2, 000 to underwrite the cost of the printing of posters, brochures and other public information about the agency. The prevention of future problems that can lead to homelessness or running away is an important element of the services Miami Bridge provides. They propose to distribute at least 100 posters and 1, 000 brochures in schools and other locations in Miami Beach that are frequented by youths. CONCLUSION: There is no shelter currently in operation within the City of Miami Beach, and the City's annual ESGP allocation of $31, 000 is insufficient to either undertake or implement a new activity within the City. Therefore, based on their excellent performance, the City desires to continue supporting the Miami Bridge, Inc. , and we recommend approval of the attached grant application which directs the FY 93 ESGP funds @ $31, 000, to the Miami Bridge, Inc. RMC/STP/cmc 2 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT APPLICATION CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Development, Design & Historic Preservation Services Department February 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS Transmittal Letter 1 Authorizing Resolution 2 Standard Form 424 and Narratives 3 - 5 Timetable • • • • • Proposed Proforma Budget 7 Provider Budget et - Miami Bridge, Inc. 8 AvailabilityMatching of Dollars . . . • • • • • • • • • 9 Source of Matching Funds - Miami Bridge, Inc. . . . . . 10 Local Government Grantee, ESGP Certifications by the Chief Executive officer 11 - 12 Certification of Consistency with the 13 CHAS - City of Miami Beach Certification of Consistency with the 14 CHAS - City of Miami Environmental Review 15 . . CITY OFtj: MIAMI BEACH C;TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 OFFICE FAX: (305) 673-7782 February 18 , 1993 Mr. Jim Chaplin, Area Office Manager U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Jacksonville Office Region IV 301 W. Bay Street, Suite 2200 Jacksonville, FL 32202-5121 Att: Ms. Marion Guilford, ESG Program Coordinator Re: SUBMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESGP) APPLICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993 Dear Mr. Chaplin: . Enclosedlease find the Fiscal Year 1993 "Emergency Shelter Grant p Miami Beach, in accordance with Application, " for the City of Section IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Act. The following information has been enclosed to assist your office in its review of our application: 1. Original and two (2) copies of Standard Form #424 2 . Authorizing Resolution 3 . Grant Application 4 . Required Certifications Please contact Mrs. Shirley Taylor-Prakelt, Director, Housing and Community Development Division, at (305) 673-7260 if additional information is required. We look forward to the implementation of this grant project to assist the homeless in Miami Beach. Sincerely, CIAZLAA...— Ro er M. Carlton City Manager RMC/STP/cmc Attachment cc: Stuart L. Rogel, Assistant City Manager Joe Pinon, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Harry S . Mavrogenes, Director - DD&HPS Shirley Taylor-Prakelt, Director - H&CD Division Emergency Shelter Grant Program File 1 RESOLUTION MO. 93-20122 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY CO3O[Is1ION OF TEE CITY OF MIAMI BRACK, FLORID& AUTHORI S INO TSE SUBMISSION OF Al APPLICATION FOR FUNDING UNDER THE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM[ TO TEE U. S. DEPARTKINT OF ROUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD), PURSUANT TO TITLE I7 OF TEE STEWART B. MCKINNEY HOMILEsa AISISTRNCI ACT, PL 100-77 (7/22/87) AND SECTION +85 OF TEE STEWART B• MCKINNEY HOMELESS ASSISTANCE AMENDMENTS ACT OF 1988, PL 100-528 (8/10/88)t AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE SUCH FUNDS WHEN RECEIVED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; WHEREAS, on July 22, 1987, President Reagan signed into law the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act intended to provide urgently needed assistance to protect and improve the lives of the homeless; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach was allocated $31,000 for Fiscal Year 1993 to be used for either rehabilitation, operation or maintenance, the provision of essential services, the development of homeless prevention activities, or an appropriate combination of the four, at a shelter for the homeless; and WHEREAS, there is no shelter currently in operation within the000 e City of Miami Beach and the City's allocation of w s insufficient to undertake or implement a new project thin the City; and WHEREAS, the City with FY 1992 ESGP funds contracted with the Miami Bridge Inc. , to provide homeless assistance to youth ages 10 to 17 and desires to continue supporting their efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City Manager be authorized and directed to submit the application for funding under the Emergency Shelter Grant Program to the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development by February 22, 1993.9 . Further, that the Administration be author zed to appropriate such funds when received. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS lith • DAY 0 Februa I , 199 T�•R , ATTEST: FORM APPED LE jof CITY CLERIC `� STATE OF FLORIDA By ;_ 9 yCOUNTY OF DADS: tr, I, RICHARD E. BROWN, City Clerk of the Date City of Miami Beach, Florida,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and his cor- rect copy of the original thereof on 1ein office. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of said City this aday of t -D•19 5?,3 RICHARD E.BROWN City Clerk of the City of Mims Beach.Florida 2 .. ..• "►"y.J.Q. 4v .0-4.4 w�. APPLICATION FOR um su•rrT'T!D appacant ttsmaim FEDERAL ASSISTANCE February 18, 1993 -50007 . • 4 i re+t of uasimitssose E.OAR RECSI D ST VAT" State hov+rcatan Oent 4• boMca Mort ►*•tic Strom O Construction 0 Construction • 4 Daft sECER0 ET PED(*M AOCOCI fecierBl toem rr • n N+or+.cOnstruc:on 0 won-C.onrtuc t.o. ._........._____ _ E APPUCANT WFOwtVanese Legal Nary Oro/unmarred Una. City of Miami Beach Housing & Community Development Division 4 * ,S13 rp,.• city county. vat• and Pp coon) Kan*sr4 tat•or+orr nun+011 01 the Corson to be contacted on matters,nroir.np this EoQlcatlon girl a ea code) (305) 673-7010 1700 Convention Center Drive Roger M. Carlton, City Manager Miami Beach, Florida 33139 g Shirley Taylor-Prakelt, H & CD Division Director Dade County Director (305) 673-7260 S. EMPLOYER.OENfTtit�,AT1pN atoms 1111,41: TY IN1�: 1. 1E Or I►IKC� 11: (onto,aoofv�+at•NM,,n Det) ET T - - _ _.. • stat. N indece der+t School Dist 5 9 6 0 0 01 . 3 _ 7 1 $ Gaunt! I Slits GOA tMAW tnVIM ICA 01 0449Learning C lrl uncio • j Drivel•Unrviessef t TYPE Of APPL.K.Anotlt 0 To,,,r iO K hdaan Tribe 0 New 0 Cont,nuatuor+ 0 Rahnsion E Int•►stute • L Indradual F titot awn/toil Ir R'olrt dp.n+labor+ N SY.s+on. enter 800roonna1•lett«1st in taxies). 0 0 . G Somali assn .z N Other (Specify) A w+creaS• Aw•+0 B Decrease Award C inc./ease Duration 0 DScr••ss Otirat,on Otter(sOruly): !. NAME OF FEDERAL AOENCv: U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development is. CA T AL OG O'FEDERAL DOMESTIC II. MGM/TM TITLE Of APPt,tCAIT S PROJECT: AUI$TAMCE',WYSER 1 4 • 2 3 1 Emergency Shelter/Homeless Services for "E. Emergency Shelter Grant Youth ages 10 to 17. 11. ARI .S AFFECTED SY►ItO,*CT(vvws. count ts. states •K 1: Dade County t3. PROPOSED P*OJECT: Ia. CONGRISS)ONAL DISTAKTS Of Stan oat• E nc rig Owe a ataphcant : 0 Nowt 14 and 15 ts. tsTlw.rEO r1M0000: Is.is APPLoCAnoto SU CT TO REVIEW ST STATE EYtCVTTV*OPOEtt t2)n MOMS? a & YES 1)45 PQEAPPLCA COPAP' LOCATION WAS AVAILABLE AVBLE TO TME F.osrat s .00 31 ,000 STATE EXECunvE OADEA 12372 POOCESS FOA REVIEW G+d O Aooucant S .00 DATE c State $ 00 b NO nPROGRAM 6 NOT COVERED BY E 0 12372 0 4 Local $ 00 p OR pAOG AAm KAS NOT BEEN SELECTED$V STATE FOR REVIEW • Ott S 00 t P r Oqr am 1nCOrn• S co 17. is TI+E UK►CAWT DELIINOUENET ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? • ' C] Yes N "'firs.• attach an t=O+anatron 0 No o TOTAL 1 00 31,000 'S TO THE BEST Of w ENOM►LE00t AND BELIEF ALL DATA MI 11415 AUPt,CATION PRE,APPLKATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT.TME DOCUMENT h AS BEEN DULY £UTNORI?ED Sr TIr4 GOVERNING BOOT Of THE APPLICANT AND 114E AP•LcAM WILL COmPLY wm+TME♦TTACNED ASSURANCES K Tt~E ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED a Typed Name ed Authorilb Atprasantat.v to Talc C TtltphoM number • Roger M. Carlton _ City Manager (305) 673-7010 • Oat, S•ar+0o 0 Srpr+atur•od AuehOrst•d •DrfytnlalM t• 2/18/93 kiar+aarC yarn 4?4 OEv I aa. 'rayons EO.Iror+s NCI Usaoes o..sc►.per vk. CUB •.,•c_04, A .02 3 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Standard Form 424 Page 2 The combined allocations of $201, 000 received by the City of Miami Beach from 1987-91 were utilized for the renovation and operation of the Miami Mission Association's shelter for homeless women and children. This use of the funds proved to be the most beneficial to the clients and the City since the annual allocations were insufficient to undertake a new project within Miami Beach and an agreement was reached that priority placement would be given to the housing needs of Miami Beach residents. The City of Miami Beach used its 1992 allocation for the operation and provision of essential services at the Miami Bridge, Inc. , shelter for homeless youth ages 10 to 17, located at 1149 N.W. 11th Street, Miami. A newly built shelter located at 2800 N.W. South River Drive, Miami, will replace the current location in the Spring of 1993 . The City wants to continue to support the Miami Bridge facility with its FY 93 ESGP allocation @ $31, 000. The match for the grant will be provided by the City's sub- recipient, the Miami Bridge, Inc. 4 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Standard Form 424 Page 3 Process and Criteria for Awarding Grant Funds When the City received its first allocation of Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) funds @ $30, 000, we combined such with Dade g County's initial allocation, in order to undertake the renovation of a shelter for homeless women and children. The City of Miami Beach had a contractual agreement with the Miami Mission Association, Inc. (MMA) Women and Children's Shelter, from 1987 to 991 duringwhich time outstanding service was provided to the 1 r MMA advised us that they would no community. However, last year, PP longer seek federal support under this program. This decision stemmed from their desire and commitment to conduct religious teaching and counseling services, in the future, which is expressly teac g prohibited under the terms of our agreement. previously As we have reviousl advised HUD, the City's annual allocation of ESGP funds have been insufficient to renovate and operate a shelter in Miami Beach; therefore, last year we choose a new service provider, the Miami Bridge, Inc. , homeless shelter for youth ages 10years.to 17 They were selected through an RFP process wherein proposals received were objectively evaluated and ranked by a selection committee, and the contract with the Miami Bridge, Inc. , was subsequently approved by the City Commission. Based on their excellent performance, and the City's desire to continue supporting this facility, we will enter into a contract pp g with the Miami Bridge, Inc. , for our FY 93 ESGP funds @ $31, 000. 5 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TIMETABLE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM (PROPOSED DATES) Date Objective February 17 , 1993 City Commission authorizes administration to apply for funds. February 19 , 1993 City submits ESGP application to U. S. HUD. February 22 , 1993 U.S . HUD receives ESGP application. March 23 , 1993 U.S. HUD approves application and awards grant to City via a signed agreement. March 17 , 1993 City of Miami Beach Commission or authorizes contract with the Miami 7 , April 1993 Bridge, Inc. (Provider) , to be P executed. 1, April 1993 Provider begins service delivery. P December 31, 1993 Provider completes services. 6 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROFORMA BUDGET EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM (ESGP) FISCAL YEAR 1993 Eligible Component % of Allocation, Allocated Operations 100% $31, 000 TOTAL ALLOCATION $31,000 Miami Bridge, Inc. City of Miami Beach Emergency Shelter Grant Budget April 1, 1993 - December 31, 1993 TOTAL MONTHLY Expenditures BUDGET BUDGET Administrative Support Srvs. $3,900.00 $487.50 Client Recreation 1,000.00 125.00 Client Supplies 1,000.00 125.00 Client Transportation 2,500.00 312.50 Educational Supplies 2,000.00 250.00 Facility Maintenance 2,500.00 312.50 Food & Beverage 3,500.00 437.50 Housekeeping & Cleaning2,400.00 300.00 P � Insurance LiabilityNehicle 4,200.00 525.00 Telephone 4,800.00 600.00 Utilities 3,200.00 400.00 Totals $31,000.00 $3,8750 8 Miami Bridge, Inc. City of Miami Beach Emergency Shelter Grant April 1, 1993 - December 31, 1993 Availability of Matching Dollars provide matchingfunds on a dollar for dollar Miami Bridge will ami Beach basis for the amount requested from the City of Mi Emergency Shelter Grant Program. Amount Match Source of Matching Requested Funds, $ , 31 000 $31, 000 Salaries matching funds is the salary line item shown on the The source of m g agency' s o operating budget included as Attachment I. The bulk of the funds in this line item are provided from the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Miami Bridge is providing for this grant are not The matching funds being used as matching funds for any other agency project or activity. 9 Miami Bridge, Inc. City of Miami Beach Emergency Shelter Grant April 1, 1993 - December 31, 1993 Source of Matching Funds TOT TIME MATCH ANNUAL SALARIES ASSISTANT DIRECTOR $38,000 15% $5 ,700 COORDINATOR, RESIDENTIAL SERVICES $33,000 15% $4,950 COORDINATOR, SOCIAL SERVICES $33,000 15% $4,950 (2 ) SOCIAL WORKERS $56,000 15% $8,400 HOUSE MANAGER Op 15% $3,000 (7 A.M. - 3 P.M. ) $20,0 HOUSE MANAGER 15% $2,730 ( 3 P.M. - 11 P.M. ) $18,200 YOUTH CARE WORKER II 15% $2, 100 ( 11 P.M. - 7 A.M. ) $14,000 TOTAL $212,200 $31,830 10 LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANTEE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATIONS BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER I , Roger M. Carlton, Chief Executive Officer of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, certify that the local government will ensure the provision of the matching supplemental funds required by the regulation at 24 CFR 576 . 71. I have attached to this certification a description of the sources and amounts of such supplemental funds. I further certify that the local government will comply with: (1) The requirements of 24 CFR 576.21(a) (4) (i i) providing that the funding of homeless prevention activities for families that have received eviction notices or notices of termination of utility services will meet the requirements that '(A) the inability of the family to make the required payments must be the result of a sudden reduction in income; (B) the assistance must be necessary to avoid eviction of the family or. termination of the services to the family; (C) there must be a reasonable prospect that the family will be able to resume payments within a reasonable period of time; and (D) the assistance must not supplant funding for preexisting homeless prevention activities from any other source. (2) The requirements of 24 CFR 576. 51(b) (2) (v) concerning the funding of emergency shelter in the hotels or motels or commercial facilities providing transient housing. (3) The requirements of 24 CFR 576.73 concerning the continued use of buildings for which emergency shelter grants are used for rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelters for the homeless; or when funds are used solely for operating costs or essential services, concerning the population to be served. (4) The building standards requirement of 24 CFR 576.75; (5) The requirements of 24 CFR 576. 77 , concerning assistance to the homeless ; and (6) The requirements of 24 CFR 576.79 , other appropriate provisions of 24 CFR Part 576, and other applicable Federal laws concerning nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. (7) The requirements of 24 CFR 576.80 concerning the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 . 11 LOCAL. GOVERNMENT GRANTEE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATIONS BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Page 2 (8) The requirement of 24 CFR 576.80 concerning minimizing the displacement of persons as a result of a project assisted with these funds. (9) The requirements of 24 CFR Part 24 concerning the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 . (10) The requirement of the National Affordable Housing Act (Pub. L. 101-625, November 28 , 1990) contained in Section 832 (e) (2) (C) that grantees develop and implement procedures to ensure the confidentiality of records pertaining to any individual provided family violence prevention or treatment services under any project assisted" under the Emergency Shelter Grants Program and "that the address or location of any family violence shelter project assisted" under the Emergency Shelter Grants Program "will, except with written authorization of the person or persons responsible for the operation of such shelter, not be made public. " (11) The requirement of that recipients involve, to the maximum extent practicable, homeless individuals and families in constructing, renovating, maintaining, and operating facilities assisted under the ESG program, and in providing services for occupants of these facilities (42 U.S.C. 11375 (c) (7) , as added by Section 1402 (b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992) . I further certify that the local government will comply with the provisions of, and regulations and procedures applicable under, section 104 (g) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 with respect to the environmental review responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and related authorities as specified in 24 CFR Part 58 . I further certify that the submission of an application for an emergency shelter grant is authorized under State and/or local law and that the local government possesses legal authority to carry out emergency shelter grant activities in accordance with applicable law and regulations of the Department of Housing and .:rban Development. Roger M. Carlton, City Manager (Name and Title) 40' 41, February 181 1993 ( g Si nat' re of Chief Executive Officer) (Date) 12 CERTIFICATION OF CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING AFFORDABILITY STRATEGY I , Roger M. Carlton, City Manager,a er authorized to act on behalf Florida, ertify of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the activitiesconsistent with bythe proposedth the City of Miami Beach, Florida, are Affordability Strategy the Comprehensive Housing A submitted by Miami Beach, Florida, on December 12, 1991, to the City of Department of Housing and Urban Development. Roge_z M. Carlton, City Manager (Name and Title) e4 February 18, 1993 ! (Signa •re) (Date) 13 itg ♦ r i ami HERBERT J. BAILEY ;.�%��� CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Assistant City Manager i• 1 � CERTIFICATION OF CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREIIENSIVE MOUSING AFFO11DABILITY STRATEGY (CHAS) OR ABBREVIATED HOUSING STRATEGY T Iie City of Miami, Florida , certifies that the (State, City or County) proposed activities are consistent with its I I U D approved (Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy or Abbreviated I lousing Strategy). ,Y/ X - � __ _ February 3 , 1993 Signature of Public Official flesponsible for Subnn sitting the CHAS Cesar H. Odio City Manager DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING CONSERVATION/DUPONT PLAZA CENTER 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way,Suite 400-401/Miami,FL 33131 DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (305) 579-3366/ HOUSING DIVISION (305)579-3336/Telecoper: (3051 371-9710 1 + CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM (ESGP) - FY 1993 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A PROJECT The City ty of Miami Beach is applying for a grant in the amount of $31, 000, which will be used to pay for operations and/or essential services. On January, 1989, the City prepared an environmental review of the ESGP program. That review was intended to encompass all eligible activities for more than one funding year of the program. The description of the activities to be undertaken with this new funding allocation (Fiscal Year 1993) is substantially the same, i.e. , operations and/or essential services. Under 24 CFR Part 58 . 34 (b) a recipient does not have to submit a Request for Release of Funds (RROF) and certification, and no further approval from HUD will be needed by the recipient for the drawdown of funds to carry out this project. It is found that the project is not a major federal action which would significantly affect the quality of the human environment. No further environmental review action is necessary for the release of funds. February 12, 1993 Prepared By: d � rtio� Shirley Taylo Prake t, Housing and Community Development Di ision Director as Environmental Specialist for City of Miami Beach 15 RESOLE TION NO. 9i-EU/../..z Authorizing the submission of an application for funding under the emergency shelter grant program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , pursuant to Title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless ImmEntimouilimmErimb Assistance Act, PL 100-77 (7/22/87) and Section 485 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988, PL 100-628; and authorization to appropriate such funds when received.