Sara Patino OATHlv\lA M I BEACH City o f M ia m i B e a ch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beach, Florida 33139 www miamibeachfl.gov O FF IC E O F THE C ITY CLERK , Rafa el E. G ra nado, City Clerk Tel: 305 .67 3 .7 4 11, Fax: 305.67 3.7 25 4 Em a il: C ity C lerk@ m iam ibeachfl.gov Oath of Office Oath of Civility and Acknowledgements RECE IVED DEC 16 2019 CITY O F M IAM I BEACH OFFICE OF TH E CITY C LERK T O : M s. S ara Pa tino R E: (O PE B) Othe r Post-Em ploym en t Ben efits Tru st Com m ittee : I do so le m nly sw e ar or affi rm to bear true fa ith, loyalty and allegiance to the G overn m ent of the U nited S tates, the S tate of Florida, and the C ity of M iam i Beach, and to perform all the duties of a m em ber of the abo ve-m e ntioned board or com m ittee of the C ity of M iam i Beach to w hich I have been appointed. T o m y co lle a g u e s and to all of those I represent and serv e, I pledge fairn ess, integrity and civility, in all actio ns take n and all com m unications m ade by m e as a public serv ant. I ha ve be en issu ed a copy of section 2-11.1 of the M iam i-D ade County Code (C onfli ct of Interest and C o de of Ethics O rdinance), as w e ll as Florida C om m issio n on Ethics G uide to the Sunshine Am endm ent and C o d e of Ethics fo r P ublic O ffi cers and understand that as a m em ber of a City of M iam i Beach Board and/o r C om m itt ee, I m ust com ply w ith the fin an ci al discl osure requirem en ts of M iam i-Dade County or the S tate of Florid a (depending on the board or com m ittee on w hich I serv e) on July 1st, fo llow ing the closing of the ca le nd a r ye ar on w hich I have serv ed. ú ht S w or n to an d subs cribe d before m e this_ _l\2_ _day of_D e ._, 2019 % l Ghrles'Agos#r pl euy cí " HkckGar. pl e a se vi sit the C ity of M iam i Beach w ebsite at w w w .m iam ibeachfl.gov under C ity Clerk/Board and C o m m itt ees fo r ad d itional info rm ation regarding the Financi al D isclosure R equirem ents. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.