Eugenio Cabreja Application Package1, s, MIAM/BEACH OARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Middle Initial 3$) City $) 04?? 3$)715-o 2 e.vre,[uoe)eéu l.ow 'orne T,ilephone • Work Telephone Cellular Telephone ~ E " · · nle. (er1ired/ Busie¿eÑame « Zip Code Occupation Business Address City State Zip Code Professional License (describe): Expires: _ Please attach a copy of currently effective professional license. Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4)a & b: Members of agencies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the City. This requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the City for a minimum of six months; or b. An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the City for a minimum of six months. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes JG,No [ . • Demonstrates ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six months: Yes Q No O • Are you a registered voter in Miami each: Yes DGr No [À • lam now a resident of. North Beach [south Beach .BGui ddle Beach [] e lam_applying for an appointment because I have special abilities,knowledge and experience. Please list below: a»Y La 4)pcjé • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes LÀorNeDj Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2) second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the Office of the City Clerk. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Health Advisory Committee Parks and Recreation Facilities Board o G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Mayor's 41 Street Committee Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Drive Art in Public Places Committee Health Facilities Authority Board Personnel Board ; Audit Committee E Hispanic Affairs Committee ; Planning Board Board of Adjustment* Historic Preservation Board Police Citizens Relations Committee Budget Advisory Committee Housing Authority rI Production Industry Council Committee on the Homeless Human Rights Committed Senior Affairs Committee Committee for Quality Education in MB LGBTQ Advisory Committee Sustainability Committee Cohvention Center Advisory Board Mari ne & Waterfront Protection Authority Transportation, Parking, & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee Cultural Arts Council 2- Miami Beach Commission for Women Visitor and Convention Authority Design Review Board Normandy Shores Local Government Youth Commission Neighborhood Improvement Disability Access Committee Ad Hoc Anti-Bullying Task Force Next Gen Council Animal Welfare Committee * Board members are required to file Form 1 - "Statement of Financial Interest" with the State. * If you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.g., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish the following information: Type of Professional License License Numb e r License Issuance Date License Expiration Date Page 1 of 4 F:\CLER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\useful stuff ,1, oo Note: If applying for the Youth Center positions of the Parks and Recreations Facilities Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center and/or the North Shore Parks Youth Center. • Please describe your past service with the City's Youth Centers (include dates of service): _ • Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children: Yes O No O If yes, please list below the names of your children, their ages and the programs in which they participate: Child's name: Age: P rogram: _ Child's name: Age: P rogram: • Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes O or N If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s) of Cy of Miami each code? Yes [lo,„Xi e, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the cIy of Miami Beach any money? Yes [MN?l es, explain in detail: • In what organization( ol4 Nanie Position Name Position • List all properties owned or in which you have an interest within the City of Miami Beach: nn @. • Are you now employed by the city of Miami Beach? Yes [lo,DZ \yhih7 (}Dar[mnon7{ an} [[['t • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you 2@!@ a parent employed by the City of Miami Beach? Yes Lor No± [f "Ygg." identify De[Son(s) and department(s) O, spouse O, child O brother O or sister O who is The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is being asked to comply with City diversity reporting requirements. Gender: Male Female Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? O African-American/Black ß@ caucasiawnte D Asian or Pacific Islander LI Native-American/Am erican Indian Page 2 of 4 F:\CLER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\useful stuff ·°, O Other- Print Race:--------------------------------- Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino/a ? Mark the "N o" box if not Spanish, Hispanic, Latino/a. 2» Yes Do you co nsider yourself P hysically Disabled? 5so O Yes NO TE: IF A PPO INTED, Y O U W IL L BE REQ UIR E D TO FO L LO W CERTAIN LAW S THA T APPLY TO CITY BO A RD/CO M M ITT E E M EM BE RS . THE S E LA W S INC LUDE, BUT AR E NO T LI M IT ED TO : o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying City personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the City (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before the board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach City Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o CMB Community Development Advisory Committee: prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). o Sunshine Law - Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open government can be found in Chapter 286 of the Florida Statutes. These statutes establish a basic right of access to most meetings of boards, commissions and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities. o Voting conflict - Form 8B is for use by any person serving at the county, city or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. I HER EBY A TT E ST TO THE A CC URA CY AND TRUTH FUL NE SS O F THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND W ILL ABIDE BY CHA PT ER 2, ARTI CL E V II, O F THE M IA M I BE A CH CITY CO DE, ENT IT LED "S TANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR CITY OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY AND/OR STATE LA WS AND STATUTES ACCORDINGLY " E ZRee 7 F'ecejyed in the Off¡g of the jty [erk by. Name of Deputy Clerk Control No. Date ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME, PHOTOGRAPH AND A COPY OF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. Page 3 of4 F:\CLERISALL\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DA TABASE\useful stuff ·t%. MIA IBEA City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www .miamibeachfl,aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 Fax: 305.673.7254 Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i) (2) ' . Board Member's Name: r yet]t "AAA understand that no later than uu''ft'i f mmbers of Boards and Com mittees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements. This means that the members of City Advisory Boards, whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commission, must file, even though they may have been recently appointed. One of the following forms must be filed with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no later than 12:00 noon of July 1, of each year. 1. A "Source of Income Statement" 2. A "Statement of Financial Interests (Form 1)" 3. A Copy of your latest Federal Income Tax Return Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60 days in jail or both. s é 12/3] Date Updated: Thursday, December 22, 2016 Page 4 of 4 F:\CLER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASEiuseful stuff EUGENIO CABREJA 150 Alton Road, Unit 8161 Miami Beach, FL 331391 (305) 915-6062 I e.viejuco@gmail.com Experience April 2011 - present Tenant Commissioner I Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach I Miami Beach, Florida January 2016 -- December 2016 Chairperson I Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach I Miami Beach, Florida February 2002 - present Resident I Rebecca Towers South I Miami Beach, Florida November 2000 - present Retired I Miami Beach, Florida July 1989 - November 2000 Supervisor I Michigan Drill Corporation I Miami, Florida April 1979 - July 1989 Plant Manager I Metaldon CXA I Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic August 1971- April 1979 Supervisor I Falcombridge Dominicana CXA I Bonac, Dominican Republic August 1968 - August 1971 Industrial Technician I Cemex Industrial CXA I Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic November 1960 - August 1968 Industrial Technician I GT Tools Company I Long Island, New York July 1955 -- November 1960 Industrial Technician I Fabricas De Armas I San Cristobal, Dominican Republic Education 1965I International School of New York I New York, New York 1963 I Delehanty Institute I Long Island, New York 1955 I Salesian Technical Institute I Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic + Eugenio Cabreja, Tenant Commissioner Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach MIAM/BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY C LERK City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 www._migmibeacht]_gov Telephon e: 305.673-7411 December 2, 2019 Eugenio Cabreja 150 Alton Road # 816-S Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mr. Cabreja, Your term on the Housing Authority concludes on December 31, 2019; however you are eligible for reappointment. If you are interested in being reappointed, we ask that you submit a new application packet, including an updated application, current resume, and photograph to the Office of the City Clerk. You may submit an updated application packet electronically, by visiting https://secure.miamibeachfl.gov/BcApp/Account/Login or you may complete and return the enclosed application. An answer must be given for every item on the application; "None" or "Not Applicable" is an- acceptable answer to an application question only if accurate. If you are interested in seeking a new appointment on one of the Land Use Boards (Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board) you will require additional documentation as some of the seats require certain professional qualifications (e.g., lawyer, architect, etc.). If your seat of interest requires such professional qualifications, please provide a copy of your current effective license(s) along with your completed application packet to the Office of the City Clerk by Decemb e r 23, 2019. For your convenience, we have also enclosed detailed instructions that you may find useful in the completion of your new application. If you have any questions or if in need of additional assistance, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. RefrÎ , Rafael Granado City Clerk Enclosure