EE-46K~TOW ALT, MEN BY THESE PR~T~ That we, in consideration of the benefits ~ruing to us by re, son of convenient a~gess and a lesser cost of the const~ction of sewers and the desirability of having the things hereinafter spe~ified pla~ed in-the loc8. tions noted below, and in consideration of $1.OO, regeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give and grant unto the ~ity of Ni~i Beach, ~lorida, its successors and assi~s ~nd its grantees operating publi9 utilities, the perpetual right and easement to l~y ~nd maintain 8torm 8ewers underground, in a strip of l~nd ~en feet in width across the the North On~H~lf of Lot B~, Block l, Nautilus 8ubdivision~ the Southerly line of said strip being ~ive feet Northerly of and parallel to the Southerly line of the said No~th O~ Half of said Lot ~, as per Plat r~corded in Pl~t Book No. 8, at Page ~, of the Public Records of D~de County, Florida. THE CITY · NIANI B~ACH, in consideration of this easement hereby agrees i~nedia~elY up~g ~0mp~.eti~_of the construction of said Storm 8ewer, and ~fter each m~d every entrance to the property for the r.ep~ir or m~intenance of said sewer to restore to and leave the property in ~s good a condition as it was prior to construction or entrance. This applies to trees, shrubs, lawns, fences, et~., whenever said property is ~maged due to the activities of the City or it~ Agents. IN WITNESS ~EOF, we have here~to set our hands and seals a~i O°~tY °f State of this ~ ~ d A .D. 1930. OOU~TTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements ~.~_/~ ~~ ~ to me w known to be the person~ : described in and who and made bM me and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said veying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, home- stead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily and without any 9ompulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from he~sa.t.d husband. W~S, my hand and offic~ial Se~at(~ ~7~~~/ ' Count state , THIS INSTRUmenT ACC~T~ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NIAMI B~CH, FLORIDA, Thte ~ day of ~ A.D., 1980. P-e'i~en$ o Oity Oounci ~ ' ~ ,' ~ E,'B. LEATHERMAN, ~h '"~ ...... -x ' ~ Clerk C~cuit CH 2~:~ ...... ~ _ executed the foregoing instrument, and ac. knowledged before me that ~- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes ~herein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the sai~~ ~ ~~. , known to me to be the wife~6f the said ~2~ _/~'~,~-. , on a separate examination taken SEETCH OF LOT BS, N. ½ of Lot B4 ~nd S ½ of Lot B4, all of Block l, of Nautilus Subdivision as per Amended Plat recorded in Plat BooE No. 8, Page 95, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida SHgWING PROPOSED 10! ~SF~ENT THROUGH N. ~ of LOT B4. ED. R. NEFF Scale 1' = 30t CITY OF HIA~I BEACH, FLAo CITY ENGINEER April, 1950