Declaration of a State of EmergencyCITY OF MIAMI BEACH
WHEREAS, the C o ro navirus D isease 2019 ("C O VI D -19") is a severe and acute
respiratory illne ss that can spread am ongst pe rsons by respiratory transm ission and
prese nts w ith sym ptom s sim ila r to those of influenza; and
WHEREAS, in late 20 19 , a new and sign ificant outbreak of CO V ID -19 em erged
in C hina ; and
WHEREAS, sho rt ly after the initia l C O V ID -19 outbreak, the Center fo r Disease
C o ntro l and Pre venti on ("C D C") de e m ed it ne cessary to pro hibit or restrict any non-
essential travel to or fro m vario us countries (incl uding China, Iran, Italy and South
K orea ), and adv ised olde r travelers and those w ith chro nic m edical conditions to avoid
n o nessential trav el to Ja pan . M o reover, the C D C issued an advisory that all travelers
ex ercise enha nced precautio ns w hen travelling ; and
WHEREAS, equa lly im po rt ant, the W orld Health Or g an ization ("WH O") has
de cl a red C O V ID -19 to be a P ublic H e alth E m e rgency of Intern ational Concern and, on
W edne sday , M arch 11, 2020 , the W H O de cl a red the rapidly spreading CO V ID -19
disease a w orldw ide pande m ic, w hich w ill likely spread to all countries aro und the
W orld ; and
WHEREAS, Flo rida G o vern o r R on D eS a ntis ("G over n or DeSan tis") issued an
E xecutive O rde r on M ar ch 1, 2020 directing the S urgeon G eneral of the State of Florida
to issue a public he alth em e rge ncy and , in response to the pandem ic outbreak of
C O V ID -19 , G ov ern o r D es a ntis de cla red a S tate of Em ergency on M ar ch 9, 2020 based
upo n its im pact to the S tate of Flo rida (S ee Flo rida 's S tate of E m ergency, attached and
incorpo rated as E xhibit "A " he reto); and
WHEREAS, Flo rida state hea lth off icia ls confirm ed three (3) new cases of
C O V ID -19 in Flo rida on M a rch 11, 2020 , incl uding the first confirm ed case in M iam i-
D ade C ounty, a 56-year-o ld m a n w ho tested positive and had traveled recently; and
WHEREAS, the total num ber of know n C O V ID -19 cases in Florida cases
currentl y stands at tw enty-six (26 ), of w hich tw enty-three (23) such persons are Florida
reside nts; and
D e c la r a tio n o f a S ta te o f E m e rg e n c y
M a r ch 1 2, 2 0 2 0
P a g e 2 o f 4
W H E R E A S , in direct response to the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Miami-
Dade County on March 11, 2020, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez ("Mayor
Gimenez") declared a State of Emergency for Miami-Dade County, and, subsequently
suspended the operation of the Miami-Dade County Youth Fair, the Miami Open tennis
tournament, the MIA 5K run, and all major events at the American Airlines Arena; and
W H E R E A S , COVID-19 has impacted one-hundred fourteen (114) countries
around the globe, and these countries have reported that 118,000 individuals have
contracted COVID-19, with nearly 4,300 people having died from this disease; and
W H E R E A S , in the United States alone, over one-thousand (1,000) cases of
COVID-19 have been diagnosed, and twenty-nine (29) people have died from the
disease and, President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Proclamation on March
11, 2020, suspending the entry of most foreign nationals who have been in certain
European countries at any point during the fourteen (14) days prior to their scheduled
arrival to the United States. These countries, known as the Sehengen Area, include:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and
Switzerland. 1.
N O W , T H E R E F O R E , I, JIM M Y L. M O R A L ES , as City Manager for the City of Miami
Beach, Florida, pursuant to the authority vested in me under Section 26-31 of the City of
Miami Beach Code of Laws and Ordinances (the "City Code"), have determined that
there is reason to believe that there exists a clear and present danger of a riot or other
general public disorder, widespread disobedience of the law, and substantial injury to
persons or to property, all of which constitute an imminent threat to public peace or
order, and to the general welfare of the City of Miami Beach, based upon the COVID-
19 pandemic.
Accordingly, it is necessary and appropriate to take action to ensure that COVID-19
remains controlled, and that residents and visitors in the City of Miami Beach remain
safe and secure.
The CDC has recommended mitigation measures in communities with COVID-19
cases, which include staying at home when sick, keeping away from others who are
sick, and staying at home when a household member is sick with respiratory disease
symptoms, or if instructed to do so by public health officials or a health care provider.
Moving forward during this time, the City will continue to monitor what the World
' However, such restriction does not apply certain groups of persons who are identified in the
Declaration of a State of Emergency
March 12, 2020
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Health Organization has determined to be a global pandemic, and the City will
constantly evaluate planned mass gatherings as the situation continues to develop
and evolve.
In order to ensure that COVID-19 remains controlled and to protect the public health,
safety and welfare of the residents and visitors of the City of Miami Beach, this
immediate action is NECESSARY.
AS SUCH, I HEREBY declare a State of Emergency throughout the territorial
jurisdiction of the City of Miami Beach, and will be ORDERING and
PROMULGATING the following emergency measures, which will be reasonably
and necessarily implemented in response to this State of Emergency:
1. The establishment of curfews, including but not limited to the prohibition of or
restrictions on pedestrian and vehicular movement, standing and parking,
except for the provision of designated essential services such as fire, police and
hospital services, including the transportation of patients thereto, utility
emergency repairs, and emergency calls by physicians.
2. The prohibition of the sale or distribution of any alcoholic beverage, with or
without the payment or a consideration therefore.
3. The prohibition of the possession on any person in a public place of any
portable container containing any alcoholic beverage.
4. The closing of places of public assemblage with designated exceptions.
5. The prohibition of the sale or other transfer of possession, with or without
consideration, of gasoline or any other flammable or combustible liquid
altogether or except by delivery into a tank properly affixed to an operable
motor-driven vehicle, bike, scooter, boat or airplane and necessary for the
propulsion thereof.
6. The prohibition of the possession in a public place of any portable container
containing gasoline or any other flammable or combustible liquid.
D e c la ra tio n o f a S ta te o f E m e rg e n c y
M a rc h 12 , 2 0 2 0
P a g e 4 of 4
Any violation of these em ergency measures shall subject the individual to arre st and
crim inal pro secution pursuant to Section 26-36 and Section 1-14 of the C ity Code.
orales, City Manager
A TT ES T :--x/ 4, ±l·
Rafae; Granado, C ity lerk
I, RAFAEL E. GRANADO, City Clerk of the City of
M ia m i Bea ch, F lorida , do hereb y certify that the
ab ove and fore go ing is a true and corre ct copy of
the origina l thereof on fil e in this office.
W ITNESS m y hand and sea l of sa id C ity this
L2 day ot [A&SH .20_l0.
R a fae l E . G ra n ado
C ity C le rk of the C ity of M iam i Be ach, Flo rid a
(Emergency Management - COVID-19 Public Health Emergency)
WHEREAS, Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a severe acute respiratory
illness that can spread among humans through respiratory transmission and presents with
symptoms similar to those of influenza; and
WHEREAS, in late 2019, a new and significant outbreak of COVID-19 emerged in China;
WHEREAS, the World Health Organization previously declared COVID-19 a Public
Health Emergency of International Concern; and
WHEREAS, in response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in China, Iran, Italy, Japan and
South Korea, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") has deemed it necessary to
prohibit or restrict non-essential travel to or from those countries; and
WHEREAS, on March 1, 2020, I issued Executive Order number 20-51 directing the
Florida Department of Health to issue a Public Health Emergency; and
WHEREAS, on March 1, 2020, the State Surgeon General and State Health Officer
declared a Public Health Emergency exists in the State of Florida as a result of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, I directed the Director of the Division of Emergency
Management to activate the State Emergency Operations Center to Level 2 to provide coordination
and response to the COVID-19 emergency; and
WHEREAS, as of March 9, 2020, eight counties in Florida have positive cases for
COVID-19, and COVID-19 poses a risk to the entire state of Florida; and
W H E R E A S , the CDC currently recommends community preparedness and everyday
prevention measures be taken by all individuals and families in the United States, including
voluntary home isolation when individuals are sick with respiratory symptoms, covering coughs
and sneezes with a tissue and disposal of the tissue immediately thereafter, washing hands often
with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, using of alcohol-based hand sanitizers with 60%-95%
alcohol if soap and water are not readily available and routinely cleaning frequently touched
surfaces and objects to increase community resilience and readiness for responding to an outbreak;
WHEREAS, the CDC currently recommends mitigation measures for communities
experiencing an outbreak including staying at home when sick, keeping away from others who are
sick, limiting face-to-face contact with others as much as possible, consulting with your healthcare
provider if individuals or members of a household are at high risk for COVID-19 complications,
wearing a facemask if advised to do so by a healthcare provider or by a public health official,
staying home when a household member is sick with respiratory disease symptoms if instructed to
do so by public health officials or a health care provider; and
WHEREAS, as Governor, I am responsible for meeting the dangers presented to this state
and its people by this emergency.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RON DESANTIS, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the
authority vested in me by Article TV, Section (l)(a) of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 252,
Florida Statutes, and all other applicable laws, promulgate the following Executive Order to take
immediate effect:
Section 1. Because of the foregoing conditions, I declare a state of emergency exists in the
State of Florida.
Section 2. I designate the D irector of the D ivision of E m ergency M an agem ent ("D irector ")
as the State C oordinating O ffi cer fo r th e dura tion of thi s em ergency and direct him to execute th e
State's C om prehensive E m ergency M anagem ent P lan and other respon se, reco very , an d m itigation
plans necessary to cope w ith th e em ergency. A dditionally, I design ate th e S tate H ealth O ffi cer
and Sur geon G enera l as a D eputy State C oordinating O ffi ce r and S tate Incid ent C om m and er.
P ursuan t to secti on 252.36(1)a), Fl ori da Statu tes, I del egate to th e S tate C oordin ating
O ffi cer the authori ty to exercise those pow ers delineated in sect ion s 252.36(5)-(I O ), Fl ori d a
Statu tes, w hich he shall exercise as needed to m eet this em ergency, subject to th e lim itatio ns of
section 252.33, Fl ori da Statutes. In exercising the pow ers delegated by th is O rder, th e State
C oordinating O fficer shall confe r w ith the G overn or to the fu llest exten t pra cti cab le. Th e State
C oordinating O ffi cer shall also have the authori ty to:
A . S eek direct assistance and enter into agreem ents w ith any and all ag encies of the
U nited States G overnm ent as m ay be needed to m eet th e em ergency.
B . D esignate addit ional D eputy State C oordinating O ffi cers, as necessary .
C. Suspend the effect of any statute, rule, or order that would in any way prevent,
hinder, or delay any mitigation, response, or recovery action necessary to cope with this
D. Enter orders as may be needed to implement any of the foregoing powers; however,
the requirements of sections 252.46 and 120.54( 4), Florida Statutes, do not apply to any such
orders issued by the State Coordinating Officer; however, no such order shall remain in effect
beyond the expiration of this Executive Order, to include any extension.
Section 3. I order the Adjutant General to activate the Florida National Guard, as needed,
to deal with this emergency.
Section 4. I fi nd that th e special duties and responsibilities restin g upo n som e State,
regional, and local agencies and other govern m ental bodies in respondin g to the em ergency m ay
require them to suspend the application of the statu tes, ru les, ordinances, and orders they
adm inister. T herefo re, I issue the fo llow ing authori zations:
A . Pursuant to secti on 252.36(1)(a), Fl ori da Statu tes, the E xecutive O ffi ce of the
G overn or m ay suspend all statutes and ru les affecting budgeting to the extent necessary to pro v ide
budget authori ty fo r state agencies to cope w ith this em ergency. T he requ irem en ts of section s
252.4 6 and 12 0.54(4), F lori da Statu tes, do not apply to any such suspensio n issu ed by the
E xecutive O ffice of the G overn or; how ever, no such suspension shall rem ain in effect bey ond the
expira tion of this Executi ve O rder, to incl ude any extension.
B . Each State agency m ay suspend the pro visions of any regu latory statu te prescribing
the pro cedures fo r conduct of state business or the orders or ru les of th at agen cy, if stri ct
com pli ance w ith the pro visions of any such statu te, order, or ru le w ould in any w ay prevent, hin der,
or delay necessary action in coping w ith the em ergency. T his in cl udes, bu t is not lim ited to , th e
authori ty to suspend any and all statutes, ru les, ordinances, or orders w h ich affect leasin g, pri ntin g ,
purchasing, tra vel, and the condition of em ploym ent an d the com pensatio n of em p lo yees. For the
purp oses of this Executive O rder, "nece ssary action in coping w ith the em erg ency " m eans any
em ergency m itigation, response, or recovery action: ( l) prescribed in the State C o m prehensive
E m ergency M anagem ent Plan ("CEMP"); or (2) ordered by the State Coordinating Officer. The
requirements of sections 252.46 and 120.54, Florida Statutes, shall not apply to any such
suspension issued by a State agency; however, no such suspension shall remain in effect beyond
the expiration of this Executive Order, to include any extensions.
C . ln a c c o r d an c e w it h s e c ti o n 4 6 5 .0 2 7 5 , Fl o r id a S ta tu te s , p h a rm a c is ts m a y d is p e n s e
u p to a 3 0 -d a y e m e r g en c y p r e s c ri p t io n r e fi ll o f m a in t e n a n c e m e d ic a tio n to p e r s o n s w h o r e s id e in
a n a r e a o r c o u n ty c o v e r e d u n d e r th is E x e c u tiv e O r d e r a n d to e m e r g e n c y p e r s o n n e l w h o h a v e b e e n
a c t iv a t e d b y th e ir s t a te a n d lo c a l a g e n c y b u t w h o d o n o t r e s id e in a n a r e a o r c o u n ty c o v e r e d b y th is
E x e c u t iv e O r d e r.
D . In a c c o r d an c e w it h s e c tion 2 5 2.3 8 , F lo ri d a S ta tu te s , e a c h p o li t ic a l s u b d iv is io n
w i th in th e S t at e o f Fl o ri d a m a y w a iv e th e p r o c e d u r e s an d fo rm al iti e s o ther wi s e r e q ui r e d o f the
political subdivision by law pertaining to:
l) Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action is
necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community;
2) Entering into contracts; however, political subdivisions are cautioned
against entering into time and materials contracts without ceiling as defined by 2 CFR 200.3 l 8(j)
or cost plus percentage contracts as defined by 2 CFR 200.323(d);
3) Incurring obligations;
4) Employment of permanent and temporary workers;
5) Utilization of volunteer workers;
6) Rental of equipment;
7) Acquisition and distribution, with or without compensation, of supplies,
materials, and facilities; and,
8) Appropriation and expenditure of public funds.
E. All State agencies responsible for the use of State buildings and facilities may close
such buildings and facilities in those portions of the State affected by this emergency, to the extent
necessary to meet this emergency. I direct each State agency to report the closure of any State
building or fa cility to the Secretary of the D epart m ent of M anagem ent Serv ices. U nder the
a u th o ri t y c o n ta in e d in s e c t io n 2 5 2 .3 6 , F lo ri d a S t a tu te s , I d ir e c t e a c h C o u n t y to r e p o r t th e cl o s u r e
o f a n y b u ild in g o r fa c ilit y o p e ra t e d o r m a in ta in e d b y th e C o u n ty o r a n y p o lit ic a l s u b d iv is io n th e r e in
to th e S e c r e t a ry o f th e D e p a rt m e n t o f M a n a g e m e n t S e rv ic e s . F u rth e rm o r e , I d i r e c t th e S e c r e ta ry
o f th e D ep a rt m en t of M an agem ent Services to:
1 ) M a in t a in a n a c c u ra t e a n d u p -to -date list of all such cl osures; and,
2) Provide that list daily to the State C oordinating O ffi ce r.
Section 5. I fi nd that the dem ands placed upon the fu nds appro pri ated to the agencies of
the State of Flori da an d to local agencies ar e unr easonably gr eat and the fu nds curr ently available
m a y b e in a d e q u a te to p a y th e c o s t s o f c o p in g w it h th is e m e r g e n c y . In a c c ordance w ith section
2 5 2 .3 7 (2 ), Fl or i d a S t a tu tes, I direct that suffi cient fu nds be m ade available, as needed, by
tra nsfe rr ing and expending m oneys appro pri ated fo r other purp oses, m oneys fr om unappro pri ated
surp lus fu nds, or fr om the B udget Stabilization Fund.
Section 6. A ll State agencies enteri ng em ergency fi nal orders or other fi nal actions in
response to this em ergency shall advise the State C oordinating O ffi cer contem pora neously or as
soon as pra cticable.
Section 7. M edical pro fe ssionals and w orkers, social w orkers, and counselors w ith good
a n d v a lid p ro fe s s i o n a l lic e n s e s is s u e d by states other than the State of Flori da m ay render such
serv ices in Fl ori da duri ng this em ergency fo r persons affected by this em ergency w ith the
condition that such serv ice s be rendered to such persons fr ee of charge, and w ith the fu rt her
c o n d it io n th a t s u c h s e r v ic e s b e r e n d e r e d u n der the auspices of the A m eri can R ed C ro ss or the
F lo ri d a D e p a rt m e n t o f H e a lt h .
Section 8. All activities taken by the Director of the Division of Em ergency Management
an d the State Health Offi cer an d Surgeon General with respect to this em ergency before the
is su an ce o f th is E x e c u tiv e O rd e r are ra tifi e d . T h is E x e cu tiv e O rd e r sh a ll expire sixty days from
this date unless extended .
IN TESTIM ONY W HEREOF, I have hereunto set
m y h an d a n d cau sed the Great Seal of the State of
Fl o rida to be affi xed, at Tallahassee, this 9th day of
M arch , 2 0