Emergency Measures Effective April 1, 2020EMERGENCY MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (Revised on March 31, 2020) EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2020, AT 12:00 A.M. A s City M anager fo r the City of M iam i Beach, Florida, and pursuant to the authority vested in m e under S ection 26-31 of the City of M iam i Beach Code of Law s and Ordinances (the "C ity Code"), as w ell as that cert ain City of M iam i Beach Decl aration of State of Em ergency, dated M arch 12 , 2020, and effective through April 2, 2020, I hereby ORDER and PROMULGATE the fo llow ing additional em ergency m easures, w hich w ill be reasonably and necessarily im plem ented in response to this State of Em ergency (th e "Order"): A. PARKS, BEACHES, RECREATIONAL, AND CULTURAL FACILITIES 1. A ll parks, beaches, and recreational facilities (w hether publicly-ow ned or privately- ow ned) shall be CLOSED. 2. A ll City Parks and Recreation pro gram s, gam es, practices, field trips, and events shall be CANCELED. 3. T he City's beachw alks and bayw alks shall rem ain OPEN. Use of the City's beachw alks and bayw alks shall be lim ited to pedestrians ONLY prior to 9:00 a.m . and after 5:00 p.m . each day; bicycles, scooters, skateboarding, in-line skating, ro ller skating, m otorized m eans of transportation, and any other m obility devices ( except fo r w heelchairs and other m otorized m eans of transportation used by disabled persons) shall be PROHIBITED on the City's beachw alks and bayw alks prior to 9:00 a.m . and aft er 5:00 p.m . each day. 4. A ll public gatherings of ten (1 O) or m ore persons on the City's beachw alks and bayw alks shall be PROHIBITED. 5. M onum ent Island shall be CLOSED. 6. A ll m useum s, m em orials, and cultural institutions shall be CLOSED. B. COMMON USE AREAS (PURSUANT TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY QRDER_ 15-20) Pursuant to M iam i-D ade County Em ergency Order 15-20, w hich is effective as of M arch 31, 2020, all pools, hot tubs, golf courses, tennis courts, basketball courts, fitness centers, A d d itio n a l E m e rg e n c y M e a s u re s M ar ch 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 P a g e 2 o f 5 gymnasiums and other common use amenities, whether of a commercial or non-commercial nature, are CLOSED for all purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this order shall not apply to any pool, hot tub, tennis court, basketball court, fitness center, gymnasium or other amenity located: (a) on a single family residential lot, or (b) at any townhouse, duplex, or villa, and which is for the exclusive recreational or leisure use of the inhabitants of such individual dwelling unit. C. SIDEWALK CAFES All sidewalk cates shall be CLOSED. D. CURFEW A general curfew is hereby established throughout the City. The curfew will be in effect daily from 12:00 a.m. (midnight) to 5:00 a.m., and shall include but not be limited to the prohibition on pedestrian and vehicular movement, standing and parking, except for the provision of designated essential services such as fire, police and hospital services, including the transportation of patients thereto, utility emergency repairs, emergency calls by physicians, food delivery services (subject to the additional provisions below), and transit to and from essential retail and commercial businesses, as defined in Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 07-20, as may be amended. E. EMERGENCY MEASURES FOR RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS 1. Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 07-20, as may be amended, all non-essential retail and commercial establishments shall be CLOSED. Essential retail and commercial businesses, as defined in Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 07- 20, may remain open, and subject to any further City restrictions, as set forth in this Order. Any restaurants, nightclubs, dance halls, halls for hire, or similar businesses that are located within a hotel shall also be considered a "non-essential retail and commercial establishment" subject to the restrictions below. 2. All private schools, colleges, and educational institutions shall be CLOSED, except as necessary to facilitate online or distance learning. 3. Commercial lodging establishments. a. Commercial lodging establishments including, but not limited to, hotels, suite hotels, hotel units within apartment-hotels, hostels, dormitories, motels, and temporary vacation rentals (i.e. short-term rentals) shall be fully closed to transient guests and renters. b. Commercial lodging establishments shall cancel all existing reservations, and shall refrain from accepting new transient guests or making new reservations for A d d itio n a l E m e rg e n c y M e a s u re s M ar ch 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 P a g e 3 o f 5 s t a y s fo r t h e b o o k i n g p e r io d c o m m e n c i n g a t 1 2 :0 0 a .m . o n M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 t h ro u g h 1 1 :5 9 p .m . o n A p r i l 2 2 , 2 0 2 0 . c . R e s t a u r a n t s lo c a t e d w it h i n c o m m e r c ia l lo d g i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t s m a y c o n t in u e t o o p e r a t e t h e i r k it c h e n s fo r t a k e -o u t , p i c k u p , o r d e li v e ry s e rv ic e s o n ly , s u b j e c t t o t h e p ro v i s i o n s b e lo w . d . C o m m e r c ia l lo d g i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t s m a y b e p e r m itt e d t o m a i n t a in s e c u r it y a n d o t h e r e s s e n t ia l p e r s o n n e l o n -p r e m i s e s , a s n e c e s s a ry , t o m a in t a i n a n d s e c u r e t h e ir f a c il i t i e s . e . T h i s O r d e r s h a ll n o t a p p l y t o (i ) r e s id e n t s o f r e s id e n t ia l a p a rt m e n t b u ild in g s a n d /o r r e s i d e n t ia l c o n d o m i n i u m s w h i c h m a y in cl u d e h o t e l u n it s ; o r (ii ) a c o m m e r c ia l lo d g i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t t h a t h a s r e c e i v e d a p p ro v a l fr o m a C it y , C o u n t y , S t a t e , o r F e d e r a l g o v e rn m e n t a l e n t it y fo r t h e li m it e d p u r p o s e o f p ro v id i n g e m e r g e n c y h e a l t h c a r e s e rv i c e s o r o t h e r e s s e n t i a l s e rv ic e s , in c l u d i n g , w it h o u t li m it a t io n , t o s e rv e a s s h e lt e r s , o r t o h o u s e p a t ie n t s (fo r a n y h e a lt h -c a re r e la t e d p u r p o s e s , s u c h a s p r e -a d m i s s i o n , o b s e rv a t io n , r e c o v e ry , o r r e h a b il it a ti o n ), p a t ie n t s ' fa m il ie s , h e a l t h c a r e w o r k e r s , f ir s t r e s p o n d e r s , la w e n fo r c e m e n t o r o t h e r e s s e n t ia l p e r s o n n e l , o r d i s p l a c e d r e s id e n t s o r v i s i t o r s . 4. Restaurants and Other Facilities That Prepare and Serve Food. A ll restaurants and other facilities that prepare and serve fo od (including bars, nightclubs, dance halls, halls for hire, banquet halls, ballrooms, or similar establishm ents operating w ithin hotels) and sim ilar businesses shall be required to CLOSE for on-premises service of customers until further notice. However, such establishm ents may operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery services, drive-through, pick-up or take-out services only, from 5:00 a.m. until m idnight each day; and, betw een the hours of m idnight and 5:00 a.m., such establishm ents may operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery services only. Any establishm ent that rem ains open for delivery, pick-up, or take-out serv ices shall be required to assign as many staff m em bers as necessary to maintain a distance of at least six (6) feet betw een each individual patron, in order to enfo rce social distancing, both inside and outside of the establishm ent. 5. Social Distancing and Sanitation Requirements for Essential Retail and Commercial Businesses. A ll essential retail and com m ercial businesses (incl uding restaurants providing take out and/or delivery serv ices) shall deploy strategies to reduce COVID-19 exposure for their custom ers and em ployees including, at a minimum , the fo llow ing m easures: r A d d it io n a l E m e rg e n c y M e a s u r e s M ar ch 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 P a g e 4 o f 5 a. Limit capacity and monitor entrances and exits to reduce their maximum occupancy load by 50%. b. Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers for use by customers and employees, subject to availability of supplies. c. Provide disinfecting wipes at points of entrance, cash registers, and/or other appropriate locations, subject to availability of supplies, for customers to disinfect carts, shopping baskets, or point of sale terminals. In the alternative, essential retail and commercial businesses shall designate staff responsible for disinfecting carts, shopping baskets, point of sale terminals, and other areas as frequently as possible. d. Implement procedures to ensure that both employees and customers remain at least six feet apart at all times, pursuant to Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 13-20,. Such procedures shall include, but are not limited to, marking floors at appropriate intervals, or providing other visible systems to allow persons to maintain proper social distancing. e. Close all salad bars and other self-serve food stations. f. Refrain from distributing free samples or conducting tastings. g. Implement procedures for custodial/janitorial staff to sanitize frequent touchpoints throughout the day, including point of sale terminals at registers, conveyor belts, door handles, door plates, shelves, and other appropriate locations. F. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS AND PLACES OF WORSHIP Consistent with the general restrictions on public and private gatherings set forth in the City's "Safer at Home" Emergency Order, dated March 23, 2020, public and private gatherings of any number of people shall be PROHIBITED in religious institutions and places of worship. THE EMERGENCY MEASURES THAT HAVE BEEN ORDERED AND PROMULGATED ABOVE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE COMMENCING AT 12:00 A.M. ON APRIL 1, 2020, AND SHALL BE EFFECTIVE THROUGH 11:59 P.M. ON APRIL 2, 2020, UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION BY DUL Y ENACTED RESOLUTION IN REGULAR OR SPECIAL SESSION, OR BY THE CITY MANAGER PURSUANT TO CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31219. Any violation of these emergency measure(s) shall subject the individual, operator, business entity, or organization to arrest and criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 26-36 and Section 1-14 of the City Code. Additional Emergency Measures March 31, 2020 Page 5 of 5 T h e E m e rg e n c y M e a s u re s se t fo rt h he re in s u p e rs e d e a n d re p la c e a ll p rio r C ity of M ia m i B e a c h E m e r g e n c y M e a s u r e s o r d e re d a n d p ro m u lg a te d sin c e M ar ch 12, 2 0 2 0. ATTEST: Jimmy L\, Manager Date: 2o2o ---~+-=~~~----- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I, RAFAEL E. GRANADO, City Cle?k f he City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hercvy certify hat the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original thereof on fiie in this office. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Cily tis 3] day of PtA4 ,2o . ~el E.Granado City Clerk of the City of Miami Beach, Florida