Safer at Home Emergency Order Revised Effective April 3, 2020CITY OF MIAMI BEACH "SAFER AT HOME" EMERGENCY ORDER (Revised on April 3, 2020) EFFEC TIVE April 3, 2020, AT 12:00 A.M. WHEREAS, on March 20, 2020, I, as City Manager of the City of Miami Beach, promulgated an Emergency Order which, among other requirements, temporarily closed certain City facilities and businesses located in the City, and imposed emergency measures, including a general curfew throughout the City, effective 12:00 a.m. on March 24,2020;and WHEREAS, Miami-Dade County has issued various Emergency Orders temporarily closing public and private facilities, including the temporary closure of all non- essential retail and commercial establishments within Miami-Dade County, and identifying essential retail and commercial businesses which may remain open, subject to any further restrictions as may be ordered by municipalities within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 26-33(a)(1) authorizes the City Manager, pursuant to a lawfully declared state of emergency, to establish "curfews, including but not limited to the prohibition of or restrictions on pedestrian and vehicular movement, standing and parking, except for the provision of designated essential services such as fire, police and hospital services, including the transportation of patients thereto, utility emergency repairs, and emergency calls by physicians"; and WHEREAS, numerous counties, municipalities, and at least 38 states have adopted versions of "stay at home" or "safer at home" orders designed to protect the health and well-being of residents, to create social distancing and minimize contact in an effort to limit community spread of COVID-19/novel coronavirus. NOW THEREFORE, as City Manager for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and pursuant to the authority vested in me under Section 26-31 of the City of Miami Beach Code of Laws and Ordinances (the "City Code"), as well as that certain City of Miami Beach Declaration of State of Emergency, dated April 2, 2020, and effective through April 9, 2020, and in addition to the Emergency Measures I have previously ordered and promulgated, I hereby ORDER and PROMULGATE the following additional emergency measures, effective April 3, 2020 at 12:00 a.m. (the "Order"): 1 . S u b je c t o n ly to th e e x c e p tio n s o u tl in e d in P a ra g ra p h 4 below , all persons living within the City of Miami Beach are hereby ordered to remain in their homes. 2. All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a residence are prohibited, except as to those exempted activities described in this Paragraph and Paragraph 4. This provision does not apply to gatherings within a single household or living unit. 3. All travel, including, without limitation, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or use of public transit is prohibited, subject to the exceptions set forth in Paragraph 4. 4. Exceptions. Notwithstanding the "Safer at Home" directive herein, all residents and visitors in the City may lawfully engage in the following activities: (a) Essential Retail and Commercial Activities. Residents and visitors may engage in essential retail and commercial activities, including, without limitation, travel to or from essential retail and commercial businesses, as defined in Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 07-20 ( a copy of which is attached hereto), as may be further amended by Miami-Dade County and/or further amended by the City's Emergency Orders. These essential retail and commercial activities include grocery stores; convenience stores; food distribution centers; restaurants (for take-out and delivery only, and subject to social distance separation of at least 6 feet between patrons); hospitals, pharmacies, and health care providers (including doctor's offices, rehab centers and urgent care centers); gas stations and auto-repair facilities; banks; hardware stores; businesses that provide postal/shipping services and other office products; laundry service providers; childcare facilities providing services to groups of 10 or fewer (subject to limitations in County Emergency Orders); certain professional services; home-based care for seniors, adults or children; pet supply stores, veterinarian and pet boarding facilities; and offices in support of essential retail and commercial activities. (b) Outdoor Recreational Activities. Residents and visitors may engage in outdoor activity and recreation in areas not otherwise closed to the public pursuant to Miami-Dade County Emergency Orders (including, without limitation, Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 15-20) or the City's Emergency Orders, provided that the individuals maintain a distance of at least six (6) feet between each other, including, without limitation, walking, hiking, running, or cycling. (c) Personal Support Activities. Residents and visitors may travel to and from their homes to care for or support a friend, family member, or pet in another household. (d) Work in Support of Essential Activities. Residents and visitors in the City may continue to perform work in support of essential activities (e.g., to perform work providing essential products and services or to otherwise carry out activities specifically 2 perm itted in this O rde r or any O rde r of a C ity, C ounty, S tate or Federal govern m ental entity). T rav el to or fro m esse ntia l retail and com m ercial businesses shall be perm itted, incl ud ing personnel pro viding essentia l serv ices to residents w ithin their hom es, such as repa ir serv ices , appliance repair, sa nitatio n and exterm ination, landscaping and pool serv ices, ho m e care, or othe r essentia l serv ices (as pro vided in M iam i-Dade County E m e rge ncy O rde rs, as am e nde d), pro vided persons engaging in these essential activities shall m a intain reasonable socia l distancing practices. (e ) Government Employees and Emergency Personnel. A ll first responders, ga ng and crisis interv entio n w or kers, public health w orkers, em ergency m anagem ent perso nne l, em e rge ncy dispatche rs, law enfo rcem ent personnel and related contractors, perso ns w o rking fo r em e rge ncy serv ices pro viders, and govern m ent em ployees perform ing w ork in the course and scope of their em ploym ent are categorically exem pt fro m this O rde r. (f) Observance of Social Distancing Practices. A s to all activities perm itted unde r this O rde r, reside nts and visitors shall adhe re to social distancing practices, such as m a intaining a distance of at least six (6) feet aw ay fro m others, washing hands w ith soap and w ater fo r at least tw enty seconds or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow , not hands), regula rly cleaning high-touch surfaces, not shaking ha nds , and any socia l distancing requirem ents set fort h in any City, County, S tate, or Fede ral order. R eside nts and visitors are stro ngly encouraged to lim it all of their travel, except as absolutely necessa ry . P ersons at high risk of severe illness from C O VI D -19 and peo ple w ho are sick are stro ngly encouraged to stay in their residence to the extent possible , except as ne cessary to seek m edical care. 5. N othing he rein sha ll lim it or apply to any essential retail, com m ercial, govern m e ntal, or other ope ratio n or activity perm itted under any M iam i-Dade County E m e rge ncy O rde r or C ity of M ia m i B each E m erge ncy O rder. 6. T his O rde r is in add itio n to, and supplem ents, the C ity's E m ergency O rders. A ll requirem e nts of C ity E m e rge ncy O rde rs, M iam i-D ade C ounty E m ergency O rders, and S tate of Florida E xecutive O rde rs sha ll be strictly ad hered to at all tim es. THE EMERGENCY MEASURES THAT HAVE BEEN ORDERED AND PROMULGATED ABOVE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE COMMENCING AT 12:00 A.M. ON APRIL 3, 2020, AND SHALL BE EFFECTIVE THROUGH 11:59 P.M. ON APRIL 9, 2020, UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION BY DUL Y ENACTED RESOLUTION IN REGULAR OR SPECIAL SESSION, OR BY THE CITY MANAGER PURSUANT TO CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31219. A ny vio latio n of these em e rge ncy m e asure(s) sha ll subject the individual, operator, busine ss entity , or orga n izatio n to arrest and crim inal pro secution pursuant to S ection 26 -36 and S e ction 1-14 of the C ity C ode . 3 ACH, FLORIDA , ger 7020 nme: I'5pro STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I, RAFAEL E. GRANADO, City C'erk of tho Cly of Miami each, Florida, do hereby certiiy that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original thereof on file in this office. 4 M IA M E COUNTY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER 07-20 WHEREAS, Section 252.38(3)(a), Florida Statutes, gives political subdivisions the authority to declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for a period of up to seven days, thereby waiving the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the political subdivision by law; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2020, the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20-51, directing the State Health Officer and Surgeon General to declare a Public Health Emergency due to the discovery of COVID-19/novel Coronavirus in Florida; and WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20-52, declaring a State of Emergency for the state of Florida related to COVID-19/novel Coronavirus; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, the County Mayor declared a State of Emergency for all of Miami-Dade County; and WHEREAS, COVID-19/novel Coronavirus poses a health risk to Miami-Dade County residents, particularly elderly residents and those who are immunosuppressed or otherwise have high-risk medical conditions; and WHEREAS, minimization of contact is necessary to avoid risk of COVID-19 infection for the residents of the County; and WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued guidance entitled "15 Days to Slow the Spread," encouraging social distancing and maintaining a 6 foot separation between residents to slow the spread of infection and that events with more than ten attendees either be cancelled or held virtually; and WHEREAS, the CDC guidelines are based upon the amount of community spread within a community and become more stringent where there is minimal to moderate or substantial community spread; and WHEREAS, section 8B-7(2)f) of the Code authorizes the County Mayor to order the closure of any commercial establishment; and Page 1 of 5 M iami -D a d e C o u n ty D e cl ar a tio n o f L o c al S tate o f E m e rg e n c y WH E RE A S , s e c ti o n s 8 B -7(2 )e ) an d (o ) o f th e C o d e au th o riz e th e C o u n ty M ay o r to lim it th e m o v e m e nt o f p e r s o n s in s id e M iami -D ad e C o un ty in o rd e r to safe gu ar d li fe an d h e al th , T HE RE F O RE , as C o un ty M a y o r o f M iami -D a d e C o un ty , I h e r e b y o r d e r : 1 . A ll n o n -e s s e n tia l re ta il a n d c o mm e r c ia l e sta b li s hm e nts ar e o r d e re d cl o s e d . 2 . E s s e n tia l re ta il an d c o m m e r c ia l b u s in e s s e s , w h ic h m ay re m ai n o p e n , are : a . H e al th c ar e p ro v id e r s , incl u d in g , b ut n o t limi te d to , h o s p ital s , d o c to rs ' an d d e n tis ts ' o ffi c e s , ur g e n t c ar e c e n te r s , cl ini c s , r e h a b ilitatio n fa c ili tie s , p h y s ic a l th e rap ists , m e n tal h e a lth p r o fe s s io n a ls , p s y c h iatr is ts , th e r ap is ts , an d p h arm a c ie s ; b . Gr o c e ry s to r e s , farm e r s ' m ar k e ts, farm an d p ro d u c e stan d s, su p e rm ar k e ts , fo o d b anks , c o n v e ni e n c e sto r e s , a n d o th e r e s ta b lis hm e n ts e n g ag e d in th e re tai l sa le o f c ann e d fo o d , dry g o o d s , fr e s h fru its an d v e g e ta b le s , p e t su p p ly , fr e sh m e ats , fi s h , an d p o ul try , an d an y o th e r h o us e h o ld c o n s um e r p ro d u c ts (s u c h a s cl e anin g a n d p e r so n al c ar e p ro d u c ts). T hi s a u th o ri z atio n in cl u d e s s to r e s th a t s e ll gr o c e ri e s a n d a ls o se ll o th e r n o n -gr o c e ry p r o d u c ts, an d p ro du c ts n e c e ss ary to m ai n ta ini n g th e s afe ty , sa n ita tio n , an d e s s e ntia l o p e r atio n s o f re s id e nc e s ; c . F o o d c u lt iv atio n , in cl u d in g farm in g , liv e sto c k , an d fi shi n g ; d . B u s in e s s e s th at p ro v id e fo o d , sh e lte r , so c ia l se rv ic e s , a n d o th e r n e c e s s iti e s o f life fo r e c o n o mi c a ll y d isa d v an tag e d o r o th e rwi s e n e e d y in d iv id ual s ; e . N e w s p ap e r s , te le v is io n , r a d io , an d o th e r m e d ia se rvi c e s ; f. G as statio n s an d auto -s u p p ly , a uto -r e p ai r , an d re late d fa c ilitie s ; g . B ank s an d r e la te d fi n an c ia l in stitu tio n s ; h . H ar d w ar e s to r e s ; i. C o n tr a c to r s an d o th e r tr a d e sm e n , ap p li an c e re p a ir p e r so nn e l, e xte rm in ato rs, an d o th e r s e rv ic e p ro v id e r s w h o p ro v id e se rv ic e s th at ar e n e c e s s a ry to m ai n ta inin g th e safe ty , s an it atio n , an d e s s e n tial o p e r atio n o f re s id e n c e s a n d o th e r str u c tur e s ; j . B u s in e s s e s p r o vi d in g m ai lin g an d sh ip p in g se rv ic e s , in cl u d in g p o s t o ffi c e b o x e s ; k . P ri v ate c o ll e g e s , tr a d e sc h o o ls , an d te c hni c a l c o ll e g e s, b u t o nl y a s n e e d e d to fa c ilit ate o nl in e o r d is tan c e le arn in g ; l. L aun d ro m ats , d ry cl e an e r s , an d lau n d ry se rv ice p ro v id e r s ; m . R e s taur an ts an d o th e r fa c ilitie s th at p r e p ar e an d se rv e fo o d , b u t su bje c t to th e limi tatio n s an d re q u ir e m e n ts o f E m e r g e n c y O r d e r 3 -2 0. S ch o ol s an d o th e r e ntitie s th a t ty p ic a ll y P a g e 2 of 5 Miami-Dade County Declaration of Local State of Emergency provide free food services to students or members of the public may continue to do so on the condition that the food is provided to students or members of the public on a pick-up and takeaway basis only. Schools and other entities that provide food services under this exemption shall not permit the food to be eaten at the site where it is provided, or at any other gathering site; n. Businesses that supply office products needed for people to work from home; o. Businesses that supply other essential businesses with the support or supplies necessary to operate, and which do not interact with the general public; p. Businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, goods, or services directly to residences; q. Airlines, taxis, and other private transportation providers providing transportation services via automobile, truck, bus, or train; r. Home-based care for seniors, adults, or children; s. Assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and adult day care centers, and senior residential facilities; t. Professional services, such as legal or accounting services, when necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities; u. Landscape and pool care businesses, including residential landscape and pool care services; v. Childcare facilities providing services that enable employees exempted in this Order to work as permitted. To the extent possible, childcare facilities should operate under the followin g mandatory conditions: 1. Childcare must be carried out in stable groups of 1 O or fewer (inclusive of childcare providers for the group). 2. Children and child care providers shall not change from one group to another. 3. If more than one group of children is cared for at one facility, each group shall be in a separate room. Groups shall not mix or interact with each other. w. Businesses operating at any airport, seaport, or other governm ent facility, including parks and government offices; X. y. handlers; Pet supply stores; Logistics providers, including warehouses, trucking, consolidators, fumigators, and z. Telecomm unications providers, including sales of computer or telecomm unications devices and the provision of home telecomm unications; Page 3 of 5 Miami-Dade County Declaration of Local State of Emergency aa. Provision of propane or natural gas; bb. Office space and administrative support necessary to perform any of the above- listed activities; cc. Open construction sites, irrespective of the type of building; dd. Architectural, engineering, or land surveying services; ee. Factories, manufacturing facilities, bottling plants, or other industrial uses; ff. Waste management services, including collection and disposal of waste; and gg. Any business that is interacting with customers solely through electronic or telephonic means, and delivering products via mailing, shipping, or delivery services 3. This order does not affect or limit the operations of Miami-Dade County, any public utility, any municipality, the Miami-Dade County School District, or any State or Federal office or facility, except that such entities shall abide by the restrictions of any County, Municipal, State or Federal emergency order, as applicable. 4. This order does not limit the number of persons who may be physically present performing services at any location where an essential business is being conducted except as expressly set forth herein or otherwise governed by any State or Federal order or regulation. Employers and employees are urged, but are not required, to practice social distancing, such as keeping six feet between persons and limiting group size to less than ten people. 5. This order does not limit the number of persons who may be physically present at any religious service. Persons attending religious services are urged, but are not required, to practice social distancing, such as keeping six feet between persons and limiting group size to less than ten people. 6. The County Mayor may amend the provisions of paragraph 2, 3, and 4 by written notice to the County Clerk. 7. The provisions of this order shall serve as minimum standards. Municipalities may impose more stringent standards within their jurisdictions. 8. This order shall expire upon the expiration of the existing Miami-Dade County State of Local Emergency, except that if such State of Local Emergency is extended, this order shall also be deemed to extend for the duration of such extension. This order may be cancelled earlier by action of the County Mayor. 9. This order shall be effective as of9:00 p.m., March 19, 2020. Page 4 of 5 Mi ami -D ade C oun ty D eclara ti o n of L ocal State of E m ergen cy 9. Thi s order shall b e effective as of 9:0 0 p.m., M ar ch 19 , 20 20 . 1 O . T hi s ord er sh al l b e pro v id ed to al l appro p ri ate m ed ia cons istent wi th th e req u ir em ents o f secti on 8B -7(2 )(n ) o f th e C o d e of Mi ami -D ad e C oun ty . E n ac ted : sign"" 2 í4svsv Da3 l 1n03Do -- Witness: -------------- Cancelled: Signed: _ COUNTY MAYOR Date: --- Time: -- Witness: ------------ Page 5 of 5 M IA M couNTY AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER 07-20 WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the County Mayor issued Emergency Order 07-20; and WHEREAS, Emergency Order 07-20 directed the closure of all non-essential retail and commercial establishments and included a list of essential businesses that may still operate; and WHEREAS, Emergency Order 07-20 provided for amendment by filing written notice with the clerk; and WHEREAS, hotels, motels, other commercial lodging establishments, and temporary vacation rentals provide essential business services during emergencies; and WHEREAS, marinas and boat launches, docking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services provide essential business services during emergencies, including access to living space, repair services, and other vital needs; and WHEREAS, additional retail and commercial establishments listed below provide essential business services during emergencies, THEREFORE, as County Mayor of Miami-Dade County, I hereby order: l. Paragraph 2 of Emergency Order 07-20 is hereby amended and restated to clarify that additional following essential businesses may remain open: 2. Essential retail and commercial businesses, which may remain open, are: * k * f. Gas stations>>; new and used automobile dealerships;<< and auto-supply, auto-repair, and related facilities>>, provided however that such businesses should ensure that customers practice the social distancing as advised by the CDC<<; k. Private colleges, trade schools, and technical colleges, but only as needed to facilitate online or distance learning >>and university. college, or technical college residence halls. to the extent needed to accommodate students who cannot return to their homes<<; Page 1 of2 M iami -D ade C o un ty D ecl ar atio n o f L ocal State o f E m ergen cy k k k ff. Waste management services, including collection and disposal of waste; [[and]] gg. Any business that is interacting with customers solely through electronic or telephonic means, and delivering products via mailing, shipping, or delivery services>>;<< >>hh. Private and municipal marinas and boat launches, docking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services; ii. Hotels. motels, other commercial lodging establishments and temporary vacation rentals. Notwithstanding the foregoing, restaurants, bars, and fitness center restrictions within these establishments remain as stated in Emergency Order 03-20; jj. Veterinarians and pet boarding facilities; and kk. Mortuaries, funeral homes, and cemeteries.<< 2. The balance of Emergency Order 07-20 remains in full force and effect and is subject to further amendment as set forth in Emergency Order 07-20. Enacted: siened: lg@sf<..{} na.8 •y te Cancelled: Signed: ------------------------------- COUNTY MAYOR Date: Time: -- Witness: ------------- Page 2 of2 M IA M E COUNTY AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER 07-20 WHE REAS, on March 19, 2020, the County Mayor issued Emergency Order 07-20; and WHE REAS, Emergency Order 07-20 directed the closure of all non-essential retail and commercial establishments and included a list of essential businesses that may still operate; and WH EREAS, Emergency Order 07-20 provided for amendment by filing written notice with the clerk; and WHE REAS, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-71 which promulgated standards for the sale of alcohol; and WHE REAS, additional retail and commercial establishments listed below provide essential business services during emergencies, THE REFORE, as County Mayor of Miami-Dade County, I hereby order: l. Paragraph 2 of Emergency Order 07-20 is hereby amended and restated to clarify that additional following essential businesses may remain open: 2. Essential retail and commercial businesses, which may remain open, are: * * * hh. Private and municipal marinas and boat launches, docking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services; ii. Hotels, motels, other commercial lodging establishments and temporary vacation rentals. Notwithstan ding the foregoing, restaurants, bars, and fitness center restrictions within these establishments remain as stated in Emergency Order 03-20; jj. Veterinarians and pet boarding facilities; and kk. Mortuaries, funeral homes, and cemeteries. >>11. The sale of alcoholic beverages is authorized consistent with Executive Order 20-71. mm . Firearm and amm unition supply stores. Page 1 of2 M i am i -D a d e C o un ty D e cl ar at io n o f L o c a l S t at e o f E m e r g e n c y nn. Businesses providing services to any local. state, or Federal government, including municipalities, pursuant to a contract with such government.<< 2. The balance of Emergency Order 07-20 remains in full force and effect and is subject to further amendment as set forth in Emergency Order 07-20. Enacted: Signed: a $$hg, Witness: h Cancelled: Signed: ------------------------------ COUNTY MAYOR Date: --- Time: -- Witness: ------------- Page 2 of2 MIAMFru» EEE7 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER 07-20 WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the County Mayor issued Emergency Order 07-20; and WHEREAS, Emergency Order 07-20 directed the closure of all non-essential retail and commercial establishments and included a list of essential businesses that may still operate; and WHEREAS, Emergency Order 07-20 provided for amendment by filing written notice with the clerk; and WHEREAS, Amendment No.1 to Emergency Order 07-20 stated that marinas and boat launches, docking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services provide essential business services; and WHEREAS, large numbers of boaters congregated without observing social distancing and promoted large parties, the occurrence of which would have increased the risk of spreading COVID-19 throughout the community; and WHEREAS, as a result it is necessary to further limit the use of marinas and boat launches, docking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services; and WHEREAS, Emergency Order 06-20 as amended from time to time contains detailed information on the use of marinas, boat launches, docking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services for the duration of the state of emergency, THEREFORE, as County Mayor of Miami-Dade County, I hereby order: 1. Paragraph 2 of Emergency Order 07-20 as amended is hereby amended and restated to clarify that additional following essential businesses may remain open: 2. Essential retail and commercial businesses, which may remain open, are: # k k [[hh. Priv ate and municipal marinas and boat launehes, doeking, fueling, marine supply and other marina services]] >>hh. Marinas. boat launches, docking. fueling. marine supply and other marina services only as set forth in Emergency Order 06-20 as amended from time to time.<< Page 1 of 2 Miami-Dade County Declaration of Local State of Emergency #k ¥ k 2. The balance of Emergency Order 07-20 as amended remains in full force and effect and is ;;;,º furth er am~ergency Order 07-20. D»«33,san o Witness:~ Ôil'-,..M--im. Time: [r3o Cancelled: Signed: _ COUNTY MAYOR Date: --- Time: -- Witness: ------------- Page 2 of2