DD 30 P bt930 "lP June 26, 19')1. .lIon. E. ). ieeatl1ermal1 Clerk C irm it Court ~;tr lrt 10us (: 1 j,;J:i ',f;', Florid t'~e.. rOl'tlOl1 of Lot 1..0 Block 3, Second Oce:m Fron~ :3ubd1v1sion Dear Sir: i_Ldl:r place t; e enclose:' De::d of Dedication o'('eccrd iJ,:'t,_'r 'lfi'ixing thert'!OT1 ., :) en c () O(olnnent'try st'lllp in L} d amount of lOy\. ;1c;],:;e sa) yom' ~ ,ill GO the City of :Iiami cwh for VLur recording fee. Very trulY Y lJ,rs, c. . Tomlinson City CJ erk 6111" - t);f}~ -p June 2~, 1951 Day1d Rott and Harry Rott c/o COPeland1 Therrell & Balsden, Attorneys P. O. Box ;;Ij Miami Beach, Flo1'"ida Gentlemen, Please l"ind enclosed herewith deed trom the Trustees 01" the Internal !mp1'OYement Fund ot the Sta te 01" Florida oonvey1pg to you the parcel 01" land westerly 01" and adjaoent to Lot 40, Block 3, Second Ocean Front Subdivision, which has been tilled and bulkheaded by the oi ty. 1'h18 deed is being deliYered to you Jm...1'Suant to the terms ot an agreement dated Dec_ber 30, 19lf.9 and amended by agr....t .. ted May 221 195'0 between you and your respective wives and the City 01" Miami Beaoh. I atll tiling tor record the deed 01" dedioation whioh you exeouted and deposited with me togethe1'" with the agfte- ment. You l'uwe hl:lol'et,:)to1"8 been not11"1ed of the lien whioh accrued to the city by reason ot the const1"1lction by it 01" the bUlkhead. "81'7 tfttly yOU1"8, C. W. 1'omlWOl'1 City Clerk CWT,OII Enol. --'--_.__.._'--'-_._-'--"---"----~"._-"---"_._-~_._-_..-----. ()-;r)~ :..p OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY July 3, 195'0 To: Mr. C. W. Tomlinson, City Clerk Ben Shepard, City Attorney Re: Indian Creek Drive Widening From: Attached hereto is Deed of Dedication dated Dec. 301 1949, executed by David Rott and Harry Rott and their respective w ves and which is sent to you to be held pursuant to Agreement of same date. AHS/ sf 1"ebruary 10, 195'0 Mr. Walter E. Godbold Attomey Miami Beach P'1rs t Na t!onal Bank Bu11d1ns Miami Beach, 1"lorida Dear Sir. I am enolosing herewith tor your tile two executed oopies ot the agreement in regard to the Indian Creek Drive widening projectl one tor Dartd Rott and Reva G. Rott, hi. wite, and the other tor Harry Rott and Mollie Rott. hi. wite. The original agreement has been recorded. The Deed ot Dedication reterred to therein 1. being held by me in accordance with the terms of said agreement. Yours very truly, c. W. TCIIlinlon City Clerk OW'l/p 2 encloaur.. ~ 34..;0 BOOK3459 ?AGE3'74 DEED OF DEDICATION THIS INDENTURE, Made this 10th day of December, 1949, between DAVID ROTT and REVA G. ROTT, his wife, and H~~RY ROTT, and MOLLIE ROTT, his wife, Parties of the First Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H That the Parties of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good ~~d valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby ack- nowledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following des- cribed land lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the southerly line of Lot Forty (40), Block Three (3) of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence westerly along the said southerly line of Lot Forty (40) for a distance of forty-six and twelve hundredths (46.12) feet; thence northerly along a line a distance of ninety-nine and fifty-nine hun- dredths (99.59) feet? more or less, to a point on the northerly line of sa1d Block Forty (40), said point .being thirty-eight and thirty-six hundredths (38.36) feet westerly of the westerly line of said Harding Dr1.ve (now Indian Creek Drive); thence easterly along the said northerly line of Lot Forty (40) a distance of thirty-eigh~nd thirty-six hundredths (38.36) feet to a point on the said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence southerly along the said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) a distance of one hundred four and sixty-one hundredths (104.61) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. f ~ The Parties of the First Part hereby reserve unto themselves, their heirs, administrators and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or abandoned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above vITitten, (page one) OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA BOOK3459 PAGE375 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: 3~ ~~~t~~' ~"'" ~ (Se.1) I' ~~~ (Seal) (Seal) ~~ (~A JA---a..~ ~ As to Harry Rott and Mollie Rott, his wife ':~ ~' -(Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COUNTY OF DADE: ,_. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared befofle " , i: me! an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknow- -: ' ledgments, DAVID ROTT and REVA G. ROTT, his wife, to me well known ~. to.b~ the persons described in and who executed the foregoing Deed ';.' O'f_De:dication, and they acknmvledged before me that they executed the c'". ,s~ 'freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. ..-,10. ,.'" ,r " -:..>~ 1dITNESS HY HAND and . , ' 'Florida, this c9rf5 at day Hy commission expires: official seal at Miami Beach, Dade County, of May, A, D. 1950. ~ /7 '. /'L' ././',~ ( d-c_.<L-- / . Nary Public, State of Florida at Nov.~,l 51 Large STATE OF MICHIGAN: SS COUNTY OF WAYNE: I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknow- ledgments, HARRY ROTT and MOLLIE ROTT, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing Deed of Dedication and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same freeiy and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. \VITNESS my hand and official seal al$ k~ , Wayne County, State of Hichigan, this ..- c) ;<" da~ of May, A. D. 1950. J::v;:w; (jl-,rf~vJ Notary Public, State of Hichigan 'vJayne County (f. r.' .. - expires :'_,k.}..J '1-::-19-\ ~ - (Page two) State of Florida, County of Dade. Thi, instrument was filed for record the__.2:-..i'..day of.~ 1951 atL'~.L~t.Ai13nd d~ recorded in..~<<"'__ Book,.~ f:.~_-='!l_.on Pagem..n2.,~_Fi;e No, AA_tt..ff...:t:~ E. B, LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court By ~~,A/~~ D.C , ,....\ ,,- \ \'~,,::.~~;;commi s si on {;:~?':,~'\ fo r; ';:~<;~, . ~ " "\.'V f <..> ". \ \..... .~ ,.-- .: >~ " . ' ...'" ...... ;; /" . ",., ." ,... , - ", " ~ .. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA