DD 30 O .bb~-~ February 10, 19!)O Mr. Morton Rothenberg 420 Lincoln Roact Miami Beach, Florida Dear Sirt I am enclosing herewith tor your tile two ..cutect copies of the agreement in regard to the Indian Creek Drive "Widening pro~eetl one tor you as president of the Community Holdins Corpora t10n and the other tor Mr. Moe Browarn1k as secretary ot the corporation. 'the original agreement haS been recorded. The Deed ot Dedication reterrect to therein :11 being held by me in aocordance wi th the terms ot said agreement. Yours very truly, C. W. 'fOllHnaon C1 ty Clerk am/p 2 enclosure. - ~--~._---..._--,-_.__..__.--'--------- _---..-"-.w- June 2?', 1951 ~!(y:" ;:;;. D. T..JeathcrmaJ\ Clor} Circei t Court Court :Touse l'iami 30, FloriCl'l Ha: ('rtion of Lots 1'3 and '9, Bleck 3, Second Ocean Ji'ro'1t Sub. DaHl' Sir: :irdly r,lace of record the enclose' Deed of lJedic'ltion after :~friJdrr \~}\ercOT, :3 lOtf Stilte docu- mentary str.unp. Pleas' send your bill for recordip!T, fees to the unders;cned T,::tldE" it to the Ci t::r of : l:tard Be3C1:. \:l'}ry trt;J,y yours, C. .. TomlinSon City Clark ~:j'~ ..(9z9- ~- 0- -<%9.H .,.,61- June 25', 1951 Mr. E. L. LockbaJ't A tt01'l1'" at Law 605' Lincola Road Miami Beach, fiorida Deal' Mr. Lockhart$ Enclosed please tind deed f'rom the 'huatee. ot the Internal Improvement Fund of' the state of' norlda which conftys to 70U and Mrs. Lockhart a tract o-r land wsterly of' and adjacent to Lots 38 and 39, Block 3, Second Ocean Front SubdIyls1on. !his dNd is be1ng dellyered to you pursuant to the terms of' an agreement dated lfoftllber 29, 191+9 between you and Mr.. Lockhart as owners of' the -ree. COllD1Ul1i ty Holding Corporation as less.. under a long teN lease and the City of' Miami Beach. I am f'iU.ng f'or :record in the ottice ot the Cl:81"k ot the Circuit Court the deed ot dedication which vas deposited wlth me together with the agreement reterred to. You haye heretotore been. not1tied of' the lien which accrued to the city by reason ot the construction by it of' the bulkhea4. Yours yery truly, C. w. 'f'oa1inson City Clef'k Clnaom Bacl. CCI Community Rold1ng Corp. -------.----- Jl'ebruary 10, 19'0 Mr. E. L. Lockhart, .A. ttorne,. 60' Lincoln Road Miami Beach, Jl'lorida Dear Mr. Lockhart. I am enolosing herewi th tor your t11e aD exeouted copy of the agreement in regard to the Indian Creek_ive widening pr03ect. The original agreement has been reoorded. The Deed ot Dedication reterred to therein is being held by me in accordanoe with the terms ot said agreement. Very truly yours, C. W. Toml1uon City Clerk cn/p 1 en.leave -- ~--- ~ ..-.---------.-.. -- BOOK3459 p~GE376 Jo... _ .. DEED OF DEDICATION THIS INDENTURE, Made this :z Mf day of ~ A. D. 19+9, between E. L. LOCKI-iART and HILDAHU. LOCKHAJlT, his wife, and CO~IDNITY HOLDING CORP., a Florida Cor- poration, '. PaTties of the Fi~st Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H That the Part ies of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The easterly forty (40) feet of Lots Thirty-eight (38) and Thirty-nine (39), Block Three (3) of the SEcmm OCE.UT FRONT SUlB~IVISION, according to the iuuended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, C\ t page 28, of tile Public ' Records of Dacle COUllty, Florida, the said forty (40) feet being measured at right angles to the westerly line of iiarding Drive, as SDmln on said Plat, (nm! Indian Creek Drive). The Parties of the First Part hereby reserves" unto ther:selves , their heirs, ad- . BOOK3459 PAG~a77 ministrators and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or abandoned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Part ies of the First Part have hereunto set their hands and seals and have caused these presGlJ.ts to be signed by its dl11y authorized officers! its ~lla~x:~,l~.l1x~~ corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Secretary, the day and year above '.Tritten. " ;A ~~ Ja.a~eall ./M~ w. -/vdtJd (Seal) (Seal) In the presence of: /L/L-<-.:, _ c.. . COlllli,lUNITt IDLDING CORP., ...','(j ''>1' >'.. ;~.:....u..,:- J:-n"~ '\. -"- -,' ,-, ,,' ;~1':.~.; ~. .'-:.~-~ ..:......, __,~_ ~.c ~,..., ->;~~: - ~..-.. ~ ~,'1-::~;::.? ,. ~:_, ')0 ",";)t.,,1, ,;" ~ . ,G' \. <;:; ----...~. - ~-;;."" \'.: '" ." ;,>I'~'",;,,:" '0 .. ~'.r l (J t, ,<,.,' ~~~& President Attest: ~-f3~ Secretary ~ .. BOOK34:39 FAtJE378 STATE OF COUNTY OF ELORIDA D iillE . . : SS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, E. L. Locliliart and Hildah ~.I. Locldlart, his '.life, to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in the foregoing instrument of dedication, and who ackno'vledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. \'lITNESS my hand and official seal this ;)9 ~ at Hiami BeachL. day of ~'e1, State of Florida, A. D. 1<j49. My commission expires: ~""";";J , ,',",\ lV 1)0',"-, ....:.~ ~1'."''':'''''.;.J~ ~~. .:.~.~) .ri''';, II .""f' o~ ", .~,.t ....4" .~ 11 i .~-i'J' V , <9~ '" ~7, .. ,'~_.':'r;', .~" !......f. ~ >) ~~_J : <:t.. ",,,j; \,: , '.~:" ... ~.".. ';, (~: ";:y\.. t "j ,j ----- STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA DADE . . SS I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day of A. D. 194 9 , before me personally appeared Morton Rothenberg and Moe Browarnik President and Secretary, respectively, of Community Holding,Corp., a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida , to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Hiami Beach in the County of Dade and State of Florida , the day and year last aforesaid. W ~ C",~~ . ""''''',''' """'/ '.."'...' Notar:t Publ~c, State of Florida::"">~:;-:.l!JD7;i'<, Motery PublIC. Staf. of Florida ... LlIr~...~" '...>, .~...~..;J...... $.o'~ y commission expires Oct. 25 1952.' '>:' -...,.. "Ol~..;- My commis sion expires: 'o"d.d by AmadeA. ~",.". ('^. ~f N. Y. ,'..,,'..".,., -'.'.... : 1..",) : ~ \ j 0.it . ':,.. .d. _='""'i ... (/ :~"'-. _ ... --.,.--," .. ~ ~ ~..(,.,: -:; e.~ ' iJ ~, , \) ", . . :"-:., It. )\'.., iI ,Jj.. u.."..~ State of Florida, County of Dade. '\::':i~'!'::';'.::'~'{5\:' This instrument was filed for record the__~_~__day ofj"/-xp' ., " . . 1951 all...~LI!.~_&.M and duly recorded in,.~~.. Lf :3 Book_2 4tc<)-~__on Page_.3..2.(,File No. AA..i!!._Z2 E. B, LEATHERMAN "" C~rk jircuit Court . . BY.J'~~ D.C