DD M ('l C'l[)O Rnf1~, J!)r~O PA/;f 488 t DEED OF DEDICATION / ,~- " ,/ / ~j/ ,--" THIS nmI'l'rT1JRF:, made this 24 day of October, A. D. 1952, between JACKIE, INC., a Floride Corporation, Party of the First Part, and CITY OF TI1AHI BEACH, a Hunicipal Corporation of the state of Florida, Party of the Second Part, lVITNESSE'rH: That the Party of the First Part, for and in considera- tion of the sum of Ten (\/10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to it in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby aCknowledGed, has dedicated and hereby dedicates to the perpetual use of the public, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following described land situate, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The easterly Thirty-fi ve (5) feet of Lot 1nirty-five (35), Block Three (3) of the SECOND () C,SAN," ROTT1' S UBDI VI 31 ON , accol~ding to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at p~;e 28, of the I~,blic Records of Dade County, Florida, the said Thirty-five (35) feet being measured at right angles to the westerly line of Harding Drive, as shown on said Plat (now Indian Creek Drive). The Party of the First Part hereby reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or abandoned. IN 1tJI'rNESS vJFERT:OF', the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be affixed, the day and year above written. ., .' ,,' ,~. ~.../ /.~ ~#~~"'.'~'~~~~~.'~~~~:':- " ol:;~ (~c >,>'....'~ / (7' '; \":\ "':), "A,:, , ') -~~:" ';~:, /,:~:; ~ , . By ZINC. ~~-~ Presldent Attest: AsS~ ~~~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTOIIHEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA n,,",~c A~f' BOOK ljDL.U F'i\G~ 'i.~:J STATE OF FLO RIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 21.. day of October, A. D. 1952, before '11e personally appeared BEN B. CIEIN and ~ VOU President Assistant anCV Secretary, respectively, of JACKIE, INC., a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to Be known to be the persons who si[';ned the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally aclmowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses 8J. d }mrposes therein mentioned; and they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instI'1.L'l1ent is the act and deed of said corpora- tion. WITNESS my signature and official seal It Miami Beach, said County rod State, the day a~d year jlbove mentioned. ~ / 0: Notary Public, State of Florida / at Large My commission expires: N('~,:~! t'l. ,~!: ~ <"' '" M., .~ .cr r!'1"7'~:1 ot large E0' >' j 1 1954. .. ~(',:e Co. ;~~ ",;" ,.~-~- ~~, ti :.. -",.- ~."...... .,.. \.' ' 11 n 1.,' :. . ...... 1. .... ~"'~' " ............ ~~ 'I ~ S r;~ ,:-". l- . , . State of F!orirla CO!!>1t'J'f [};-'I' Thi:~' : :.~~~:-, 1~p-n~ " 'he,....,Z::.day of~ :-.:c t';~ -'t:?.~..~G!,__..,.,_ 2..~er/ L fJij /"Y?L4L IE: 1.;1 l,.Fj.'""( H!-,~q;"\'~A_N r.ierk Cin:u}; Cr'ur; By. ~~..D.f; ll!'>:" ""~L! .. ....__uL (J!e:.r. . . - . -, ".. . , ~"~M BoOkd&:r~ .. . n OFFICE OF CITY A'l'TOIUIET - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA