DD M (1) 8t3- s...o rA. ...---- 'I. t OI;lFIC r:. C J.r}{ AIL '.\~\ DeceMber 4, 1952 To: Fr. c. ':J. TCW11inson, city Clcd: From: Ben Shep8rd, city Attorl1.EJyl HEJ: Dedication on easterly Seco~.ld CCCLQl. 2ront 31.;.b Creel': DrJ_ ve. 3::; feet of Lot~ 'Iis:.on _;.'or 3j, 'Slode 3, :mui rUl I 11ave, after p, lo11.~: 6el::-/, '1'ocuro6. tilC vsrious :i.l1.strunents 1rThich were rCClJired :Ln order' to aCCjUil"8 VlC [,:.OV8 dod:Lcc'cion. ',Che Ci ty COl.Ll1.cil, "J 8D:[ iJOnt;:,s 8.['0, c.uthorizccl the p 8.:Flont to 1" FI Comer I" rJ" (J .~ A "'"(l'i' ~ l111.cl ,...'- J' 0'" r< 0 of ," h ~, ''"1'''1 ,~{' ' c' 1 J',(' t~ 6 "' . . j,. 'I v ,u~ _.u ..' ,e.l.... L 'j,. .. v..v ".." U~ ',,:J,~:'V./ (the cost of con",t1'\lcti.n[~ a l)ul1c;J,cad ac5jacont to :;:,ot 3';) ;;1'0- Vl' c'ee' t'ln.!'. -r "~.'~"'-OC"-~r>c" .('0'-'-' -'--'.,~(-, "'c"'''le.f.--'.! t o.c> ,'-i,r-. c-~ .1--.., 0 (-, 'Bcl"" -rloY' , l L ,."v _, ,lh .C',~~; -'- ,L vHe, ,,' L c~.L C, 1..",~,.',I..,j, 0. ,.I., ,~ - ;1;:2,926.00 from the OHners 0:[' Lot y) 111. OJ~d81o thtl;i~Lo "Ci'q miGht be reimbursed to thc extent of,jY~.OO ;:,cr ]J.nesJ, foot for t~le cost of ~(;L1JJ{1:1cod. "I 0 ,'" ,; " , .-LL\- .)8 ['J:1C.t 110lJ ;--J.8DCL son, - 8.x.,...jcll s: ~:J7er in 'G~';.e Git7' I have delivered t'le r;j,tyl2 e"leek you herovJith checl: of s",s,tllors, the sum of ':2, 926. (:0 [',,;)10 to i.OJ7 The ~c11.stru:'11ents in cOlillection th this t1'o.ns8ction 81'0 nOlI beinc recorded end 1,rlll CO'18 to 'Iou in QUO courso. BS /If CC: Enr;ineer:i.I1C t. . Hcnsllc~v! ----..--..---..- I 00 . Rom{ nHl P~.Gf 221 ' :..--- ~~)";; m~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 41 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPOR,ATIO,.N m ~ <BY CORPORATION) MIAMI 12. FLORIDA-~i-l*. M ;- ~ ~ I ~. ~] ~ ~ .~. WHEREAS, JACKIE, INC., a Flor:ida Corporation, and others ~, by Inqenture of Mortgage dated the lu th day of Hay , A. D, 19-5Z..., ~~~ and~in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit COU!1li~ 9-nd for the County of Dade ~ ' J.U1der Clerld s File No. BB-~Lt~b3 M Slate of Floridllf'Hl" M8~ 1W~' , i1~ ' granted and conveyed unto Interstate Finance Corporation, a Florida Cornoration, its successors~ and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure lhe payment of the sum of ~i SAventv 'rhousand (~;70,OOO.OO) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -nollars, ;~ with interest as therein mentioned: ~ ~ ~ .. .(-~ . I\uum 1\11 :Srn 1S11 w4rsr 'rrsrnts: , AND WHEREAS THE SAID JACKIE, n~ ~Ji Wl ~~~ [~ ~ ~~~ ~~] IW ~ ~ ~~ D TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said JACI\:IE, TNC., its successoT'S and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, always ~ nevertheless., that nothing thcrein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. "ON".., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said ~tgage3 by its duly aulhorized officers, ha---.S~, .,~ 4 -.--e; I1r . ~ .' --. set its hand- and seaL- th;. ~ / .._day oL_, 0 c to be r 1~;" '<:{'.",'..J ~ . Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: IN'rERS'l'A'ri,: Fn~ANCE cORPC1~f'i.0Yl. U' . ~ __~__________ _ ~-:.~~~..wT~Ct) . ~ '.' '~1 ~, ~ ~ ~ ,-.e- / \ _ ....-:t-.;/{) r~, '4-1:I(~_ '" ~ B,..n~-""'!.~:tavr;; I ~~ A._...by ~ 5",-y:1/" I{i'~~~______________~~! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ '" ~. <\1 requested, the saiil Interstate Finance Corporatjon to release the premiscs hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mort!!;a!!;e: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE,That the said Inters tate, Finance Corporation as well in consideration of the premises as of, the sum of ~_L~lD~) - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars, to i t in hand paid by the said..- .r Fl ~ ki A, Tn Po . at the time of execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled!!;ed, doe s remis'e.,release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from thc lien and operation of said mortgage untothesaiil JackieL-Inc., its successors ---JlbekJc and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mort!!;age, to-wit: The easterly Thirty-five (35) feet of Lot Thirty-five (35), Block ':1'hree (3) of the SECOND OCEAN l"RONT g] BDIVISION, accordinp; to the_ _A1'1ended ?lat thereof, recorded in P18t Rook 28, 8t pap'e 28, of the Public Records oLllad!:LCounty, F'loridFl,~ s8id thirty-five OS) feet being measured at right anrles to the westerly line of Harding Dri ve as shown on said Plat (now Indian Creek Dri ve). ~ : \lC t ;. <0 ()1 :"~ '"rl r t!) ,." rT'l r- C"> ' m .~ ..-::; c n~ ,'" ;-1M i,D: o~ 2 ~~ :I' ~ ll!:' i ~I N ;= ,- J" ,. N I ~~~, - .- - - r--o ,.:;. r--o o:J It': o 11 )> 11 o q m .. o '" l:: '" !" .. '~~",~ ~~~ l~ ~ ~ [f [@~ ~ l~ I ~ ~ '~ ~ ~~~~~~~ C1 o ::d >"d I >.cj 1-1 c, "",--.; G: Q t~J 13 S:i (/) I~-:j -I ~ I"':] t::-j ~ o H !z: Cl \ ~, h-' n H trj '" ~ { ~ (r.,." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o "'l ~ ~ CJ~ ~ ~ ~ "'l ... 10'. e.. ~ m ~ 0( _ o ~ o ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ,. :! 0 ~- Q .... ..... t;~l ~~ l':Js:>. .. '" '" Q s:>. .. .. s:>. '"l " Q s:>. -. if S- " '"d g. - ~. '" l:d " '" o .. s:>. '" ~, = en .. ... ~. '" -. .. '" t:i'. IS t:I:l o ~ / It ~ fr' P {j o g ~ ~ l~ [ " F" .." -;1 ~. t-l t'"l I.,:' l;" ... r :=t. r-r C:i: o :::0, c <:: ...., ::n "0 .. ao " ,~.,UHqH,., .. ',-~ ~.\ ~l 0; i "", "":-~~.'..~.~...~.;.:. ;,~'~< /r~rGf?pnnr'ss.ion expires: : """"/,.. N.........c-..'>.fw..~i,... t:",~~~ t." r',.,,,;,',:- r::t !Q~ge ."' h/J,orv '~'.'''';.;',~:_ ~.'_<, ~ ':, 19.:'14. '. ~N.LCf'C"'p-~" -" ":' " ,," - Co ... B d . '.ih"'-'~ ~;;:"j..l";.J u.., ",,'~"'''~ - It ....~" on c"" l;~' ~..;~"". . _. .to' J J', ,,,,,,.,,,,, ~ ., ~rr P " __~:~..!J'}'-' f'" FLORTDA~ WITNESS my signature and official seal at in the County of Dade the day and year last aforesaid, OA '} ()q') ..... ........., D . ~i /.... i Rul)~ 'j J: J',bJ'h~., [~~~~4~~~~~~~" H ~~~ Rnn\< 01n ("},f.) R c' 'j pr,r;> (~,J (, PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, PRUDENTIAL REALTY, INC., a Rhode Island corporation, and 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP., a Florida corporation, by Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the 29th day of May, 1950, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida, in Mortgage Book 2326, Page 583, granted and con- veyed unto R. K. COOPER, INC., a Florida corporation, its successors and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($75,000.00), with interest as therein mentioned; AND WHEREAS, the said PRUDENTIAL REALTY, INC., and 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP. have requested THE WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation, the present owner and holder of the said mortgage, to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mort- gaged premises, from the lien and operation of said mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOWYE, That the said THE WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, as well in consideration of the premises as of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to it in hand paid by the said PRUDENTIAL REALTY, INC., and 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP. at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and opera- tion of said mortgage unto the said PRUDENTIAL REALTY, INC., and 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP., their successors and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: The easterly thrity-five (35) feet of Lot Thirty-five (35), Block Three (3), SMATHERS. THOMPSON, MAXWELL Be DYER ALFRED .. DUPONT IIUrLDING. MIAMI, FLORIDA Rnrw Hi q PAGf2j9 of the SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said Thirty-five (35) feet being measured at right angles to the westerly line of Harding Drive, as shown on said Plat (now Indian Creek Drive). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said PRUDENTIAL REALTY, INC., and 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP., their successors and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, always, never- the less, that nothing herein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said THE WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation, by its duly authorized officers, has caused these presents to be executed under seal this 30th day of September, 1952. " ;;v , (Corporate Seal) By R. C. Massa " ~' ,,\' ( "~I THE WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY :,:', ATTEST: ~~ J. E. Meehan Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of: -2- SMATHERS. THOMPSON. MAXWELL a DYER ALFRED I. DUPONT BUILDING. MIAMI, FLORIDA Rnn" 0..",...)1,[ (,' 97'0 ^ i PM;, (,." ~ STATE OF OHIO ) ) SS COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) I, an officer authorized to take acknowledgements of deeds according to the laws of the State of Ohio, duly qualified and acting, HEREBY CERTIFY that R. C. Massa and J. E. Meehan respectively as Vice-President and Secretary of the WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMFANY, an Ohio Corporation, to me personally known, this day acknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing Partial Release of Mortgage as such officers of said corporation, and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and I FURTHER CERTIFY that I know the said persons making said acknowledgments to be the individuals described in and who executed the said Partial Re~e of Mortgage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal at Cincinnati, said County and State, this 10th day of September, A. D. 1952. "';'.""""'" ,.1 \\\ ~,'IIJY I'll/ III \.;. \, '. /, ~ .'\.' ..., ~, '. M'YCommission Expires: December -- \. ,.. '- ,~ 'j { StIle of Florida, County .of 'Dacre. ,. ;;- ,!~" ~-e-~ This instrument was illt; j tor record :ne,:_.., ,u'b::.;l: '0,52 al..e-:'-'JI".< ~M. and duly recorded !r.." ~,-,,',' -,~..,_.-_....--- '<;) ~ .---..--....' 8" .." / ~ g..fl' IaoJt 9/0._.. on f'age..~!.'..,__,Flit' ~;c Ci' .../_- E. B. LEA', -d~ \".!' Cle "Ir ui; Cu., . ________._______..l.._., Jj ,I; SMATHERS. THOMPSON. MAXWELL & DYER ALFRED I. DUPONT IlIU(LDING. MIAMI, FLORIDA