DD M (2) (~000 I. nr) RonK " .;>0(, I ':. 'I" {,J ',.; ... ,'.1~_"~-.... th:: .:...',~';~~ DEED OF ,J~gD_lG.:\T10N ?~ (hy of ~ 'lr.TT:"'1 1':--.n)T-n'.PI1TT:~n::.l '[..;":::jrlc. -t..h-i ~ _._-~.:;) j.- ~.J-1-. L,~~.__.J, ~_,.-"'_'_'-' 0~..............) A. D. 1951, bet':le.sn P?T.JD,~jrTL~L jE,~LTY, Le., a Hhode Island Co1'- ~ . rl""Y,'. .,1 1',,7, 9. 0 1.:,-',1",) -1",1 " -,' iT.l"?, por'c, "J.on, . c , . ~ D:,~I\r::~ con?, .'J. :,?lori(1 a Gor- pOJ':)i~:l,on, htrties of the :2'irst Part, and CITY UI<' lII,ALI Bi:;;"CJ1, a lI'micinal Co1'Dor:.ltion of '''eco,''(" L".,."C '-' '.,;. -,-, .... '. ~..I.. , e Stute of Florida, Party of the -L~_'r .l.L ~~ ._)..2.._:S rj~ II That the Parties of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (,;10.('0) Dollars, and other sood and v2luable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby aclG~m"ledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the oerpetual use of the public, for street and sideual1: purposes, the fol1mv- . " ., r'l 1 "' l' d" . "'y-, '" . +- f'" ....,' 1 111(; oescrloe" _.an"" __YJ.ng (;\]:1 Deln::; In I..~.e Gl"y 0' dlalYn ne:JC{l, ::':ounty of Dade and Sk,te of Florida, to-,.,i t: I')< 'vI.~ '.~... c, " I?.... .... ~..:;, . !', .,~(? "A1ve~ ")----'- .:>, The easterly Thirty-five (35) feet of Lot Thirty-five (35), Block Three (3) of the ,-'l-'_,i'(.~(\';''''''l c-,n-,l \'7-,; ;iT-:rr~;rr (~ri'1TiT;I~\-,-.:Tr)T-T - ..." ~:)~j--,V_..:..' jv.J,~:'->.;.. ~\""_'.J... ~Ju.J..__.L'__-'_\""o-", according to tLe ."Jr'endec1 P13,t ther~:()f, 1....c.:.co'....rler1 l.~' r)l'"+ -.J)ool.r ~,c~, :~--l- --;--';~lr"p ?f__~ n'-' J..__".,.. ""_ .1.-_',.<,--> __ /.L'.. .n._'-" __n"'V ..."_"_,)-' .._.,., of '~~he J?t~bJie 8cords of D,~de County, "'0,. "1 " . ' .' ']" 'J ~ . ( '3 ,>' ~ t; /,' , orln""l -:-:-\0 8':'1("1 'J"lrC\T-Tl"":lp ~-))\ -,-o.e' tJ.. :.. _ . '_. '__, .J_. '-' " '._...'. _.~..-'- -"_' .... -'_ "-' ~ _.' -'- '-" .. bei11g me,>aS~)red at ri',r:,ht" :J,nples to, tl1e n::,.. ,1es terl:' line of "l2,rr1in["Uri ve, as l/.;J i i ~1 ,":',. . . , . '1 t ( I" "1 .... , ' d. , snOi.m on Sal (1 j- ~3 nmr ,nC,lJTI 'vree.c ' ., . Drive) . P~~:rti9s o~ t1e Fj.r2t ~rt l-:erc.:by reserV8 l"U1.tO th8r1- sions thereof, or any DRrt thereof, 'Jhenever dl1J_y V8C-~t9d or their successors 2nd assigns, the reversion or rever- ....... :.ballC"lOned. ..'" , "~l'.~)_.\ i: , .. " .:::\1 -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA (' "'on,., JI (1j I I -1 ~,-';- ,- n. <' lJ ',.<~ Rillll'" ul.ls\) r/:b~ 1,j., " " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties or the First Part have caused these presents to be signed in their names by their duly authorized officers, their corporate seals to be affixed, attested by their Secretaries, the day and year above writt~n~ Attest: Attest { ~~~ .: f; \ \';\.'~" ' j ,.:' , '\,,,'Vc.'i"'- ,,)- ~ ,.' :,"~ -~ '::.. -,..". . , \<i'''''~'''', ~~.~. ;....;",/.:J,<!J '\ '0", ',,"" j..... ,I' ,"j. .~ ,'~ '~::.:,;:: " ,~.}:~., ~;;~~; ~~" J} ~.'. ~'~'\lt, \" . ~,,~ _\~\\-\) l)'";" I \ ifi 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP. /f~~~ By 0.1-**-:1-** STATE OF ~ ~ , SS COUNTY OF i;~~ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that , on this o?cf-:t4 day of CU-n.- L--- ----11/, ( // ~/n~Y A. D. 1951, before me personally appeared and ~ ~~ , President and Secretary, respec- tively, of PRUDENTIAL REALTY, INC., a corporation under the laws of the State of Rhode Island, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their rree act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corpora- tion. WITNESS my signature and official seal at ---1 - (, S 1/7/~! &'YI' .,.L ';1, \' '. said County and State, the day and year above mentioned. , ....~ ,l ,';" . ~~." \ \. \. . -'. ( / :><(~ .,..:/",...,..,;,......'...,- -::;. ,/~ _ - ~/2--::,,;..:;~-e-/.i' ~...,,:! State f/';''{, "" 'J';" o ,. L~~,-'~'c.::~~/ /"'""" -4 ~~~ Notary Public, ) My commission expires: ~U.rv/,-??; /,J?.s / -2- ,~;"l OFFIC~ OF CITY ATT{)RNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA n"-'00 Rnnl(, ;tv,,~ I P!'G~ 492 ~ " STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: SS I HH-.::;REBY CERTIFY, that on this 9:>4 dayor '"-ct appeared ~ 8. A. D. , President and secretary, and respectively, of 6790 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE CORP., a corporation under the laws of the state of Florida, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein men- tioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at ~~ ~,-~ said County and State, the day and year above mentioned. .,:'N~,~~o~.ssi~n ,.:,<~~~.i~, '~','~:;'t'-,: >~, ;'.\"I\'h. .' -,,1 / ~;,~.,~/l'Fill;..,~'t.;.c\. ;" . , c: . . 1;~ \ ..:". expires: , ,~ : ~;,ge ';4. ~l,:.C Co", Stat~ 0' n,,"1 ..'~ ':; ~: ,1...1, \.U;:::,. ~'" ,:", )',;,. lor, '1' '7 ..u~ P? ,...Jv!, i':~':.~./~: l3oolL._e(~ .r~. "",fl.__2:,.day of //J~-; ~ n ,..(W.!.. --'- _...,~,9t:J, \n. 813 ,/1(/L~...;L Th1(~. irstti t E '.'~..:.P j I t.~ :,'~A;') C!8~'\': Ci~U.l:; i.<(JU" " .D.f~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA