DD L BDO}( 3234 PAGE415 THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into thiS';/ day of AI., vt!'/>?17~rA. D. 1949, by and between E. L. LOCKHART and HILDAH w. LOCKHART, his wife, Parties of the first 'Dart, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner", and HENROCO HOLDING CO. INC., a Florida Corporation, Party of the second part, hereinafter re- ferred to as the "Lessee", and CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a United States Corporation, Party of the third part, hereinafter referred to as the "Lienor~, and the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation, Party of the Fourth Part, hereinafter referred to as the "City", WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the "Owner" is the owner of the fee simple title in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade, State of Florida, to-wit: Lots Thirty-three (33) and Thlrty- four (34) of Block Three (3) of SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, , according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and WHEREAS, the "Lessee" is the lessee under a long term lease covering said land, and 'afHE:REAS, the "Lienor" is the owner and holder of a mortgage encumbering said land, and ~NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach deems it to be to the best interest of the "City" to acquire, for the use of the public, an easement across the easterly portion of said land, for the purpose of widening Indian Creek Drive, a public street in said City, for street and sidewalk purposes, said easterly portion of said land being hereinafter more fully described, and WHEREAS, the "Owner" and the "Lessee" have indicated their willingness to dedicate to the puolic for street and side- walk pur'Doses, said strip of land, and the "Lienor" has expressed its willingness to release said strip of land from the lien of OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA BOQf( 3284 pp,GE416 its mortgage, all in consideration of the payment, by the "City", of the cost of the filling to an elevation of 2.5 feet above mean high water of a tract of submerged land now lying westerly of and adjacent to the lands hereinbefore described, equal in depth and area to the depth and area of the strip of land to be required by the "City" for the street and Sidewalk purposes herein- before referred to and WHEREAS, the construction of a seawall or bulkhead is deemed by all the parties hereto to be necessary for the purpose of retaining and protecting the fill to be made as aforesaid, and WHEREAS, it is desired by the parties hereto that the full cost of the construction of the seawall or bulkhead, herein- before referred to, (eXClusive of the cost of return walls) shall be advanced to the "Lessee" by the "City" and that such cost Shall be a lien against the land filled as aforesaid and the land herein- before described, the construction of said seawall or bulkhead as well as the filling of submerged land as aforesaid shall be done and performed by the "Lessee" at a price to be approved in advance by the "City" and in a manner to be approved by the City Engineer of said "City". NOW, THEREFOR~, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. The "Owner" and the "Le ssee" have deposited a deed of dedication and the "Lienor" has deposited a release of lien, both documents describing the strip of land off of the easterly side of "Owner's" land which it is contemplated will be used for street and sidewalk purposes, with the City Clerk of the "City" which deed perpetually dedicates said strip to the use of the public and which release discharges the "Lienor's" lien as to said strip. 2. The said Deed of Dedication and Release above mentioned shall be retained by the said City Clerk until such time as the City Engineer of the "City" shall have certified to him, in writing, that the filling and. bulkheading to the west of "Owner's" land has been substantially completed as herein contemplated and the cost of said filling and the cost of said bulkheading {Exclusive of return -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA BOOK 3284 PAGE ti7 walls) has been paid by the "City" to the "Ownerll and there has been procured by the "City" at the "City's" expense, and delivered to said "Owner", a deed from the Trustees of the Internal Improve-f~ after notice as provided for in Section 253.13 F.S.A.)Y' l!J C/...k State of Florida,7conveying to the "Owner~that AAb a marketable title to f'l:. _r.T . submerged land bounded as follows: t~l.. ment Fund of the certain tract of Bounded on the westerly side by a portion of the line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lot Thirty (30), Block Three (3), Amended Plat of Second Ocean Front Subdivision, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book Twenty-eight (28), Page Twenty-eight (28) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said point being forty-six (46) feet westerly of the westerly line of said Block Three (3); thence run in a northerly direction to a pOint on the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lot ,Thirty- four (34) of said Block Three (3); said point being forty-six (46) feet westerly of the westerly l1neClf said Block Three (3); bounded on the southerly siae by the westerly extension of the southerly line of Lot Thirty- three (33) of said Block Three (3) to its intersection with the above described westerly boundary, said point of inter- section being fortY-Six (46) feet, more or less, westerly of the westerly line of said Block Three (3); bounded on the northerly side by the westerly extension of the northerly line of said Lot Thirty-four (34) to its inter- section with the aoove described westerly boundary, said point of intersection being forty-six (46) feet westerly of the westerly line of said Block Three (3); bounded on the easterly side by the westerly line of said Block Three (3), whereupon the City Clerk shall make such disposition of said doc- uments as shall be directed by the City Manager of said "City". 3. The addi tlons to 1I0wner' s" land by reason of such bulk- heading and filling shall be encumbered by the "Lesseels" lease and by the "Lienor's" lien to the same effect and extent as though the same had been in existence at the date of said lease and of said mortgage and had been expressly described therein. 4. The 1I0wner", the "Lessee", and the "Lienor" do hereby agree that the cost of said bulkhead if, as and when paid by said IlCity" shall be and constitute a valid and enforceable lien in favor of the "City" aga,inst the "Owner's" property (including additions made . , pursuant to the plan above set forth and excluding the portion thereof to be used for street and sidewalk purposes), which lien shall be superior to "Lessee's" lease, and to "Lienor's" lien against the same. and this agreement without any other thing or act whatsoever shall be sufficient to create such lien as of, but not prior to, the date of -3- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA Oi)'J A ."10 BCO~ ~j'd')'1 Pi,\GE'1. L) payment by the "City" for the work to be done as aforesaid. 5. The cost of bulkheading which shall be paid by the "City" and which shall be a lien against the "owner's" land shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments beginning one year after the date of payment by the City of the cost of said bulkheading with interest from said date of payment at the rate of ~ per annum, payable annually, upon sums remaining from time to time unpaid provided the "Owner" shall have the option to pay the entire lien together with accrued interest at any time. 6. The amount of the lien against "Owner's" property shall be an amount equal to the amount paid by said "City" on account of said bulkheading but shall not include any portion of the cost of the filling hereinbefore provided for. ? The "City" agrees that no part of the cost of paving sidewalk or street lighting will be assessed against the property of the "Owner". 8. The right of the "City" to a l1en for the cost of bulkheading as herein contemplated against the "Owner's" land shall not be dependent unon the beginning or completion of the work of widening Indian Creek Drive. 9. The filling and bulkheading herein contemplated shall be substantially completed not later than June 1, 1950, otherwise this agreement shall be null and void and the parties shall be re- lieved from any obligation hereunder and the Deed of Dedication and the Release of Lien shall be returned to the .Lienor" and the "City" shall not be required to advance or pay any part of expense or cost which may have been incurred by the "Lessee", the .Owner" or the "Lienor" in connection with the project contemplated hereby. 10. "Owner's" property which is to be used for street and sidewalk purposes is described as follows: The easterly thirty-five (35) feet of Lots Thirty-Three (33) and Thirty-four (34), Block Three (3) of the SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said thirty-five (35) feet being measured at right angles to the westerly line of Harding Drive, as sho~m on said Plat (now Indian Creek Drive.) -4- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA 300}(,3234 PAGE419 \ 11. )Each and all of the terms and conditions hereof shall be valid and binding and shall enure to the benefit of the respeotive heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns of the several parties and the reoording hereof shall be effeotive to that end. IN ~.'1ITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their hands and seals and the Parties of the Seoond and Third Part have hereunto ouased these presents to be signed in their oorporate names, by their Presidents, and the oorporate " l; ',,1 'I ~_ -'. '" ~ II li ., 't j' :....C'.~ .......0......., fit ;... ~."J.\<"" ,'4' 'f, .t:!-l, :,.'" r.., "'." "t. "";,,,.1 .",,, ' :..;.,-..'" '-it L;)." 1 t -,fI_ :: ..:: :'1 ..~_ J t, ~ ,. .. '; .. .<l.... " ,," " ' ... ".~ . ,0. C)\)~~(;:,,- P id t ' - . ,. .. ' re s en" c:> ".it -- ,. ~"V ' ~-;;/ ~..vv G...l .-<.,; " ......,', I ..- . /0 ~.....a. , ~ ',701'''-''1., Seoretary "'",' ." \ 1~ e-f22Y ~~.//~~? ,,;11"" CHASE FEDERAL SA VINGS"..A~ .b61~~.~,::1 0" ASS~TtONJ:' ,!J j,:~~.:"" ::.'3 '~', / ""', By ~ ~-;: 'i"-~ ~ Prel:iXlent <:> ' C1 ~~A ~~, ..' "" ('--. Asst..~tary ,='.u..,~'.' .>~ ./. ,.!;):~,;~",~~ ~'i~b ~~,\.. , ....' .... ... ,.ii, .'///1/ ;'j;, j;' .' ,".'j "'1' ",,, , .I!, l 'v ~ l : ATTEST: By CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I ..--; ~l~( Mayor <<',..' -5- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA 4')0 . ,-.... l. 'J" 1\ '.' BOOf( tJ4.Jl PAGE - '", State o~: . I:",". Of '~.,. :1;' n" " .' ;i:c") "'l" n:~:' rt g'ol" -, ,--.J Th", ,,:.. ~ ",0 ""d ,ten 'VJur,) P,. ~"L. LJ,,,,~,.,, "." 10<:0 ..' r?' -< - 0 /?", ..,,1 ,:,!, 'r'," ..:,,,' " .,...,." - oJ.) "J'd,."',..,.,.", ',;,z'C r.., ~,-!I\.l i..J dlj f ,-...Ulr~.'VJ" :',1 .. -J ,V"1./ - --..- --. 000"..:;s ? 3 ',n t' "0P. '//c:Sl'I'...' " jt!1l?cr.-F u n.al.~/__ .;,.;h .l,;.l~,"'.,,_.Y:".u.____ _ ,:~,; ,.,:, r:7//.cr-:. STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: SS l:. EL L.E.;"T~-~.~~;-.: : 1\ : ClerK Cjr-:i;;~ C~.t~; t ".,...0.1:. '::>:"'~..' ::. '-.-">' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me! an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknow- ledgments, E. L. LOCKHART and HILDAH W. LOCKHART, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the fore- going instrument, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official Dade and State of Florida, this of , A. D. 1949. STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: f Fl,?J;;i.cJaJ~? L~e ~'f: [l?',~, My commission expires: if. ~~)~f".. ' 0-),: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ',''"'', '., l. 0 'I .:,. '\J~;~'>"'.r'.. 0 " ._" ,'.' , .~ SS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknow- ledgments dR/?7UI:!:,( gr/9'r'r~r and I!lYd#~"(,( /-/. Sr/9 'rre:r , President and de arc 'Tl9rr respectively, of HENROCO HOLDING CO. INC., a Florida Corporation, to me well known to be the persons des- cribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and duly acknow- ledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein ,\,""~"":'~~p;ressed as the act and deed of said Corporation. ,,"::J I i ,'J, i .:~" , ~ .... ~~, ...." } . :" ./...... . " . IN l.J'ITNESS HHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed /::::./ (j,\;\n1\v;,qffi,cial seal at ,h7//9~; ;$~/'lt!/7 said County and State, this i \ ~') u-~\,/67~:.. day of November, A. D. 19;}. .:. t~ \ .) ... .::; --v.::T/ ' >' .... .~.. ..l'\, '. , ":" ^ .,.....,.. ~.y. Notary Publ~c, at Large , "r, I ":\ \", . .',)1 ". My commission expires: C2-.-q, /?, /9vl STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: SS . I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before met an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, C. L. CLEMENTS andALLEN ROBINSON President and Asst.-Secretary, respectively, of CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN _ ASSOCIATION, a United States Corporation, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrum~ot,~~ duly acknowledged before me that they execu~ed the same f,91;.... t~~.:.~1l!p-,?ses therein expressed as the act and deed of sa1.d corporatio}.'ti'/' .....-:'<?,;... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ~i:~t/i~~d;~f-\ official seal at Miami Beac, aid County d State, th~~,~,!~17 g,r.~ November, A. D. 1949.;:.:..... ..<....}.,. f Fl ida a.t '7Uaifge ~,"" _ f, f J . It' " ,'; , ,. I '\ > \ ~ \ ., '. I\ofary PubJ,c. :'Jtate of Hnida at la~ge; My comm1.ss~on exp~res. My C.mH1ll;"JOo Expire~ Feb, 2.3. i9S3, OFFICE: OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA 8-tJ 30 t SENT REGISTERED - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED March 18, 1952 j l Mr. E. B. Leatherman Clerk of the Circuit Court Miami # Florida Dear Sirl I am enclosing herewith ror recOrding the follOWing two instruments I Deed of dedication from E. L. Lockhart and Hilda W. Lookhart I hi. wite, and Henrooo Holding Co. Inc., to the City of Miami Beach, covering the easterly 35 teet of Lots 33 and 34, Block 3, Seoond Ocean Front Subdivision. Partial Releaee of Mortgage executed by the Chase Federal Savings & Loan A.soelation, as to the same property. Kindly let us have your bill tor reoording rees and our check will be sent to you immedlately. Yours ver'Y truly, C. W. Tomlinson City Clerk p. 2 enclosures ~J.. ""'oh 10, 1952 RealsteHd Mall Return Recelpt Requested B. L. Lockhart, Esq. Att0rJ187 at Law 605 LInooln Road M1ul Beach, Florlda In 1"8: Lots 33 and. 34, Block 3, SECOJID OCEAN PROJrl' SUBl)IVISIOlf Dear Lee: There is enclosed heHW1 th a deed troll the '!'rUstee. ot the Internal Improvement J'und ot the State ot Florlda conve71na to you and your wite a parcel ot 8u'bllersed land In Indlan Creek adjacent to Lots 33 and 34, Block 3, Seoond Ocean Pront SUbdlvldon. Th1s deed 18 No. 19601, Is dated April 25, 1950, and 18 beIns torwarded to you pursuant to the ter1118 ot the agreement dated Novell.ber 14, 1949, (executed copy ot whioh I enolos.), between you and Mrs. Lookhart, Henroco Holdlns Co., Inc., Chase Fedenl Savlngs and Loan Aleodation, and the CIty ot Miaa1 Beach, 1n oonneotion with the bulkheadlng and tll1Ing ot the land covered b7 thi8 deed. Shortly aner this \)ulkbeading and tUl1ng had been completed by the City, it was cl1scovered that a portion ot the bulk- headlne 1n some in8tanoe. enoroached slilhtly beyond the we8terl7 line ot the strip covered by the deeds obtained tram the Trustee. up to that t1Jle. On behalt ot the City, we thereatter prooUHd trOll. the Trustee. another deed whioh 18 No. 19949, dated Deoember 11, 1951, which names you and Mrs. Lookhart a. srantee. and. wh1ch convey. an addItional strip ot su_ersed land l1'1ns 1n Indian Creek ilalediately adJaoent on the west to the parcel tilled and bulkheaded Wblch was covered by deed No. 19601. ThIs deed I .. allo enclo.1ne. Ve7/7 tl"u1y yourl, c. " . 'l'OIILIlfSOlf C1ty Clerk CVT. OIl Enol. 3 TELEPHONE 2.6883 ~~7~ IN ACCOUNT WITH M. F. COMER BRIDGE AND FOUNDATION CO. Bridges ~ Sea W ails ~ Pile Driving ~ Docks Equipment Rented 990 NORTHWEST NORTH RIVER DRIVE MIAMI 36, FLORIDA tI TO '~r. !3fi\mll~l Bratt,"'r DATE 1-12-50 ADDREss--.Hanroco Holding Co., Incr. 6770 Indian Creek Dr1ve Miami Beach, Florida INVOICE NO, 1487 JOB NO, 745 To construction of 162 feet of eteel sheet piling bulkhead 1n 4nd1an Creek 1n front of lots 33 and 34, Block 3, Second Oceanfront sub- diviEion ammended as per o~r proposal to the City of Miami Beach, of Octoter lOth., 1945l, and letter of concurrence from Samuel sratter, o wne r . To conBtructlon of 162 ft of steel sheet bulkhead wall ~$59.74 per 11n ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9,677.88 To 2813 cubic y&rds of fl11 in plQce ~.83 . . . . . . 2.~~4.79 $1~,Ol;:;.67 Ifh.9- so >f HLi\lH BEACH, FLORIDA January 30th, 1950 HECEIPT is hereby aekno\.rledged by the undersigned HENROCO HOI,Dnrg CO'i' INC., from the City of Miami Beach, of the sum of :ui12,O 2.67 in full paynent of the amount due to said Henroco Holdine Co., Inc., from said City on account of the construction of One hundred Sixty-tuo (162) feet of steel sheet piling bulkhead in Indian Creel" in front of Lots 33 and 34 of Block 3 of SECOi'D OCEAN FROITT :::llJBDIVISIOE, and the construction of a fill in place immediately east of sc:lid bulkhead. IT 1;3 EEH.'i:BY ACKHO'.IL@GED by the undersigned, Henroco Holding Co., Inc., that the sum received from said City and herein receipted for is paid by said City pursuant to the terms of that certain agreement dated November 14th, 1949, by Cind betvTeen E. L. Lockhart and Hildah U. Lockhart, Henroco Holding Co., Inc., Chase Federal Savings and Loan Association, and the City of hiami Beach, and that ::~9,677.38 of the amount hereby receipted for represents reimbursement by the City for the cost of the bulkhead. HENHOCO HOLDIIfG CO" INC. By. ?~<~~ -ReSident -- /ocol1 \l ',,' (I I '. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA