Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report PM-Permit,PL-Plan,CC-Code Case,BL-Bussiness Licensing,VIO-Violation From: 3/2/2020 to 3/6/2020 ADJ-Fee Adjustment, DEL-Fee Deletion Record Fee Name User Original Amt.Current Amt. Comment Date/Time Module Type JB14000309 JBMASTER:ELEC-SPECIA Fernanda Silva $100.00 $0.00 AGREED ORDER(SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS) 315/2020 2:21:24PM CC ADJ L MASTER FEES V JC14000679 JCMASTER:LIC/CU-CODE Fernanda Silva $53,350.00 $0.00 per legal dept notes and email from code compliance,this 3/5/2020 3:35:00PM CC ADJ SM Fines case is in compliance timely. this fines should not be imposed. \jJC15000686 JCMASTER:MARINE-COD Fernanda Silva $9,600.00 $0.00 THIS FINE DOES NOT MATCH WITH THE CURRENT 3/4/2020 4:07:46PM CC DEL \ � E SM Fines_ AMOUNT.MIGRATED FROM ENERGOV. _ \JJB14000309 Total Fine with Interest- Fernanda Silva $146,991.33 $897.00 AGREED ORDER PRESENTED (SEE ATTACHED 3/5/2020 2:19:14PM VIO ADJ Building DOCUMENTS) \\IJCI3000171 Total Fine with Interest- Femanda Silva $248,075.16 $12,878.00 agreed order presented at the hearing(see attached 3/2/2020 11:17:43AM VIO ADJ Code _ document) _ _ //'`► Totals: $458,116.49 $13,775.00 ilm2.OM?AK 4. at ofiil /• Reviewer Name All 3 11 26 Us Sign-ture ane r -te / 11 / •r4 '.,J# , . 4 31 lo* 1