DD 30 L 1 8001<3568 !,~Gt240 ~ DEED OF DEDICATION t./ Na v e/?JD ~r THIS INDENTURE, Made this / day of ;}~l'L~mUL:1', A. D. 1949, betvleen E. r,. LOCKHART and HILDAH'd. LOCKHART, his vrife, and HE:rm.OCO HOLDING CO. INC., a Florida Corporation, Parties of the First Part, and CITY OF MIM1I BEACH, a Mm1icipal Corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H : That the Parties of the First Part, for ~~d in consideration of the sum of Ten (~?lO.OO) DOllars, and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt vlhereof is hereby aClmovTledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual USe of the ~ublic, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of Mi~ni Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The easterly thirty-five (35) feet of Lots Thirty- three (33) and Thirty-four (34), Block Three (3) of the SECOlill OCE_~J FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said thirty-five (35) feet being measured at right angles to the '.!esterly line of Harding Drive, as shovTn on said Plat, (now Indian Creek Drive). The Parties of the First Part hereby reserve unto themselves, their heirs, administrators and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, vhenever duly vacated or abandoned. lIT 'IITNESS 'JHERc.:OF, the Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their hands and seals and have caused these presents to be siEned by its duly authorized officers, the corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its secretary, In tjoe p,resenc~ of, JouL_ it'" '-- 6~~ ~ ear above~en. <LP.. Seal) ;:.~ (Seal) l\.ttest: .........'...'.,'.>\., ....... l I' "I t ....-- ,lLiC" '1 .,.-4:'>.\J..../ff'.,.~.. '~ -'" '>~. t" 3... '" " NfW ",."\ ,.,.." .,:':" F .. ,..~, 1t ....... ,. to-.''': ,;ill) -.,. BT .',," :: "I" .1..:2< ,."' . 0 ' . ,"~) , >t...:.. ~j f ':. "'..- ~r8~s~Ltfdent ~;( ~'~;:."~" ,= ~ j 1 J~ .... '., ~ .,..") ry"l ~~'I ~ / . . ..... I I '- ~,,'~ c., ecretary 'i, o() ...,"-~- .' ~ ~ , () ,',1 , :, ..- HEl1ROCO HOLDIEG CO. IHe. / /--- -----' BOOK 3568 PAGE 241 STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COUNTY OF DADE: I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmowlede;ments, E. L. LOCKHART and HILDAH 'cI. LOCKI:Lil.RT, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrlliDent, and aclalowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. 'JITHE8S NY 11l\.ND and official seal at Miami Beach, /Jf ~ay of ~ County of Dade and State of Florida, this A. D. 1949. i: ...-.." ~ ".~, ",..~'" ~ ,~...: ~'j. L'111""; .;, ~-'\, ....,..."....... oJ) ~, ,.~ ~ .'""'1 .~...~ ./ , OJ f"\ 1", .., {..,,- .. ~J /) : ,.;t,;...i ........ v:';"": '.";;; ....\"'" o ll"" t; ,,' ~ My corrmission expires: 'IlL ~/ rf STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COmITY OF DADE: ./ ~V~/?7,6e:r I I-LSREBY CE1"1TIFY that on this /'7' day of S61"'t,Ll.....~_, A. D. 1949, before me personally appeared d 19 fl7 I.ne ~ .er.19 'rTe r /9.11/</ H/9o-+"~~"< #. .8r.l9r'Ter President and Secretary, respectively, of Henroco Holding Co. Inc., a Florida Corporation, to me knovm to be the persons "Tho signed the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally ac]moc'Tledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. ~IITNESS my signature and official seal at Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, the day and year last aforesaid. Not~~~~t Large. ~. I? /9';-/ IT1' Ny commission expires: " "'Ii, :. S U.l.'/':'J,,-, c, ........i_"'.i>...' ..'.." 1,-:" ~", ~ ,'-,' ~;o...., ,,'." ~ ~", : ...... 1::_. . ",..iI. ,L_ ~ .. \,~ ~ "".... . ': '-,.\ :." d '\ \J g .~..: ~, p U' ., \.. .. ~1' tP ' L,) ... ......., rOo -~Q. .." >\.., i"',. .... .'"". '< _ r't' .ci........... "". \.... , O~ FL~';\\. State of Florida, CT~t'! of Da~e, This instn':~c:lt \'/C3J,' IJ; r33:;rj the_m__~R.day oL~ 1952 at/L.LZ.ArJ ::::J ~~:j rsccrC:ed inn_u _&f'~.__ BooL~~_X__on FZ6e_mg~e_Fi:s No. 8B__(3..~LL!? E. B. LEATHERMAN Clerk CiZrtL, By~_ / ~ /~ .D.C ---