DD 30 L 2 " BOOK "8"68 Pft.Gf 584 PARTIJ\L RELEASE. OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: \'jHEREAS, HEN"ROCO HOLDIPG co. INC., a Florida Corporation, and E. L. LOCICHABT and HILDAH W. LOCKH&BT, his wife, by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 13th day of July, A. D. 1949 , and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida, in Mortgage Book 2138 , page 200 granted and conveyed unto CEASE FEDERAL SAVEGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a United states Corporation, its successors and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secu~~ the payment of the sum of ... ..... ... ~. .:'. with interest as therein mentioned: AND WHEREAS, the said HE}ffiOCO HOLDING CO. INC., a Florida Corporation, and E. L. LocY~art and Hildah W. Lock- hart, his i'rife, have requested the said C!'IASE FEDERAL SA VIlmS AN LOAN ASSOCIATION, to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage, NO\"I, THEREFORE, KNOlA[ YE, That the said CHASE FEDEliAL SA.VIlTGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as well in consideration of the premises as of the sum of tions One U51.00) Dollar and other valuable considera-/'BI~n:r:s., to it in hand paid by the said Henroco Holding Co. Inc., and E. L. Lockhart and Hildah \'J. Lockb.art, his vlife, at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit- '- , - ", 'BOOR;' 868 PAGE585 claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said Henroco Holding Co. Inc., and E. L. Lockhart and Hildah w. Locldlart, his wife, their heirs, successors . ~and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: The easterly thirty-five (35) feet of Lots Thirty-three (33) and Thirty-four (34), Block Three (3) of the SECOrID OCEAN FRONT SlJBDIVISION, according to the }\.mended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Bool: 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said thirty-five (35) feet being measured at right angles to the "les- terly line of Harding Drive, as shown on said Plat, (no,'l lndian Creek Drive). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said Henroco Hold:Lng Co. Inc., and E. L. Lockhart and Hildah 'il. Lockhart, his vlife, their heirs, successors and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, always, nevertheless, that nothing herein con- tained shall in an~"ise impair, alter or diminish the ef- fect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the said Mortgagee has hereunto caused these presents to 'Je SiGned by its duly autj;l:l?,I'1z.~d set mmac aocloserm ~ , ~ '" ., w~J L" " officers, ,i ts cor:ora~~ seal t~ be affixed ':,'#~,'",.,-Eis~t~d'bY{~ Ac.Y...:b;.x# S retar/, t,"lS ...1Q.1.tl oay of Nove.Jli~J'/" 1,-~<':'1:l. 1. S. d d d d ...,. ~ " ~gne , sea e an e-, ' ' C> ;: ~ .' . livered in he presence C==A3:8 F:GD.8?,AL ;3AV"UI~S A~ LO~lN lW9P",vCf-\TION of- ~ ~'V .,. ~) c,; ~ ~ '""}; ',;; ~ _/ _, '.: J6~~;~~.,~ ~) .L eSlo.enc - ~ ,c - ' ~fi(~t4'- , (Seal) Asst. IJecretary ~. -. - BOOK 868 PAGE 586 8TAT~ OF FLORIDA: ss COmITY OF DADE: I E&\EBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared I)efore me, [1.:1 officer duly authorized to administer oaths 2;ld tal-;:e ac1;:novTledgments, C. L. CLEMENTS and ALLEN ROBINSON Asst. P:C'esic1ent al'lc1^Secretary , respectively, of CIL\S3 FZDE:-l;li, SAVIlTGS ).18 LO)..N ASSOCLcTIOl'T, a Uni ted3tates Corporation, to De "Tell l;:nmm to be the ,ersons described in and 'vTho exec1J,ted the foregoine:; instrument and duly acl;:y,ocrledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed as the act and deed of said corporation. nr '.!ITIFGSS.IEK1F:OF, I have hereuD,to set ny hand and affixed my official seal at Hiami Beach, said County alld State, this 30th day of November" '\.. D. 1949. Ny commission expires: State of Florida, County of Dade, This instrument w~s r;:3:~~[,[O^'::_t;~:~_~~~"") 1952 atd/:/.Z4'.,...rJ , ," ; ["vvL .~'--- ...--...-....,-. BoolL__.l'f.!.K. en l c".'j..;;?%f., " "c. "'.d~YLL. F 8. LEP,'THEF:IV'PI' Clerk Cir:.ui' Crl r' RY.~