DD 30 K l.~o: . E~ B. Leatherman Clerk Cireni t Co'rt GO'lrt =~0115e ;,iarl 30, Florida 'f ,.,' ~ -., , l::lle ,! j..L 1~Le: tortion of Lots. 31 and 32, Block 3. ;:iecond Oeean Front Subdivision. [er,r ~>ir: ;~ncJosed herewith is Deed hbove property f'or wecording. i3tato docu!:1entary sLamp. of Dedication on Kindly J.":'ix a 10~' ~:l6 k-' ,lill Ycm please bill the eit:T of Hir.uli Beach tor your rocording fee. SEl<' Very truly yours, C. u. 'romUnaon City Clerk b19~~ MEMORANDUM HE: LOTS 31 & 32, Block 3, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. Deed from Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund already delivered, but we must record deed of dedication. 6/25/51 BS:m OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ~~rI~O'~ F LOR. I D A November 14, 1950 ft/Jl &> J}' RECEIVED of Ben Shepard, City Attorney, Deed No. 19600 from Internal Improvement Fund, State of Florida to F. B. R. HOLDING CORP., covering a parcel of land westerly of and adjacent to Lots 31 and 32, Block 3, Amended Plat of Second Ocean Front Sub. i!h9~ February 10, 195'0 F. B. R. Holding Corporation c/o Mr. Martin L. Fisher Sherry Frontenac Hotel 6~6~ Oollins Avenut Miami Beach, Florida. Q',mtlemen I I am enclosing herewith r or your rile an executed copy of the agreement in regard to the Indian Oreek Drive widening project. The original agre..ent baa been recorded. The Deed of Dedication rererred to therein is being held by me in accordance with the terms or said agreement. Very truly your't O. W. T,.'J.:lrl'CIIl Oity Olerk CVT/p 1 enclosure BOOK 3459 fAGr'379' ---- ~ DEED ~. DEDICATION THIS INDENTURE, Hade this J 8 j4r1th~t2 V day of D ee~hlBer, A. D. 19.5<.' ~, betwe'en F. B. R. HOLDING CORP., a Florida Corporation, \ Party of the'\!irst Part, and CITY OF HIM11 BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H : That the Party of the First Part, for and in considera- tion of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valu- able considerations to it in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has dedicated and hereby dedicates to the perpetual use of the public, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The Easterly forty (40) feet of Lots Thirty-one (31) and Thirty-two (32) of Block Three (3) of the SECOrID OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said forty (40) feet being measured at right angles to the westerly line of Harding Drive as shown on said Plat (now Indian Creek Drive) . The Party of the First Part hereby reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or abandoned. IN ':JITNESS 1,,'lHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be siCned in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers, its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its secretary, the day and year above w.r..itten.. -;:.~~ F. B...,", fY. HOLDIN~/eoEP. ' ~R-L) \. .. '" '-- By /---et(bf{~-- - "test, 't..~ . Ica Presl ent ~ BOOK3459 ~AGf380 STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COUNTY OF DADE: I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this /~ day of Di~t~%~, (r; :';;-l.,,' A. D. .1:949, before me personally appeared &~f::dlt.f. R/~l?cc/~';oL and I f/i3{:?. J. 31-.2..',.",(/:-"'> lIiU~ President and Secretary, respectively, of F. B. R. HOLDING CORP., a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such offi- cers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at ~ in the County of Dade and State of Florida, the day and year above mentioned. x. . 6. dJ Notary Public, State of Florida l\l! \iil/H11t(lf, > "1~:;"',,~.,.,,iJ:;"<. .-::.// MY. c'oinmission expires: !c_~j; ". ',.. ,%i ""_~',' q ,_") -: :-': '.' )\.. ". - , (), , / v :J. ::;. ~"...., _,~', < ^" .. .......;0..1 , - -" ..-\." '- -:':~':,~>' .>:.. ~ ~ , f" ~:...::; ~_ ,r ...'i '~~"i~_.' ~\"'.' 1'1;,) 11; \ ""',,' ~1/IOll~;f"j~\~\' ,\' State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the._~..f:_day ~ 1951 at:_,L?':'(i_~_b:M and duly recorded in____. ~-=:_ Book2~-q__.on Page__3.Z~.file No. fl.A_____....~ lJ--St.;. E. B. LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court B1~~~~ o.q .