DD 30 K (3) 3')"1" '3<)f' soor;",..l5d ~4G~'.~;J , /"7 -r.t7 THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this / ,/ day of ~ A. D. 1950, by and between F. B. R. HOLDING CORP., a Florida Corporation, Party of the First Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H : That, HHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore entered into an agreement under date of January 18, 1950, filed for record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Dade County, Florida, on the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1950, under Clerk's File No. Z-11913, and recorded in Deed Book 3236, page 407, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, which said agreement contained, among other things, a provision requiring the comple- tion of the filling and bulkheading contemplated by said agreement not later than June 1, 1950, and providing that said agreement shall be at an end after June 1, 1950, and WHEREAS, the Parties to said agreement mutually desire to extend said time limit to SeDtember 1, 1950, Nm1, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties that said agreement be and is hereby modified and amended by inserting "September 1, 1950" therein in the place of rfJune 1, 195011 "lherever said "June 1, 1950" appears in said agreement. IT IS AGREED between the parties that nothing herein con- tained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect of the covenants, terms and conditions of the original agreement hereinbefore referred to, except in so far as said agreement is specifically amended and modified hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be signed in their corporate names, by the duly authorized officers, and the corporate seals to be affixed, the day and year above written. -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA goo~.8280 ~)l,Gt330 F. B. R. Attest: \ -,~~ \A '~L,;). ''S-eeretary \. 6 CITY OF Nli\HI BR.'\.CH . \ \ ~~:,., \~ ,",<>..., ..- ~. . . .~ 0(' ~ ( '-'1 ,/, ~ ..(y>y-- . , .- Hayor :".1.- , ;:1-: . I' ( < r '-. ;), " T r . ',;cD!* ~ -(' . Attest: ,{ __~ ~ - ,f';':"" . ,."0,, ,.. Ci ty Clerk 'l' ."....... \ (~ Z [' ~ ' 3TAT~ OF FLORIDi\.: ss COtINT':{ OF DADE: I HE'P',BY Ci2'.l1TIFY that on this day nersonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and ta1c8 ac1<::nmvledf,ments, 8EEN/1: f3J:i!!c.u~tJN" and 11/4R J. (3.L.4Ct<QC Y/CF... Presic1E:)),lt awl Secretary, res]ectively, of '/. B. H. rIOLDIEG CORP., a corporation, to me Hell Imovn to be the nersors described in and vTho executed the foregoing instrument and duly ac1m01:rledged be- fore me that they executed the same for the Durposes therein ex- pressed as the act and deed of said corporation. IN Irr.I'r;~SS ':nL;:m'~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at ~ ~, said County and State, this /71!: day of ~ A. D. 1950. . i" I;' . ~..-,.....~:~~(~ , ct~~ ,'ublic, State of Florid at Large : -." ~ ... y' '.-" :" ~~)/! , /-..... ..~,.., , . .' l~ commission expires: v _.. -, /U'}-V &><:/ - / If .J./ State of Florida. of Dade, This inslrumc:i;;,.< ,'!?rJ fN recQrd the /c> d ' f 'h-. , 1950 e;; J "m._..,..,_ a) (I ....~,-:.:::~-e aL~:.~~~:fyj ,:n;! GUlj" r"~ord"rl:" ~-.~ 'L,' _ "'" ........ ....,. HI ~~~..;~ ,~-------..#:j d Book..,.:l<2..fc;'_,Cfi Pa;::e.~~ 9 Fl'jP Vr," 'Zm..:;:=..~~=.;,,~,- o --_._.:;.":..~ .... 1 !'..l. 'T~""'c:'_~' ",_T -2 _ E..... 8. l-E.~ T,!E,RMAN ---~ - l;lerk CIrCUli Cilurt 7- BJ -~. ....~;/~----..:..-"'-<>:::::-..D.C. OFFICE OF CITY ATT'ORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA