DD 30 I J~ 28, 1951 Hon. E. B. Leatherman Clerk C1rcui t Court Court Rouee M1ami 30, Florida Re: Portion ot Lot 28, Blook 3, Seoond Ooean Front Subdivision Dear Sil"l Enolosed herewith are'Deed ot Dedioatlon and Partial Release of Mortga~e, which kindly place of record. Will you please atfi~ a State documentary stamp tor ten cents to the Deed ot Dedioation and bill the City ot Miami Beach tor the amount of recording fees. Very truly youn, C. W. Tomlinson City Clerk dr Ene. 10 <) ~ fR MEMORANDUM RE: LOT 28. Block 3. 2nd Ocean Front Subdivision Deed from Trustees of Internal Improvement Fund already delivere~but deed of dedication and release of mortgage to be recorded. 6/25'/51 BS:m June '. 19fo Ie4teuD cI '","11 At_..,... at taw 1J22 A1tJoe4 I. 4u.Pat BuUct1D& Miud. 32, Plor1da AttenUoas Mr. D. H. Re4teua I am re~ to ,..,. he:fW1l1h .... .0. 19'U rr. the Iftter.nal Iapl"O'Naent J'aa4, .tate ot ftorUa, to De.w1lle Corporat10J1. A Delaware Oorporat1oa author1se4 to do busme.. 1n the stat. ot ft01'14a, CO'ftl'1n1 a parcel of land ve.terl1' of and a43aoent to to" 28, BlOctk 3, cendecl Plat of Seooad Ocean J'ront SUW1:Y11101l. 'love .,." t1'U17. c. w. '-'i... 01. Cleft I- ..1..... , e/9~--T '---- ... REDFEARN & FERRELL ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW D. H. REDFEARN R.H.F'ERRELI... EDWIN O. SIMON 1~22 ALFRED I. DuPONT BUILDING MIAMI :32, FLORIDA May 26, 1950 Mr. C. W. Tomlinson, City Clerk Mi ami Be ach Florid a Dear Sir: 24, the I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May in which you enclosed deed from the Trustees of Internal Improvement-Fund to Deauville Corp. This is not the name of the corporation. Its correct name is"Deauville Corporation, a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in the state of Florida'; so I think that ltile deed should be changed. I am herewith returning it, and r will appreciate it very llluch if you will see that the proper name is used, so that there will be no further trouble with the title. Yours very truly, ~~~ D. H. Redfearn DHR: EG Enc. ~.3~ r ---- May aIt, 19'0 Mr. D. H. Re41"earn Att.omeyat La" 1'22 Altnd I. duPont Bu11dlnl JUaai 32 t Florida :Dear Sir I I aclmOV'le4.e receipt ot ,ova or May 23,_ 19S0. together with the enclosures in connection w1 us. Lot 28, Block ~J Second Ooean Front Subdivision, owned. by Deauv1ue Corporation, 8. Delaware cCl'l'Poration. I enclose herM th deed trOll the 'lruaue. ot the Internal Improvement Fund ot the state ot Flo1"14a to Deauv11le corporation. conveying a .trip ot .ubmer.e4 land vestward].y ot and ad3acent to said Lot 28. Very truly your.. C. V. TCII1.1naGll Ci 117 Clen CJW'I./p 1 enolOlur8 ~-3J~ REDFEARN & FERRELL ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 0.1-1. REDFEARN R. H. FERRELL EDWIN O. SIMON 1522 ALFRED I. DUPONT BUILDING MIAMI :32, FLORIDA May 23, 1950 Mr. C. W. Tomlinson, City Clerk Miami Beach Florida Dear Mr. Tomlinson: At the request of Mr. Ben Shepard, tp whom I am sending a copy of this letter, I am herewith enclosing you three copies of partial release of mortgage, four copies or the agreement, and the deed or dedication, all pertaining to lot 28, block 3, of Second Ocean Front Sub- division, on Indian Creek Drive. I will appreciate it ir you will return to me an executed copy of the agreement and of the partial re- lease after the city has signed the same. Please also send me the deed which you have recently procured from the Trustees or the Internal Improve- ment Fund to Deauville Corporation, conveying the submerged land in Indian Creek which is to be bulkheaded and rilled in by the city under the terms of the agreement. Yours verry truly, .6(/.~ D. H. Redfearn DHR::EG CC: Mr. Ben Shepard City Attorney Miami Beach, Florida DOW ALL MER B'! 1'HESB PUSIi;ftS, WlmREAS, DE4tJVILL1 CORPOllAftOll .. MUOR PltAllJC O. PRUIft, .. a_a:,'U', b7'. In4en1nu-e ot Mol>'taaag. dated the l~t;h 4. ot "ebrua1'7, A. D. 19lt6, and reoo1"Cled in the otn.. ot tbel Clerk ot t;he. C1Nu1t Court 1n an4 tor the Count, of Dad., State ot ftor14., in Koncage Book 1638, at pace 3". ll"aDted mt oon... v.yed unto DAJ)I..cO~fMO""'T_ 'ttTIS IlSlJIWfCI COMPAlIY, ita nee..s.s an4 ...tcu, the :pres., ~ere1n part1f1U1ulJ' 4"01'1 b8c1, to ''''UJ'e the permen' ot the .. of THO HUNDRED MID FIFTY THO..:SA.:."m AND NO/lOa DOLLARS ($250,000.00) With inUres' .S ~td.n lllentt0ne4, .aid lI01'tIage hav1nc bMD. heretot'ore ..sdaned to 1'he ive.tun and SOu1dwrn Lit. Innnn.. OOllPan)", an Ohio Oorporation, and wmm~s t the aata DBAUVILI.B OORPOlllTIOtf _ MU01\ 1I'B.AIlK O. PBUI1"1', ... Reo.i..., have requ..ted the ,aU THE WS!J:U' AID SOU'l1IE ,If LIFE I1i8URA1fCE COMPANY, an Ohio Col"pO.ratt011, to re1ea,. tM ~... h81."81na.t'ter -.ibe4, b81nc part ot e.14 mon.aae4 preal'.., boll the 11_ and operation of s814 Nortgas., lIOW, mBREP'ORE, lOfOW D, !bat the .dd 1'BI WB.ftERN Aft[) SOU'l'HBfUf LIFE I1fSl1RAItCE COKP.u:t, a. well in considerstlon 01' the premia.. ... of the ... of 11.00 anA other good and valuable eon... sideratione, to lt 1n hand paid by the .aid DBAUVILLB CORPORATION aDd KAJ'OR lR.ARIl: 0.. PRUIft, as :a..81.... at the time 01' the ..... oution hereot t the r eoeipt whereot 1, Mr$'by ao1mowled.Sed, does 1'81'., rel...8 t qui t-cla1a, exonera t. and d1s.harS. tl"ClIl the 11_ and operation of aa14 aortsage unto the aaid PBi.t.TVILLlI'J CORPOftATIOW and MAlOR ll"R..t\.NK O. PRUITT, as Reo.1'YR, their h.1l'., aue..nor. aud asdena, aU that pi..., pareel or tract ot land, belns a part ot the prem1... cormt,..4 by sd.d 1nC1'taas., to-vttt Bea1.nn1nc at a point vtdeh 11 the intersetUon of the souther1,- line of Lot !vont,....icht (28), Block !hMe ()) ot' the SECOND OCEAN FROrr.r SUBDIVISION, .ec01'd1ns to the AmC1d4114 Plat thereof, reoo1"Cled -1. 1n Plat Book 28, ... pace 28, ot th. Publl. llMG:N.a ot Dad. Coun_. nand... and the westerly lin. at Hudinl Dn.., a. shoW. on sald Plat. (nOlI Indian en. Drift)) theno. vestU'lyalong the lai4 southe2"17 Une ot Lot t'W'ent,..s.Sht (28) tor a elistan.e ot thl~eyen ()1) teet to a point, thenc. northerly along a lin. tot' a dietane. ot seventy.a.in. and leyen-tenthl (79 .1) teet. more ot' le.., to a. point on the northerly lin. ot lald Lot TlIenty-eiabt (28) sd4 point ~iDl fon7 (ltO) tee' ".ate::r~ ot .a14 we.t.r17 line ot HaJ'd1ng Dnve (nO'll In41an Creek Dr1....)' thence eaater17 alone sdd northerly line ot Lot ""_t"...tcht (28) for a dl.tan.e ot .tort" (ltO) t..t to .. point on ,aid ",..terly :un. or iia1"d1n& Dd.... (now In4ian end Dri..>; tbenee aoutherly at 0llI laid 'IIe.terly line of HardinC Drive (now Indian Creek Dri....) for 11 diltan.ee of seventy-nj,ne and Mven-tenthe (19.'7) teet, more or le..t to the point of b.C1nn.1ng. TO HA.VE AND TO HOLD the .... ..nth the ..ltpurtenan.... _to the sald DBAUVILLI CORPORATION and MAJOR mAlIC O. PRt1Ift, at Reee1'ftr, their IUd.ssen and a signa , to","r he", con....t.. aD4 d1MharCed ot and f'l'cs the l1en ot .aid -onca,., and "'U'T part thereot; Provided, a.l.1iq" nev.-thele.s, that no.'. hereSJt .ont.~n.ed shall 111 m,..s... 1apdr. alter or dtJft1J\tah the etten, 11_ 02" iaoUmb1"ano. ot the at'Ol'esa1d Ilon,ag. on the r_d.n1nI part ot Mid .ortgqed pJ'8l1..s, no' here. rei...ect IbRm., 02" 81fI ot the r1ghts and 1'Sl4Idle. ot the holder thereof. IN t<1IfBSS wmmOOF, the ,dd Hort..... has causell these pre..'. to be Itped :ta it. naae, by ita duly authoriz" otn.....,. itl oOl'])01"ate .eal to be ~t .tt..W by 1ts se.retary, ~s 11th 4.,. ot May A. D. 19!W. '.mE W'&StIII'm AlW SOtmmRl LIFE INSURA.NC.E COMPAft BY. s ) i~ V := e~1i;-< AtMat. -2_ S'rAft or OHIO . sa OOONfi OF HAMILTON ~ X HERFJJY CDnn that on thiS:11 th dq o~ May A" 'D. 1~1), before me pertonal1y apr.teare4 Vim. c. Wil1ging and J. E. Meehan Vice /P~aldent an4 S$OJ'etary. relpeotlvely, of' THE WES'l'ERlf AND SOUTRSlU( LIFE INSUlW'ICE COMPAlTY, an Ohio Corporatlon, to me known to be the pe:rlona who s1gned the fOrelGing instrument aa such otti.- oera, and severally acknowledged the eucutlon thereot to 'be their tree aot and de" a. lUoll orn.ers, ~or the uses aDd purposes therein mentioned.; and that they &1"1'1_ thereto the offlo1al ,eal o~ sUd oorporation, and that the sdA 1na~t is the act and deed of' said oorporat10n. WITN'ESS 117 signature and offio1al ..al at Cincinnati 1n the aforeaa1d. County and state, the day and year la.t aforesaid. M7 cOll:llld...icln expire.: September 3, 1950.